Colour poster - British MilitaryMaking his Mouth Water, 1899
Silhouette Calendar -- June
Woman huddled against the windA woman in a blue fur-trimmed coat with pink lining, blue hat, and fur muff huddles against the wind. 1920s
Nursery Rhymes -- Mulberry BushNursery Rhymes -- Here we go round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, Here we go round the mulberry bush, On a cold and frosty morning. early 20th century
Silhouette Calendar -- March comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb. Showing a little boy looking at three lambs on a hillside. 20th century
Silhouette Calendar -- September, Farewell to the swallows. Showing a girl and a boy watching the swallows fly away to warmer climes. 20th century
Silhouette Calendar -- April showers bring May flowers. Showing a little girl in the rain, under a rather small umbrella. 20th century
Business card design, man on windy autumn dayBusiness card design, depicting a man in a yellow coat walking along smoking on a windy autumn day. 20th century
Nursery Rhymes -- accident, children in rainNursery Rhymes -- two illustrations. Above -- an accident on a country road involving a pedestrian and a horse-drawn cart. Below -- a girl and boy shelter under a tree during a shower of rain
Official programme cover, The London AerodromeOfficial programme cover for the London Aerodrome, Hendon, 7th London Aviation Meeting, 9-13 April 1914 (weather permitting)
Silhouette Calendar -- MaySilhouette Calendar -- Ne er cast a clout till May be out. Showing a little girl unwisely taking off her jacket on a mild May day. 20th century
National Air Safety Committee PosterPoster, National Air Safety Committee, providing instructions to new pilots -- please help to keep flying safe. 1933
Scene on the River Isis near OxfordWintry scene on the River Isis near Oxford, with two young men on bicycles and a team of rowers on the water. Date: circa 1950s
Furniture delivery in the snow, LondonDelivery of office furniture in the snow on a London street. Date: 1963
Winter costume in snow, Japan
Breakwater at Colombo, Ceylon (Sri Lanka)Breakwater with rough waves at Colombo, Ceylon (Sri Lanka). circa 1890s
Hexham, Northumberland, in the snow. late 19th century
Japanese woman in a rainstorm. circa 1890s
Street scene in Parma, Italy, on a rainy day. Date: 1963
British soldiers bathing in the open air, WW1British soldiers bathing in the open air during hot weather on the Western Front, World War One. circa 1916
Simla (Shimla), Himachal Pradesh, India
Flower sellers outside St Pauls Cathedral, London. 1936
Australian gunners loading shell, Western Front, WW1Australian gunners loading a shell into a big gun during hot weather on the Western Front, World War One. circa 1916
Foggy day in LondonA foggy day in the City of London, with the outline of St Pauls Cathedral in the distance. 20th century
New Year greetings card with skating bearA New Year greetings card with a white bear skating on a frozen lake. early 20th century
People on the frozen river at Guildford, SurreyPeople walking on the frozen river at Guildford in Surrey -- in the foreground is a man, a child, and a dachshund. Date: 1956
This way to winter sunshine through CooksIllustration on a Thomas Cook poster or handbill -- This way to winter sunshine through Cooks -- with a brightly coloured image of a Mediterranean village, with sea, villas, boats, and a palm tree
Children in the Luxembourg Gardens, ParisTwo girls and two boys in a sandpit in the Luxembourg Gardens, Paris. It must be cold weather, as the girls are wearing winter coats and hats. Date: 1955
Moorland landscapeA figure struggles across a windswept moorland landscape while clouds gather ominously above
Advertisement for the Cote d Azur, South of FrancePLM advertisement for the Cote d Azur, in the South of France, where the sun shines all year round. circa 1930s
Outside an old peoples home in DaventryScene outside an old peoples home in Daventry, West Midlands. An elderly man walks through the yard as the snow falls. Date: 1964
Rural scene in winter with snow on the groundA rural scene in winter with snow on the ground. A mother and her two children make their way home. 20th century
Six-inch British howitzer in action, Western Front, WW1A six-inch British howitzer in action in the dust and heat of the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
Car snowed up in winter on Western Front, WW1A car is snowed up in the winter on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
Unloading meat from ship to train, Western Front, WW1Unloading meat from ship to train, destined for British soldiers on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
War horses during wet weather, Western Front, WW1The effect of wet weather on war horses on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Henley Royal Regatta, Henley-on-Thames, South Oxfordshire. Two policemen and a cyclist looking across the river. 1995
Henley Royal Regatta, Henley-on-Thames, South Oxfordshire. Young people relaxing on the riverbank. 1995
Leander Club, Henley Royal Regatta, Henley-on-ThamesHenley Royal Regatta, Henley-on-Thames, South Oxfordshire. People milling around outside the Leander Club. 1995
British soldiers round a fire, Western Front, WW1British soldiers sitting round a fire during cold weather on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
Ben Tillett looking at a German trench, Western Front, WW1Ben Tillett, socialist politician and trade union leader, looking at an abandoned German trench in wintry weather on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Two cats on ice on a greetings card -- With My Love
Frogs leapfrogging in the rain
Rainy Day by Muriel Dawson -- a little girl in a bright red raincoat with her pet dog. 1939
Man felling tree, forest lumber works, Western Front, WW1Man at work felling a tree at a forest lumber works on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
Forest control officers, Western Front, WW1Forest control officers sitting on a truck at a forest lumber works on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
British troops in snow, Western Front, WW1British troops on the march through snow on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
British troops in reserve trench, Western Front, WW1
Whos For A Walk? by Muriel Dawson -- a little child in coat, hat and gloves is keen to go out. 1941
Hot Work! by Muriel Dawson -- a little girl sits on a mound of sand on the beach, and chats with her pet dog. 1949
British sentryman on duty, Western Front, WW1A British sentryman on duty in a ruined village on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
British Nissen hut camp, Western Front, WW1Scene at a British Nissen hut camp in the snow on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Ready for Anything! by Muriel Dawson -- a little girl in yellow raincoat and souwester style rainhat. 1947
British working party in snow, Western Front, WW1A British working party in the snow on the Western Front during World War One, carrying stove pipes, with a big gun nearby. circa 1916
British service stable on Western Front, WW1Animals at an active British service stable on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
My New Umbrella by Muriel Dawson -- a little child in yellow, with a blue umbrella and a black pet dog. 1945
Snowballing on Western Front, France, WW1British soldiers and French schoolchildren having fun snowballing on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
South African officers eating meal, Western Front, WW1South African officers eating a meal in the snow on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
British officers outside dugout, Western Front, WW1A group of British officers outside a dugout in the snow on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
British artillerymen sorting shells, Western Front, WW1British artillerymen sorting shells in the snow on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
British soldiers with horses, Western Front, WW1British soldiers with horses at a frozen watering point on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
British working party on ice, Western Front, WW1
Edward, Prince of Wales, Western Front, France, WW1Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII) watching a march past of a battalion of soldiers on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
Black minister at a camp, Western Front, France, WW1Black minister at a camp on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
Black soldiers at a camp, Western Front, France, WW1Three black soldiers (NCOs) at a camp on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
Girl in yellow raincoat by Muriel DawsonA girl in a yellow raincoat and hat, taking her dog for a walk on a rainy day, by Muriel Dawson. circa 1940s
British gunners walking on ice, Western Front, WW1British gunners walking on ice, carrying ammunition on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Edward, Prince of Wales, visiting Western Front, WW1Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII) inspecting a battalion on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
British machine gunners in snow, Western Front, WW1British machine gunners sitting in a group in the snow, near the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
British guns in Northern France, WW1British guns being transported by road through Northern France on their way to the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Row of Nissen huts at a rest camp, Western Front, WW1A row of Nissen huts at a rest camp on the Western Front during World War One. The semi-cylindrical Nissen hut was invented by Major Peter Norman Nissen in 1916. circa 1916
Two British soldiers in the snow, Western Front, WW1Two British soldiers have a discussion in the snow, behind the line on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
British soldiers taking in water, Western Front, WW1British soldiers taking in water for their train transport on their way up to the trenches on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Allied soldiers on small ammunition train, WW1Allied soldiers riding on a small ammunition train on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
British heavy howitzer in snow, Western Front, WW1A British heavy howitzer in the snow on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
British gunners snowballing, Western Front, WW1British anti-aircraft gunners snowballing during a rest break on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Two children under an umbrella by Muriel DawsonTwo children under a green umbrella, by Muriel Dawson. circa 1930s
Big gun transported in bad weather, Western Front, WW1A British big gun being transported to the front lines in bad weather on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Winter scene in France, WW1A winter scene on the Western Front in France during World War One. 1914-1918
After the Rain by Muriel Dawson -- a little boy in a red raincoat and hat, with his pet dog. 1942
British soldiers on horseback in snow, Western Front, WW1British soldiers on horseback in the snow on the Western Front during World War One, giving their horses time for a drink of water. circa 1916
Never Mind the Weather by Muriel Dawson -- a little child in a green raincoat and hood. 1941
Winter Morning by Muriel Dawson -- two children out walking in the snow with three dogs. 1941
The Windy Hill by Muriel Dawson -- a little girl watches two birds in a tree. 1941
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