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Soldier Collection

Background imageSoldier Collection: British Military Poster - Inter-war period

British Military Poster - Inter-war period

Background imageSoldier Collection: The Royal Logistic Corps

The Royal Logistic Corps

Background imageSoldier Collection: Japanese soldier with bird

Japanese soldier with bird. From Treasure (artwork dated 19/7/66)

Background imageSoldier Collection: Soldiers tales

Soldiers tales

Background imageSoldier Collection: Poster advertising British military uniform, WW1

Poster advertising British military uniform, WW1
Poster advertising British military uniform, The Studington Military Kit... obtainable only from Studd & Millington Ltd, Military Tailors. Chromolithograph poster, 1914 (c)

Background imageSoldier Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- If the Cap Fits You

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- If the Cap Fits You
f the Cap Fits You, Join the Army Today. Recruitment poster, published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee as Poster No. 53

Background imageSoldier Collection: WW2 Poster -- Army Officer and other badges

WW2 Poster -- Army Officer and other badges
Distinctive Badges of Rank of Officers in the Army, showing corresponding ranks in Royal Navy, Army, & Royal Air Force. Colour lithograph published by Gale and Polden Limited, Aldershot

Background imageSoldier Collection: WW2 Poster -- Keep mum, shes not so dumb

WW2 Poster -- Keep mum, shes not so dumb

Background imageSoldier Collection: WW2 Poster -- You are wanted too! Join the ATS

WW2 Poster -- You are wanted too! Join the ATS
You Are Wanted Too! Join The ATS. Recruitment poster, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Colour photolithograph by unknown artist, published by HMSO

Background imageSoldier Collection: Colour poster - British Military

Colour poster - British Military
Making his Mouth Water, 1899

Background imageSoldier Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster

WW1 Recruitment Poster
Come and Do Your Bit - Join Now. Chromolithograph recruitment poster after PJW, printed by David Allen & Sons Ltd, Harrow, Middlesex

Background imageSoldier Collection: WW2 Poster -- Be Prepared

WW2 Poster -- Be Prepared
A Story and a Warning, .Darkness brings Danger, Be Prepared. Colour photolithograph poster, published by The Times of India Press, Bombay

Background imageSoldier Collection: Tommys Pet

Tommys Pet. The soldier and the housemaid. Date: circa 1905

Background imageSoldier Collection: WW2 Poster -- Tablet day

WW2 Poster -- Tablet day
Tablet day! Colour lithograph poster after 2nd Lt Stacey Hopper. Medical related poster for British soldiers on active service in Italy

Background imageSoldier Collection: Recruitment Poster - British Military 1900

Recruitment Poster - British Military 1900
THE BUFFS EAST KENT REGIMENT, 1900 (c). Poster, artist unknown, published for the Ministry of Defence, 1900 (c). Recruitment poster with uniform studies of soldiers from 1572 to 1896

Background imageSoldier Collection: Chromolithograph poster - British Military

Chromolithograph poster - British Military
Royal Naval and Military Tournament OLYMPIA MAY 18TH TO JUNE 3RD TWICE DAILY AT 2.30 AND 8PM. Chromolithograph poster by Dudley Hardy, published by Dobson Molle and Co, 1910 (c)

Background imageSoldier Collection: WW2 Poster - Is Your Journey Really Necessary?

WW2 Poster - Is Your Journey Really Necessary?
Is Your Journey Really Necessary? Colour photocopy of a poster, issued by and published for the Railway Executive Committee. Signed lower right, Bert Tyomps

Background imageSoldier Collection: Italian Military Poster, WW1

Italian Military Poster, WW1
Fate tutti il vostro dovere! (Everyone do your duty.) Colour photolithograph published by the British Library, 1981

Background imageSoldier Collection: WW2 Poster -- National Savings

WW2 Poster -- National Savings
The Most You Can Save Is The Least They Deserve. Coloured photolithograph poster after Elgar. Published by the National Savings Committee and His Majestys Stationery Office

Background imageSoldier Collection: WW2 music cover -- The Army, The Navy and the Air Force

WW2 music cover -- The Army, The Navy and the Air Force
Music cover, Dedicated to/ the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, words and music by Herman Darewski and Edward Lockton. Published by Keith Prowse and Company Limited, London

Background imageSoldier Collection: Information poster - British Military

Information poster - British Military
3rd (Prince of Wales) Dragoon Guards. Chromolithograph information poster published by Gale and Polden Ltd, 1911. 1911

Background imageSoldier Collection: Territorial Army poster - Inter-war period

Territorial Army poster - Inter-war period
For England and Freedom! Join the Territorial Army. Recruitment poster Number 8. Chromolithograph after Lance Cattermole, published by His Majestys Stationery Office, 1938. 1938

Background imageSoldier Collection: Recruitment Poster - British Military

Recruitment Poster - British Military
THE MIDDLESEX REGIMENT, 57TH Regimental District - Headquarters, HOUNSLOW, 1900. Chromolithograph poster, printed by Gale and Polden Limited, 1900

Background imageSoldier Collection: British Military Recruitment Poster of 1912

British Military Recruitment Poster of 1912
Royal Scots Fusiliers. Colour photolithograph recruitment poster of 1912, showing battle honours and scenes of regimental history. 1912

Background imageSoldier Collection: Public Information Poster - Preventing Idle Talk

Public Information Poster - Preventing Idle Talk
Talk Less - You Never Know A Public Information Poster

Background imageSoldier Collection: Soldier, World War II by David Wright

Soldier, World War II by David Wright
Painting by David Wright of a soldier in Army uniform identified only as John seated while drawing in a sketchbook. 1943

Background imageSoldier Collection: Pierrot, Columbine and others

Pierrot, Columbine and others

Background imageSoldier Collection: The Captain

The Captain
Harlequin illustration, showing the Captain standing in a typical bragging pose. 1923

Background imageSoldier Collection: Three soldiers in armour, Japan

Three soldiers in armour, Japan

Background imageSoldier Collection: A thrilling charge, WWI by Cyrus Cuneo

A thrilling charge, WWI by Cyrus Cuneo
A charge of Highland soldiers with bayonets fixed during an attack, World War I. Date: 1916

Background imageSoldier Collection: Scottish soldier, World War I by Robert Baden Powell

Scottish soldier, World War I by Robert Baden Powell
Sketch by Sir Robert Baden-Powell of a cheery Scottish soldier during World War I, with the rousing, optimistic caption, We are down-hearted, I don t think. Date: 1916

Background imageSoldier Collection: Lieutenant - 2nd Rifle Brigade

Lieutenant - 2nd Rifle Brigade
Lieutenant Carey (who was with Napoleons son when he was killed during the Zulu War) - 2nd Rifle Brigade (Ashanti Campaign) Date: 1874

Background imageSoldier Collection: Will They Never Come? World War One poster

Will They Never Come? World War One poster
World War One recruitment poster using a photograph from the Weekly Dispatch showing a bloodied

Background imageSoldier Collection: Private / Trooper - 6th Dragoon Guards

Private / Trooper - 6th Dragoon Guards - Carabiniers. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: 1864

Background imageSoldier Collection: Statue of soldier, Lenin Monument, Sevastopol, Ukraine

Statue of soldier, Lenin Monument, Sevastopol, Ukraine
Statue of a soldier on the Lenin Monument in Sevastopol, Ukraine. early 21st century

Background imageSoldier Collection: Officer - 95th Rifles (Peninsular War)

Officer - 95th Rifles (Peninsular War) Date: 1812 / 1815

Background imageSoldier Collection: Officer of the 11th Hussars

Officer of the 11th Hussars. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: early 19th century

Background imageSoldier Collection: Poster: Blood Donors Wanted

Poster: Blood Donors Wanted. Your blood can save the life of someone, somewhere. Showing two soldiers tending a wounded colleague. 20th century

Background imageSoldier Collection: Poster, Think of Tomorrow, Buy War Bonds Today

Poster, Think of Tomorrow, Buy War Bonds Today. Showing two soldiers looking at a photograph of a woman and child. 1940s

Background imageSoldier Collection: Poster: Waste Paper goes into Action

Poster: Waste Paper goes into Action. Paper makes shell containers, cartridge wads, rifle grenade washers, mortar bomb carriers, etc. Put out paper for salvage. circa 1940s

Background imageSoldier Collection: Sing a song of sixpence

Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye, Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie... 20th century

Background imageSoldier Collection: The first sandbag wedding during WW2

The first sandbag wedding during WW2 -- Corporal C J White of the 1st City of London Regiment leaves Islington Register Office, North London, with his bride

Background imageSoldier Collection: Poster, Back the Great Attack with War Savings

Poster, Back the Great Attack with War Savings, showing WW2 soldiers running across a beach. 1940s

Background imageSoldier Collection: Poster, More Men and Still More

Poster, More Men and Still More until the Enemy is Crushed -- a quotation from Lord Kitchener. Showing a soldier blowing a bugle. circa 1914-1915

Background imageSoldier Collection: Wartime leaflet, blood transfusion service

Wartime leaflet, blood transfusion service
Wartime leaflet about the blood transfusion service, showing how blood, and blood transfusion equipment, are dropped by parachute behind enemy lines to save the lives of wounded soldiers. 1940s

Background imageSoldier Collection: What is your fortune, my pretty maid?

What is your fortune, my pretty maid? My face is my fortune, Sir, she said. 20th century

Background imageSoldier Collection: French wartime poster, The Allies Respond

French wartime poster, The Allies Respond
French wartime poster, by land, by sea and by air, The Allies Respond. Showing a group of men in khaki uniform with various national flags. 1940s

Background imageSoldier Collection: Wartime poster advertising Post Office Savings Bank

Wartime poster advertising Post Office Savings Bank, encouraging people to Save for Defence during the Second World War. 1940s

Background imageSoldier Collection: Officers of the Worcestershire Yeomanry, 1914 featuring Les

Officers of the Worcestershire Yeomanry, 1914 featuring Les
Officers of the Worcestershire Yeomanry in 1914 including front row, far right, Captain Leslie St. Clair Cheape (1882-1916), British soldier and polo player dubbed, Englands greatest polo player

Background imageSoldier Collection: Lord and Lady Roberts and circle

Lord and Lady Roberts and circle

Background imageSoldier Collection: Lord and Lady Roberts in horse-drawn carriage

Lord and Lady Roberts in horse-drawn carriage
Lord and Lady Roberts, sitting in a horse-drawn carriage

Background imageSoldier Collection: Captain Leslie Cheape

Captain Leslie Cheape
Captain Leslie St. Clair Cheape (1882-1916), British soldier and polo player dubbed, Englands greatest polo player. He played for England in the Westchester Cup three times in 1911, 1913 and 1914

Background imageSoldier Collection: Ancient General (actor), Japan

Ancient General (actor), Japan
Actor in the role of an Ancient General, Japan. circa 1890s

Background imageSoldier Collection: Landing at Gallipoli, World War I by Cyrus Cuneo

Landing at Gallipoli, World War I by Cyrus Cuneo
Anzac soldiers landing on the beach at Gallipoli and coming under fire by Turkish troops. Date: 1916

Background imageSoldier Collection: British soldiers take an enemy trench, WWI by Cyrus Cuneo

British soldiers take an enemy trench, WWI by Cyrus Cuneo
British soldiers take an enemy trench, using bayonets and bombs as they go, during an offensive on the Western Front during World War I. Date: 1916

Background imageSoldier Collection: YMCA hut with Crimea veteran, WWI

YMCA hut with Crimea veteran, WWI
An old veteran of the Crimean War is helped by a sailor and Highland soldier of World War I towards a YMCA hut, the place we wanted during the Crimea

Background imageSoldier Collection: King George V and Captain J. J. Crowe, WW1

King George V and Captain J. J. Crowe, WW1
King George V shaking hands with Captain J. J. Crowe of the 2nd Worcester Regiment on the Western Front during World War One. The King had just presented Captain Crowe with the Victoria Cross. 1918

Background imageSoldier Collection: British soldier in trench with signal rockets, WW1

British soldier in trench with signal rockets, WW1
A British soldier in a trench on the Western Front in France during World War One, with rockets used for signalling. circa 1916

Background imageSoldier Collection: Sharing Rations - The Troopers Christmas-Box

Sharing Rations - The Troopers Christmas-Box
A British trooper shares his Christmas rations with his horse on the Western Front. 1916

Background imageSoldier Collection: Mascot of the Kings Royal Rifles, Western Front, WW1

Mascot of the Kings Royal Rifles, Western Front, WW1

Background imageSoldier Collection: Native soldiers and mule, India

Native soldiers and mule, India
Four native soldiers and a mule, India. circa 1890s

Background imageSoldier Collection: British Tommy on leave returns home to his family

British Tommy on leave returns home to his family
From a Somme dugout to the Home Fireside A British Tommy on leave returns home to his family - just in time for Christmas Dinner. 1916

Background imageSoldier Collection: British soldier tidying grave of fallen colleague, WW1

British soldier tidying grave of fallen colleague, WW1
A British soldier tidying the grave of a fallen colleague on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916

Background imageSoldier Collection: Shell case used as drinking vessel, Western Front, WW1

Shell case used as drinking vessel, Western Front, WW1
Two men on a road on the Western Front in France during World War One. One of them is drinking from a shell case. circa 1916

Background imageSoldier Collection: Sir Douglas Haig and Prince Higashifushimi Yorihito, WW1

Sir Douglas Haig and Prince Higashifushimi Yorihito, WW1
Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig and Fleet Admiral Prince Higashifushimi Yorihito of the Japanese imperial family, meeting during World War One. circa 1916

Background imageSoldier Collection: British soldier writing home next to bombshell, WW1

British soldier writing home next to bombshell, WW1
A British soldier writing a letter home with an unexploded bombshell next to him, on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916

Background imageSoldier Collection: British soldier washing clothes, Western Front, WW1

British soldier washing clothes, Western Front, WW1
A British soldier washing clothes near the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916

Background imageSoldier Collection: British soldiers decorated with VCs, WW1

British soldiers decorated with VCs, WW1
Three British soldiers who were decorated with the Victoria Cross on the Western Front in France during World War One. They are, from left to right, Captain J. J

Background imageSoldier Collection: British officer with horse and dog mascot, WW1

British officer with horse and dog mascot, WW1
A British officer leading his horse along a road, giving his dog mascot a turn in the saddle on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916

Background imageSoldier Collection: Private - 83rd Regiment of Foot

Private - 83rd Regiment of Foot. The regiment became the Royal Irish Rifles in 1881. Date: 1811

Background imageSoldier Collection: Humpty Dumpty looking unhappy after his fall

Humpty Dumpty looking unhappy after his fall, with cracks all over his head. A soldier in the background looks on helplessly. 20th century

Background imageSoldier Collection: Officer 2nd Life Guards - Boer War Campaign Uniform

Officer 2nd Life Guards - Boer War Campaign Uniform. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: 1899

Background imageSoldier Collection: Private of the 17th Regiment of Foot

Private of the 17th Regiment of Foot
Private of the 18th Regiment of Foot - The Leicestershire Regiment (later to become the Royal Leicestershire Regiment) Date: 1854

Background imageSoldier Collection: Statue of Vladimir II Monomakh, Vladimir, Russia

Statue of Vladimir II Monomakh, Vladimir, Russia
View of the equestrian statue of the founder of the city of Vladimir, Vladimir II Monomakh (1053-1125), a Grand Prince of Kievan Rus

Background imageSoldier Collection: Life Guard - Dismounted Review Order

Life Guard - Dismounted Review Order
A Life Guard - Dismounted Review Order (as he would be for dismounted sentry duty). Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: 1970

Background imageSoldier Collection: Lord Roberts

Lord Roberts
Frederick Sleigh, 1st Earl Roberts (1832 - 1914) - British soldier who served in India, Afghanistan and South Africa Date: 1907

Background imageSoldier Collection: Recruiting Sergeant - 68th Regiment of Foot

Recruiting Sergeant - 68th Regiment of Foot - The Durham Light Infantry Date: 1809

Background imageSoldier Collection: The Royal East Kent Regiment - Corporal

The Royal East Kent Regiment - Corporal
A Corporal of the East Kent Regiment (The Buffs). Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: 1895

Background imageSoldier Collection: Sergeant - 1st Foot - Royal Scots Regiment

Sergeant - 1st Foot - Royal Scots Regiment - Light Infantry Battalion. The horn badge on his headdress indicates light infantry. Date: 1812 1815

Background imageSoldier Collection: Blues and Royals - Corporal of the Horse

Blues and Royals - Corporal of the Horse (Riding Instructor) - Dismounted Review Order. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: unknown

Background imageSoldier Collection: World War I recruitment poster

World War I recruitment poster
Poster produced by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee during World War I, depicting a typical British Tommy in uniform with bayonet fixed

Background imageSoldier Collection: Royal Scots Greys - Trumpeter

Royal Scots Greys - Trumpeter
Trumpeter of the Royal Scots Greys. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: 1815

Background imageSoldier Collection: Lance Corporal - South Staffordshire Regiment

Lance Corporal - South Staffordshire Regiment (left) and Colour Sergeant - North Staffordshire Regiment (right) Date: 1904 - 1910 & 1939

Background imageSoldier Collection: Squadron Sergeant Major (Scout)

Squadron Sergeant Major (Scout) - 17th (Duke of Cambridges Own) Regiment Date: 1899 / 1900

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