Disused tram, Blackpool St Annes & Lytham TramwaysA disused tram of the Blackpool St Annes & Lytham Tramways, damaged and rusting in the open air
Tragic parachute accident of Mr CockingThe tragic parachute accident of Mr R Cocking. The balloon ascended 5000 feet, the parachute was detached, was found to be damaged, and Mr Cocking fell to his death. He was 61 years old. 24 July 1837
The Sky Devils Air Circus PosterPoster, The Sky Devils Air Circus, Great 1944 Display, 10 years ahead of its time! Come and win 500. Issued by Air Pageants Ltd. 1944
Book cover design, Through the Air: a Narrative of Forty Years Experience as an Aeronaut, by John Wise, Philadelphia: To-day Printing & Pub. Co, 1873. Showing a balloon over the sea. 1873
Wartime poster advertising Savings Certificates, said to be safe as the British Empire (marked red on the map). Showing returns on investments over 5 years and 10 years. 1940s
Woman aged 108, JapanWoman claiming to be 108 years old, Japan. circa 1890s
Scene in Ludgate Hill, London, with flags and garlands for the Silver Jubilee celebrations. 1935
View of Fleet Street, London, with flags and garlands for the Silver Jubilee celebrations. 1935
Silver Jubilee decorations, Ludgate Circus, LondonSilver Jubilee decorations on a building at Ludgate Circus, London. 1935
Silver Jubilee street scene in London, with garlands and flags. 1935
Procession in Central LondonAerial view of the Silver Jubilee procession in Central London, with flags and garlands. 1935
Little girl writing on a blackboardA little girl, two years old, making interesting chalk marks on a large blackboard. Date: 1968
Label design for Strathisla Scotch WhiskyLabel design for Strathisla, Finest Highland Malt Scotch Whisky, over 8 years old, distilled by William Longmore & Company Limited, Milton Distillery, Keith, Scotland
Advertisement for Cicam razor bladeAdvertisement for the new Cicam razor blade, quality guaranteed. Showing a man using the same brand of blade over the years, as he gets older. 20th century
Scottish troops on New Years Day, WW1Scottish troops enjoying a sing-song on the Western Front on New Years Day, World War One. Several of the men are playing bagpipes. circa 1916
Scottish officers on New Years Day, Western Front, WW1
Just Two by Muriel Dawson -- a toddler with two candles on a birthday cake. 1930
Scottish officers celebrate New Years Day, WW1Scottish officers celebrating New Years Day on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
WW2 - Water Pollution 500 fine and two years imprisonment Date: circa 1941
Bed-ridden woman at old peoples homeA woman who has been bed-ridden for twenty years at an old peoples home in Daventry stares at a television from under her sheets. Date: 1964
Menu cover for RMS Samaria, Cunard Line, featuring New Years Eve celebration (Auld Lang Synes) Date: 1934
Cuckoo on the cherry tree, come down and tell me how many years have I got to live. 20th century
French Air Force PosterPoster advertising for pilots to join the French Air Force from the age of 17 years. Date: c.1930
After 100 years. Pass, Friends. Alls WellDemonstrating how, a century after Waterloo, France and Britain are now friends and Allies during World War One. Date: 1915
Bombsite BoyA little boy with a bandaged knee covers his face on a bombsite (12 years after the end of World War Two). Waverley Walk, Harrow Road area, London. 1957
Lusitania Menu1907 cabin tea menu from the passenger liner Lusitania which was sunk eight years later in May 1915 when hit by a torpedo by a German U-boat during WWI. Date: 1907
Japanese girls playing New Years games Date: 19th century
Label design for Crawfords Old Comber WhiskeyLabel design for Crawfords Extra Special Old Comber Whiskey, guaranteed 14 years old, highly recommended by the medical faculty! circa 20th century
Poster celebrating the Gotthard RailwayPoster celebrating the 75th anniversary of the opening of the Gotthard Railway, the splendid Swiss road to the sunny south. Date: circa 1957
Canine GravestoneThe grave of Memere beloved dog and World War One mascot, born 2 August 1914, died aged 15 years old. Date: 1930s
Varnishing Oars, 1930Mr. A. Bushnell painting the blade of an Oxford oar which will be used in the Oxford vs Cambridge boat race. For over 50 years he was responsible for such finishing touches. Date: 12 February 1930
Beadle of Ely PlaceThe Beadle at Ely Place, Holborn, London, calling out the time at the gateway between 10 p.m. and 5 o clock in the morning, as was the tradition for many years. Date: early 1930s
Talking Movie EquipmentEnglish Professor Low, demonstrating his Audiometer, which synchronises moving film with sound, an ingenious invention during early Talkies years. Date: early 1930s
Sheep Marker
The Earl of Pembroke Attacked by Spanish Fleet
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