Nursery Rhymes -- washday, horse and crowNursery Rhymes -- two illustrations. Above -- a man and a woman on wash day. Below -- a crow startles a horse so much that the two riders are thrown off. early 20th century
Haubourdin shock absorber posterPoster promoting the French automobile shock absorber brand, Haubourdin
Descent of Montgolfier balloonThe descent of the Montgolfier balloon, landing in countryside to the consternation of local farmers. 1783
Nursery Rhymes -- goblin and bats, bird stealing pipeNursery Rhymes -- two illustrations. Above -- a goblin and bats flying about the night sky by moonlight. Below -- a bird steals a plump mans pipe. early 20th century
Two schoolboys in a woodIllustration showing two schoolboys in a wood, finding a notice on a tree: Beware of the Wolves
Goldilocks and the Three BearsA scene from Goldilocks and the Three Bears -- they discover her asleep in the Baby Bears bed! 20th century
New Banting Bed for Reducing the FigureThe New Banting Bed for Reducing the Figure. Cartoon by William Heath Robinson. Date: circa 1940
Song sheet cover, Les Baigneuses de Cucurron, showing three women bathing in a river, observed by three shocked clergymen. 19th century
Pinocchio -- kicking Geppetto on the nosePinocchio -- When Geppetto had finished the feet he received a kick on the point of his nose. 1911
Baby Scouts -- scarecrowBaby Scouts -- And yet a scarecrows such a curious sight, it makes some baby scouts fall down with fright. 1900
DFP car speeding through the desertA car manufactured by DFP -- Doriot, Flandrin & Parant -- is driven through the desert by four French tourists, causing shock and surprise to people and camels. Date: early 20th century
Captured frogs bid for FreedomA young schoolboy in his full school uniform get a nasty surprise when the frog he has captured makes a daring bid for freedom, leaping out and away as soon as the airhole-added lid has been lifted
Frozen Horse Trough?Shock horror! The driver of a horse bus or cab looks shocked as he picks up a sheet of ice from a frozen horse trough! Date: early 1930s
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