Nursery Rhymes -- daffodil lady, giant on sea shoreNursery Rhymes -- two illustrations. Above -- a lady dressed as a daffodil is pulled along by three white mice
Silhouette Calendar -- September, Farewell to the swallows. Showing a girl and a boy watching the swallows fly away to warmer climes. 20th century
Wildlife sceneCountryside wildlife scene, with a variety of different animals, insects, plants and birds
Austin 7 Swallow-bodied saloonAustin 7 Swallow Bodied Saloon parked alongside a large lake or on a coastal roadside
A Swallow in flightA swallow (Hirundo rustica) in flight. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980
Rural scene with swallow and streamA pretty rural scene with a swallow swooping above a stream, with red poppies in the foreground and a lake and mountains in the background. circa 1980
Le Levrier et L Hirondelle RenaultThe airship Swallow flies over a group of people playing tennis beside a Renault motor car Date: 1905
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