Female model in mustard polo sweater and headscarf, posing by a tree. 1970s
Bear Green
Tales From Many Lands: The Little Singing Frog
Pixies and Pigeon Post
Boy looking out at town
Red Squirrel
King with FairiesKings with fairies
Frog with elves
Japanese girl with two younger children
Visiting a toy shop
At a Christmas partyPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (date unknown)
Tree surgeonPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (23 October 1965)
Tales from Many Lands: The Three Peaches
Cat pulling another cat uphill in a cart
Princess by a tree. Page decoration from Playhour
Girl feeding blue tit
The Dead Tree. Things you might find in and around a dead tree include a dove, an owl, a bat, a pigeon or even a field mouse
Brown Owl and her Brownie packPeople You See. Brown Owl and her Brownie pack. From Teddy Bear (26 September 1964)
Robin Hood resting in a tree
Cat painting the world orange
Pigs picnic on a desert island
Dog running to find his master
The Elf and Squirrel celebrate opening some nutsThe Elf and the Nuts. The Elf and Squirrel celebrate opening some nuts
Gypsy Caravan
Cartouche Made up of People
Tractor driver and mowerPeople You See. Tractor driver and mower. From Teddy Bear (22 July (year unknown))
Pandas climbing a tree
The Wonderful Island of Yum. From Teddy Bear annual 1980
Tiger, Lion and other animals
Fruit and Vegetable Seller
Jackdaw. Jackdaw shows a boy and girl teasing one bird with a silver bead while the other perches on a branch overhead, string and bead in its beak
William Tell
Soldiers tales
A Rabbit by the Ears
Sinbad the Sailor. From Once Upon a Time (1970)
Boy feeding carrots to a rabbit
Boy in pursuit of bird
Teddies in winter scene
Nursery animals playing in wood
The Magic Apples
Christmas toysPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (25 December 1965)
Design for textile with trees and shrubs. Charcoal on detail paper. Silver Studio. 1943
Young girl and an Xmas tree. Young Swedish girl in front of an Xmas tree laden with candles & gifts. Date: circa 1920
Design for frieze with garden patternDesign for a frieze with a garden pattern, including topiary. Charcoal, coloured pencil, and gouache on copy paper. Silver Studio. circa 1900
Design with trees. Watercolour on cartridge paper. Silver Studio. 1938
Design for book cover, Our Little Nan by Emma Leslie. Gouache on heavy paper. Blackie & Son Limited - Silver Studio 1896
Snowy winter scene. House on a hill with tree in snowy Xmas scene. New Year card. Swedish. Date: circa 1920
Design for book cover with tree and shipDesign for a book cover with a tree and a ship. Pencil and charcoal on copy paper. Silver Studio; Blackie, London. 1897
Nursery Rhymes -- fox in the snowNursery Rhymes -- a fox walking through a snowy landscape by moonlight. early 20th century
Cover design, Patco Airlines timetableCover design, Patco Airlines brochure and timetable, for flights to and from Manila, Baguio and Paracale. Showing a red and blue monoplane on a yellow and green background. 1936
The Royal Line of SuccessionThe line of succession from King Egbert to Queen Elizabeth II decorated with a beautiful border by Arthur Wragg. Date: 1953
Blonde woman in a tree, wearing a black bikini and matching eyepatch, with a dagger in her hand. 1980s
Nursery Rhymes -- bull and dog, giant snailNursery Rhymes -- two illustrations. Above -- a little dog runs away as a bull runs into a tree
Chocolate box design, ladies dancingChocolate box design, with ladies in crinoline dresses dancing round a tree. 20th century
Pierrot on Pantaloons doorstepHarlequin illustration, showing Pierrot on the doorstep of Pantaloons house. 1923
Nursery Rhyme -- The Carrion Crow. A tailor sits sewing, and is irritated by a carrion crow making a noise in a tree
Nursery Rhymes -- monkey, horse and cart, butcherNursery Rhymes -- three illustrations, showing a monkey falling from a tree, a horse pulling a cart full of sacks, and a butcher who has cut his hand on a knife. early 20th century
Scaramouche playing his luteHarlequin illustration, showing Scaramouche sitting under a tree, playing his lute. 1923
Chocolate box design, lady with bunch of flowersChocolate box design, featuring a lady walking through a field carrying a bunch of flowers. 20th century
Nursery Rhymes -- accident, children in rainNursery Rhymes -- two illustrations. Above -- an accident on a country road involving a pedestrian and a horse-drawn cart. Below -- a girl and boy shelter under a tree during a shower of rain
Chocolate box design, lady picking fruitChocolate box design, featuring a lady picking fruit from a tree. The landscape is in impossible colours, including black and gold. 20th century
Silhouette Calendar -- MaySilhouette Calendar -- Ne er cast a clout till May be out. Showing a little girl unwisely taking off her jacket on a mild May day. 20th century
Poster design for Southern Pacific travel
Banyan trees, Ceylon (Sri Lanka). circa 1890s
Beach at Galle, Ceylon (Sri Lanka). circa 1890s
Nursery animals playing in the garden
Boy in a tree with cat and owl, by Muriel DawsonA little boy sitting in a tree with a black cat and an owl, by Muriel Dawson. 1920s
Little boy sitting under tree, by Muriel DawsonA little boy in a sailor suit sitting under a tree, by Muriel Dawson. 1920s
Pinkie Puff
Man in public call box, Place de la Republique, Paris, France. Date: 1993
Galle Face Hotel, Colombo, Sri LankaThe Galle Face Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka, with colonials approaching in rickshaws. Date: 1920
X for Xmas TreeFrom a Deans Rag Book entitled Kiddiewiddies ABC Date: 1920
People going for a stroll in Malaga, SpainPeople going for a stroll in an avenue of palm trees, or just sitting on benches relaxing, in Malaga, Spain. Date: 1962
Teddy and Cuddly from Playhour
Toddler on a seat under a tree, by Muriel Dawson. 1920s
Seasonable Cakes. Log Cake Date: 1936
Pencil sketch of leaves and fruit. 1920s
Pencil sketch of a tree, with handwritten notes. 1920s
Pencil sketches of children and dogs. 1920s
Pencil sketches of toddler and treesPencil sketches of a toddler and trees. 1920s
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