108 Rights Managed
Christmas children by Florence HardySix little girls wearing matching red capes with mop caps and fur muffs, make their way down a snowy slope with a Christmas tree. c.1920
Art deco illustration of girl as a Christmas tree, 1920s. Artwork by Valdes Date: 1920s
Putting up the Christmas Lanterns. Artist: Anon. An Edwardian boy and girl preparing for Christmas Date: 1899
Pulling Christmas Crackers. Artist: Anon. An boy and girl, scared of the noise, pulling Christmas crackers Date: 1899
Christmas - Couple with small childA couple stand in a snow covered street looking down at a little girl who offers them some holly. 1906
Christmas. Children in snowy fields. Artist: Anon. Winter scene. A group of children running through snowy fields Date: circa 1908
Christmas. 2 boys on a sledge. Artist: Anon. 2 boys on sledge hurtling down a steep icy slope Date: circa 1906
Christmas turkey Date: circa 1920
Christmas. 3 girls with a baby and a harlequin doll. Artist: Harriet Bennett. 3 girls playing with a baby boy and a new toy. Date: circa 1900
Christmas. A girl and her obedient dogs. Artist: Anon. A girl, dressed in coat, bonnet and muffler, prepares to go out for a walk in the snow withher eager dogs. Date: circa 1902
Two Christmas angels, one carrying a tree. circa late 19th century
Two angels on a Christmas Card circa late 19th century
Children building a snowman on a Christmas card 20th century
Poinsettia on a Christmas cardPoinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) on a Christmas card 20th century
Angel with a Christmas tree scrap circa late 19th century
Angel on a Christmas Card circa early 20th century
Angel in a winter scene on a Christmas Card
Angel decorating Christmas treeAngel decorating a Christmas tree on a Christmas card circa early 20th century
Father Christmas delivering presents to a child who is asking him to fill his stocking 20th century
Angel on a French Christmas card scattering petals circa early 20th century
Traditional Father Christmas delivering presents circa late 19th century
Children opening presents on Christmas morning around the tree 20th century
Beagle Waits for SantaA beagle puppy sleeps on a sofa beside the fire, with his Christmas stocking hanging over the mantlepiece in aniticipation of a visit by Father Christmas. Date: early 1930s
Boy with Christmas Tree by Ethel ParkinsonA young boy in 17th century costume carries a small Christmas tree in a pot. He looks as if he might come from Puritan stock so could be in big trouble when he gets home. c.1903
Christmas Cracker box label
Christmas crackers box labelLabel for a box of Batgers Carnival crackers featuring a couple in fancy dress, he dressed as Harlequin, playing a ukelele and a banjo. c.1925
Christmas cracker box designA jolly design for a box of Christmas crackers featuring three children; two are taking wicked enjoyment in pulling a cracker and frightening an innocent looking little blonde girl. c.1930
Christmas cracker labelsA jolly, festive scene showing a family enjoying party games at home during the Christmas period. Date: c.1925
Christmas PuppiesA puppy is not just for Christmas... two puppies standing either side of a mantlepiece, which has stockings hanging from it, waiting for Santa. Date: early 1930s
Pierrot and Pierrette at Christmas by Florence Hardy
Batgers Christmas Cracker labelElves or pixies dressed in red rather over-do it blowing bubbles. Date: c.1925
Advertisement for Noel aperitifAdvertisement for Noel, a wine-based aperitif. Showing Father Christmas trudging through the snow with gifts, including several bottles, grapes, a tree, and toys. 20th century
Father Christmas delivering presents
Children in the winter snow at ChristmasChristmas card showing children in the winter snow at Christmas c. 1900s
Father Christmas helping children decorate the tree circa early 20th century
Montage of Christmas scenes with Father Christmas, children and carol singers, based on Victorian scraps. Date: circa late 19th century
Father Christmas delivering presentsChristmas card of Father Christmas in a wood, delivering presents c. 1900s
Father Christmas delivering presentsFrench Christmas card Father Christmas delivering presents with a sack of toys circa early 20th century
Father Christmas filling stockings by the fireplace on Christmas Eve circa early 20th century
Portrait of Father Christmas on a Christmas card advertising safety matches 20th century
Angels by a Christmas treeFrench Christmas card showing angels by a Christmas tree circa early 20th century
Children collecting Christmas decorationsTwo children collecting holly Christmas decorations in winter circa late 19th century
Father Christmas filling stockingFather Christmas filling a stocking with Christmas presents on Christmas Eve 20th century
Angel looking at a Christmas treeFrench Christmas card showing an angel looking up at a Christmas tree circa early 20th century
Boy playing Santa Claus delivering Christmas presents in a vintage model car 20th century
Mother and children Christmas shopping carrying parcels home c. 1930s
French Christmas card with two angels circa late 19th century
Children opening presents on Christmas morningChildren sitting on their bed, opening presents on Christmas morning. circa early 20th century
Traditional Father Christmas delivering presents late 19th century
Father Christmas delivering presents to childrenFather Christmas delivering presents to three children on Christmas Eve 20th century
Father Christmas decorating a treeChristmas card of Father Christmas decorating a Christmas tree 20th century
Father Christmas delivering presents down chimney circa late 19th century
Cats waiting for their Christmas puddingFour cats sitting at a table, waiting for their Christmas pudding to be served. circa early 20th century
Portrait of Father Christmas on a Christmas cardPortrait of Father Christmas with holly on a Christmas card c. 1900s
Father Christmas delivering presents late 19th century
Christmas card with kittens playing in the snowChristmas card with three kittens playing in the snow -- sadly, one of them has a robin under its paw. circa early 20th century
Father Christmas delivering presents to children asleep in bed on Christmas Eve 20th century
Christmas PuddingA steaming Christmas Pudding with a sprig of holly on top. 20th century
Father Christmas delivering presents to a boy on Christmas Eve late 19th century
Child carrying a Christmas TreeA child in white winter clothing carrying a Christmas tree. c. 1900s
Father Christmas writing his list of who has been naughty and who has been nice 20th century
Father Christmas shortbread advertFather Christmas advertising Crawfords Scotch Shortbread biscuits circa early 20th century
Stained glass window of the NativityA French Christmas card of a stained glass window design, depicting the Nativity 20th century
Father Christmas food advert delivering supplies from John Barker and Co. in a cart drawn by turkeys and geese 1903
Family around the Christmas treeGerman Christmas card showing a family around the Christmas tree with Father Christmas hiding in the background circa late 19th century
Traditional family Christmas with tree
Cats pulling crackers at a Christmas partyFour black cats pulling crackers at a Christmas party circa early 20th century
Portrait of Father Christmas on a Christmas card circa early 20th century
Young woman rejecting a Christmas PuddingA Christmas card showing a young woman rejecting a Christmas Pudding, with a warning of the dangers of the plums within (she doesn t want to lose her nice slim figure). circa early 20th century
Two angels watch two children by a Christmas treeTwo angels watch two children with their Christmas presents, standing in front of a Christmas tree late 19th century
Angel decorating a Christmas treeAn angel decorating a Christmas tree circa early 20th century
Father Christmas delivering presents to childrenFather Christmas delivering presents and a Christmas tree to a girl sleeping by the fireplace on Christmas Eve circa early 20th century
Preparing the Christmas mealA montage of three scenes of children in the kitchen with the cook preparing the Christmas meal circa late 19th century
Two cats under the Christmas mistletoe circa late 19th century
Father Christmas delivering presents on roofFather Christmas on a roof, delivering presents via a window circa early 20th century
Portrait of Father Christmas 20th century
Children with the fairy on top of the Christmas Tree 20th century
Traditional Christmas montage
Father Christmas delivering presents around the Christmas tree c.1900s
Father Christmas playing a trumpet in the snow circa late 19th century
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