British Military Poster - Inter-war period
The Royal Logistic Corps
Tales From Many Lands: The Little Singing Frog
Finding the rose. Source unknown
A Toy Shop. From Playhour Annual 1984
Tales from Many Lands: Ivans Magic Horse
Captured by soldiers. Source unknown
Tales from Many Lands: The Magic Army
Ivan and the Czar of Russia. The old man knelt in front of the mighty Czar of Russia
Chasing an intruder. Source unknown
Boy in pursuit of bird
The Three Soldiers
Poster advertising British military uniform, WW1Poster advertising British military uniform, The Studington Military Kit... obtainable only from Studd & Millington Ltd, Military Tailors. Chromolithograph poster, 1914 (c)
WW1 Recruitment Poster -- HaltHalt! Go into Training and Help the Boys at the Front. Recruitment poster, published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee as Poster No. 45
WW2 Poster -- Flies Foul FoodFlies Foul Food. Your health depends on wholesome food - keep it covered from flies! Colour lithograph poster after 2nd Lt Stacey Hopper
WW2 Poster -- Army Officer and other badgesDistinctive Badges of Rank of Officers in the Army, showing corresponding ranks in Royal Navy, Army, & Royal Air Force. Colour lithograph published by Gale and Polden Limited, Aldershot
WW2 Poster -- Keep mum, shes not so dumb
WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Whos Absent?Whos Absent? - Is It You? Chromolithograph recruitment poster, published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee. Printed by Andrew Reid and Company Limited, 50 Grey Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
WW2 Poster -- Swat ItSwat It! Flies breed in hundreds at a time. Each one you kill means the end of hundreds yet unhatched! Colour lithograph poster after 2nd Lt Stacey Hopper, published 1944
Colour poster - British MilitaryMaking his Mouth Water, 1899
WW1 Recruitment PosterCome and Do Your Bit - Join Now. Chromolithograph recruitment poster after PJW, printed by David Allen & Sons Ltd, Harrow, Middlesex
WW2 Poster -- Buy Savings CertificatesBack them up! Buy Savings Certificates. Photolithograph poster, published by the National Savings Committee. 1940
WW2 Poster -- Mosquitoes Mean MalariaOf tanks & guns there is no need, said Adolf to Benito, Just wait till they begin to breed, And leave it to Mosquito! Mosquitoes Mean Malaria
WW2 Poster -- the ATS wants CooksThe ATS wants Cooks. Recruitment poster, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Colour photolithograph, artist unknown, published by HMSO
WW1 Recruitment Poster (1 of 2)Join the brave throng that goes marching along (1 of 2). Chromolithograph recruitment poster, published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, Poster No 24
WW2 Poster -- Be PreparedA Story and a Warning, .Darkness brings Danger, Be Prepared. Colour photolithograph poster, published by The Times of India Press, Bombay
WW2 Poster -- Tablet dayTablet day! Colour lithograph poster after 2nd Lt Stacey Hopper. Medical related poster for British soldiers on active service in Italy
WW2 Poster -- This Is The YearThis Is The Year! Its Up To Us To Let Em Have It! Colour photolithograph after Clive Upton. 1944
Recruitment Poster - British Military 1900THE BUFFS EAST KENT REGIMENT, 1900 (c). Poster, artist unknown, published for the Ministry of Defence, 1900 (c). Recruitment poster with uniform studies of soldiers from 1572 to 1896
Italian Military Poster, WW1Fate tutti il vostro dovere! (Everyone do your duty.) Colour photolithograph published by the British Library, 1981
WW2 Poster -- Smash Japanese AggressionSmash Japanese Aggression. Propaganda poster, colour lithograph, showing the Gloucester Regiment in action. 1945
WW2 Poster -- National SavingsThe Most You Can Save Is The Least They Deserve. Coloured photolithograph poster after Elgar. Published by the National Savings Committee and His Majestys Stationery Office
WW1 Recruitment Poster (2 of 2)Join the brave throng that goes marching along (2 of 2). Chromolithograph recruitment poster, published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, Poster No 24
WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Offer Your Services NowPrinted recruitment poster No 6: Offer Your Services Now - Our Brave Soldiers At The Front Need Your Help. Issued by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, December 1914. 1914
Information poster - British Military3rd (Prince of Wales) Dragoon Guards. Chromolithograph information poster published by Gale and Polden Ltd, 1911. 1911
Territorial Army poster - Inter-war periodFor England and Freedom! Join the Territorial Army. Recruitment poster Number 8. Chromolithograph after Lance Cattermole, published by His Majestys Stationery Office, 1938. 1938
WW2 Poster -- 10th Essex in War and PeaceWith The 10th Essex in War and Peace. Colour photolithograph poster with a wartime scene, after Norman Howard, published by the Essex Regiment Museum, 1990
Recruitment Poster - British MilitaryTHE MIDDLESEX REGIMENT, 57TH Regimental District - Headquarters, HOUNSLOW, 1900. Chromolithograph poster, printed by Gale and Polden Limited, 1900
British Military Recruitment Poster of 1912Royal Scots Fusiliers. Colour photolithograph recruitment poster of 1912, showing battle honours and scenes of regimental history. 1912
WW2 Poster -- Flies Foul Food -- Keep Food CoveredFlies Foul Food - Diarrhoea and Dysentery Follow. Keep Food Covered! Colour lithograph poster after 2nd Lt Stacey Hopper
Illustration, Jersey in Jail, Nazi soldiers in the streetIllustration, Jersey in Jail, showing Nazi soldiers marching down a street -- Sing, all you mis-begotten bounders, sing. 1940-1945
Fortress in Green Park, Sadler balloon ascentThe fortress which enclosed the Grand Pavilion in Green Park, London, with the ascent of Mr Sadler in his balloon above. Part of the peace celebrations. August 1814
Ministry of Health Poster - EvacuationShes in the Ranks too! Caring for Evacuees is a National Service circa 1942
Soldier, World War II by David WrightPainting by David Wright of a soldier in Army uniform identified only as John seated while drawing in a sketchbook. 1943
Russian Patriotic Propaganda Poster - Red Army Day" The glory of these days will never fall silent." A quote from the march of the Amur Far East partisans of the Russian Civil war era
Poster Advertising Clement Bicycles and Cars circa 1902
Blanchard and Lepinard balloon ascent14th balloon ascent of Jean-Pierre Blanchard, accompanied by the Chevalier Lepinard, at Lille, Flanders. With spectators and soldiers on the ground. 26 August 1785
Three soldiers in armour, Japan
Topsy Turvy Pirate Ship
A thrilling charge, WWI by Cyrus CuneoA charge of Highland soldiers with bayonets fixed during an attack, World War I. Date: 1916
Repulsing a frontal attack, WWI by Cyrus CuneoBritish soldiers, armed with rifles and bayonets, scrambling over the top during an enemy attack. Date: 1916
Scottish soldier, World War I by Robert Baden PowellSketch by Sir Robert Baden-Powell of a cheery Scottish soldier during World War I, with the rousing, optimistic caption, We are down-hearted, I don t think. Date: 1916
Will They Never Come? World War One posterWorld War One recruitment poster using a photograph from the Weekly Dispatch showing a bloodied
Commandeered - postcard by Lawson WoodCommandeered - A postcard by Lawson Wood showing two solid-looking British soldiers commandeering a (now very upset) young lads toy horse. 1914
Poster, Fight for King and Empire, Our Brave Soldiers Need Your Help. circa 1915
Facsimile of a leaf with a message during WW2Facsimile of an autumn leaf bearing a message during World War Two
Poster: Blood Donors Wanted. Your blood can save the life of someone, somewhere. Showing two soldiers tending a wounded colleague. 20th century
Poster, Offer Your Services Now, Our Brave Soldiers at the Front Need Your Help. Recruitment for the First World War. circa 1914-1915
Wartime cover of Weldons Ladies JournalFront cover of Weldons Ladies Journal for August 1940 with a wartime couple, smiling together, he in RAF uniform. The cover also advertises patterns inside of pretty undies and a smart frock
Poster, Think of Tomorrow, Buy War Bonds Today. Showing two soldiers looking at a photograph of a woman and child. 1940s
Poster, Free Holland Welcomes the Soldiers of the Allies. circa 1945
Hitlers plan for the New Order during WW2Hitlers plan for the New Order, depicted in map form
Poster, Back the Great Attack with War Savings, showing WW2 soldiers running across a beach. 1940s
Wartime leaflet, blood transfusion serviceWartime leaflet about the blood transfusion service, showing how blood, and blood transfusion equipment, are dropped by parachute behind enemy lines to save the lives of wounded soldiers. 1940s
French wartime poster, The Allies RespondFrench wartime poster, by land, by sea and by air, The Allies Respond. Showing a group of men in khaki uniform with various national flags. 1940s
Wounded heroes 1914Two smiling Highlanders regIment injured in the the first great battle, on Folkstone boat on hie way home. September 1914
Captain Leslie CheapeCaptain Leslie St. Clair Cheape (1882-1916), British soldier and polo player dubbed, Englands greatest polo player. He played for England in the Westchester Cup three times in 1911, 1913 and 1914
93rd Scottish Regiment in IndiaGroup photo of the 93rd Scottish Regiment in India. circa 1860s
Soldiers, Japan
Indian sappers in a mine holeSappers, probably of the British Indian Army, in a mine hole. circa 1890s
British Army Regiment, IndiaGroup photo of a British Army Regiment in India. circa 1860s
Landing at Gallipoli, World War I by Cyrus CuneoAnzac soldiers landing on the beach at Gallipoli and coming under fire by Turkish troops. Date: 1916
British soldiers take an enemy trench, WWI by Cyrus CuneoBritish soldiers take an enemy trench, using bayonets and bombs as they go, during an offensive on the Western Front during World War I. Date: 1916
Entertainment for troops during World War ITroops of British soldiers being entertained in a recreation hut at the Front during World War I. Date: 1916
YMCA hut with Crimea veteran, WWIAn old veteran of the Crimean War is helped by a sailor and Highland soldier of World War I towards a YMCA hut, the place we wanted during the Crimea
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