Nursery Rhymes -- man fishing, boy on roadNursery Rhymes -- two illustrations. Above -- a man fishing. Below -- a little boy walking along a road in the dusk. early 20th century
Nursery Rhymes -- man watching pigs in a styNursery Rhymes -- a man watching pigs in a sty. In the first illustration the pigs are plump and happy, but in the second they are thin and crying. early 20th century
Wounded horses drinking from trough, Western Front, WW1Wounded horses drinking from a water trough during hospital treatment on the Western Front in France, World War One. circa 1916
British artillery horses being watered, France, WW1
Two young men with horse on a farmTwo young men with a horse outside some farm buildings
Horses drinking at a water trough. Artist: Eileen Hood. Watercolour of carthorses wearing blinkers at a water trough Date: circa 1922
Down the Severn in a Sheep Trough. A boy paddles a raft he has built from a sheep trough and two barrels
Poster advertising Shaws Bacon and HamsPoster advertising Bacon and Ham from Shaws of Limerick. A breakfast luxury, as supplied to royalty
Elephant DrinkingAn elephant having a drink, happily dipping its trunk into a water trough in Tokyo Japan. Date: early 1930s
Deer Gatecrashing Lunch
Frozen Horse Trough?Shock horror! The driver of a horse bus or cab looks shocked as he picks up a sheet of ice from a frozen horse trough! Date: early 1930s
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