Silhouette. Hansel & Gretel. The brother & sister lost in the woods. German. Date: circa 1912
St Pauls Cathedral in silhouetteOne of the most recognisable of London landmarks, St. Pauls Cathedral, pictured in silhouette. Date: 1926
Silhouette. The Frog Prince. The princess meets the frog. German. Date: 1920
Silhouette. Red Riding Hood. Cinderella meets the wicked wolf in the woods. German. Date: 1916
Silhouette. Snow White. Snow White pricks her finger at the spinning wheel. German. Date: 1916
Silhouette. The Pied Piper. The Pied Piper leading the children out of the rat infested town of Hamelin. German. Date: circa 1920
Silhouette. Cinderella. Cinderella, her fairy godmother and the ugly sisters. Date: circa 1910
Silhouette. The Sleeping beauty. The prince awakens his true love. German. Date: 1920
Silhouette. Hansel & Gretel. Nibble, nibble, who is nibbling at my cottage. The children find the house of the wicked witch. German. Date: circa 1930
British Royal Naval Recruitment Poster, WW1Remember! England Expects -- The need is great today.... the Navy requires you for its glorious service. Join today. Skilled artificers and artisans, seamen, stokers, marines and boys
Silhouette. King Thrushbeard. The minstrel takes the princess to his hovel where she must carry out menial household chores. German. circa 1909
Silhouette. Der Sterntaler. Der Sterntaler (Star Money). A young girl finds that stars fall to earth and turn into talers (gold coins) after she has done good deeds, and she becomes rich. German
Silhouette. Princess & the Swineherd. The princess paying the swineherd 100 kisses for a menial pot. German. Date: circa 1920
Silhouette Calendar -- June
Silhouette Calendar -- October, Harvest Thanksgiving. Showing a girl and a boy taking part in a Harvest Festival church service. 20th century
Silhouette Calendar -- February, Saint Valentines Day. Showing a little boy handing a heart shape (perhaps a box of chocolates) to a girl. 20th century
Silhouette Calendar -- March comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb. Showing a little boy looking at three lambs on a hillside. 20th century
Cover design, Lady Arabellas Birthday Party, by Margaret and Mary Baker. Showing a chaotic party with children misbehaving. 1940
Business card design, couple at a tableBusiness card design in green, gold and black, showing a silhouetted couple at a table, enjoying a glass of champagne. 20th century
Silhouette Calendar -- January, New Year Resolutions. Showing a little girl sewing at a table. 20th century
Silhouette Calendar -- September, Farewell to the swallows. Showing a girl and a boy watching the swallows fly away to warmer climes. 20th century
Silhouette Calendar -- April showers bring May flowers. Showing a little girl in the rain, under a rather small umbrella. 20th century
Silhouette portraits, the original Cadbury BrothersSilhouette portraits of the original Cadbury Brothers, John (left, (1801-1889) and Benjamin Head (right, 1798-1880). 19th century
Silhouette Calendar -- August
Cover design, Silhouette Calendar -- Many Happy Returns. Showing a little girl sitting at a table sewing. 20th century
Silhouette Calendar -- July
Profile portrait - Silhouette Date: 1926
Silhouette Calendar -- December, Christmas Parties. Showing a little boy running away from a girl who is standing expectantly under the mistletoe. 20th century
Lady Arabellas Birthday Party -- the screaming Betsy, at the castle and mistaken for Lady Arabella, is carried away from the party. 1940
Silhouette Calendar -- November, Guy Fawkes Day. Showing a little boy frightening two girls by lighting a firework. 20th century
Silhouette Calendar -- MaySilhouette Calendar -- Ne er cast a clout till May be out. Showing a little girl unwisely taking off her jacket on a mild May day. 20th century
Lady Arabellas Birthday Party -- the Duchess agrees to look after Arabella for a while. 1940
Atmospheric scene on the docks at Hull, YorkshireAn atmospheric scene on the docks at Hull (Kingston upon Hull), Yorkshire. Date: 1965
Greetings card Date: circa 1925
Skipping Date: 1916
Greetings card. Children at play Date: circa 1925
Poster, Obey the Speed LimitPoster warning drivers to Obey the Speed Limit, which is 30 mph in built-up areas. 20th century
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, Bakers Man... 20th century
Programme cover for Round and RoundProgramme cover for Charles B. Cochrans Round and Round at the Trocadero Grill Room, London, 1936 1936
Silhouette of three people in uniform. On the left, a woman in Women Royal Naval Service uniform (WREN) and in the middle, a lady in ATS uniform. The man on the right is a Royal Navy lieutenant
Snow White silhouetteSnow White asleep in a casket, attended by the Seven Dwarfs. Date: circa 1915
Blindmans Buff Date: 1916
Alma Mater silhouette Date: 1913
Pixies Shopping Date: circa 1949
Helping Daddy Date: circa 1949
Hoops Date: 1916
Christmas stage coach Date: circa 1936
Youthful mirth silhouette Date: 1913
Gran pops Shadow Show by Lawson WoodThree little monkeys chuckle with glee as Gran pop, the orang utan character created by artist Lawson Wood entertains them with a shadow puppet show. Date: 1935
At the Seaside Date: circa 1949
Over the Top. An atmospheric silhouette photograph of soldiers, very possibly American from the shape of their hats, advancing with bayonets fixed. circa 1917
Silhouette, girl photographing dogSilhouette of a girl photographing her dog with a box camera. (insert)
Advert, Arthur Pelling of Chiswick, photographyAdvertisement and receipt for Arthur Pelling Ltd of Turnham Green Terrace, Chiswick, West London, photography supplier and chemist
Hubert Latham flying to Reims for aviation competitionHubert Latham, French aviation pioneer, flying to Reims for the great international aviation competition of August 1909. Two men wave to him from the ground
Walking Holidays Abroad, Thomas Cook & Son LtdCover illustration for Walking Holidays Abroad, Thomas Cook & Son Ltd. It depicts three walkers in silhouette against an alpine scene, with trees and snow-covered mountains in the background
The Night Train Leaving a Station Date: circa 1905
Advertisement for the Vienna Fair, March 1938Advertisement for the Vienna Fair (Wiener Messe), taking place from 13 to 19 March 1938. March 1938
Hush-a-bye baby, thy cradle is green... 20th century
Three wise men of Gotham went to sea in a bowl. The bowl bended -- the story ended! 20th century
Young lambs to sell! Young lambs to sell! If I d as much money as I could tell I never would cry Young Lambs to sell! 20th century
Little Tommy Tittlemouse lived in a little house, He caught fishes for other mens dishes. 20th century
Girls & boys come out to play, the moon is shining bright as day... 20th century
The Houses of Parliament - EveningA view toward the Houses of Parliament from the southern bank of the River Thames in London. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980
Triptych Landscape - Mountain Lake - CentreA Triptych landscape of a waterfall leading into a mountain lake surrounded by little copices of trees in stark silhouette. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980
Triptych Landscape - Mountain Lake - LeftA Triptych landscape of a waterfall leading into a mountain lake surrounded by little copices of trees in stark silhouette. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980
Mallards by a wintry lakeA male mallard duck shelters his head between his wings to guard against the coldness of the day, while a female peers down into the cold water of a pond Date: early 20th century
Moods of Mount Fuji - 4A stylised painting by Malcolm Greensmith in the style of the Master Japanese woodcut artists of the late 18th and 19th centuries
Poster design for a Vienna theatrePoster design by Ludwig Hohlwein of Munich for a production entitled Boccaccio, at a theatre in Vienna, Austria
Police Officer in silhouetteA police officer in helmet and cape directs traffic in London. Date: 1926
Flower-seller in silhouetteA Flower Girl, although she looks more like a lady of a certain age, seated next to the flowers she sells to Londoners each day. Date: 1926
Mother and child in silhouetteA homeless mother and child - described as a Madonna by the artist - captured on a London street in silhouette. Date: 1926
Cleopatras Needle in silhouetteCleopatras Needle situated on the Victoria Embankment, London, watched over by the sphinx. The artist describes it rather poignantly as That Sad Stone. Date: 1926
Mannequin in silhouetteA mannequin in a smart ladies dress shop models a dress. Date: 1926
Antiquary in silhouetteAn antique shop owner, admiring a small vase, pictured in silhouette. Date: 1926
Bellboy in silhouetteA bellboy in uniform carrying a small parcel, pictured in silhouette. Date: 1926
St Pauls pigeons in silhouetteA small child feeds the pigeons outside St Pauls Cathedral, a traditional gathering place for the avian vermin once upon a time before they moved on to Trafalgar Square
The Embankment artist in silhouetteAn artist on the Victoria Embankment, London takes a portrait of a small girl. Date: 1926
London Pool in silhouetteThe Pool of London in silhouette, showing cranes at the docks lifting cargo and Tower Bridge in the distance with its crossing lifted up to let passing ships through. Date: 1926
Club Row in silhouetteA small girl delightedly happens upon a small dog in Club Row, near Brick Lane in the East End of London. Club Row was traditionally the place to pick up a pet at the dog and bird markets held there
Street organist in silhouetteA street organ grinder, his back bent, trundles his old instrument on wheels - a once familiar sight in London. Date: 1926
The Royal Air Force Memorial in silhouetteThe Royal Air Force memorial, on the Embankment, London, captured in silhouette
The Round Pond angler in silhouetteA small child with a fishing net amuses himself at the Round Pond, Kensington Gardens, London. Date: 1926
Children in Kensington Gardens in silhouetteCharming scene showing two children in Kensington Gardens, London during the 1920s. Date: 1926
London street vendors in silhouetteTwo London street vendors, one of whom seems to be selling some kind of toy. Date: 1926
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