Shell picking, Yokohama, Japan. circa 1890s
Designs for Cake Tops, Shell Scroll Border Design. Date: 1936
Childrens Party CakeSeasonable Cakes, Childrens Party Cake Date: 1936
Cake Border and Side Scroll Designs. (4) Shell Border with " S" Scroll, (5) Star, " C" Scroll, and Leaf Border, (6) Star Border, Scallop and Dot Finish. Date: 1936
Poster: Waste Paper goes into Action. Paper makes shell containers, cartridge wads, rifle grenade washers, mortar bomb carriers, etc. Put out paper for salvage. circa 1940s
Poster giving the cost of various weapons and equipmentWartime poster giving the cost of various weapons and equipment, from aircraft, tanks, ships, guns and shells to barrage balloons and searchlights. 1940s
Label design for Huile de Venus, a lubricant oil for sexual comfort. Featuring a naked Venus riding on a sea shell, with Cupid, cherubs and doves. circa late 19th century
Cake Decorated Border Construction. (10) " S" Scroll Border, (11) Alternating Scroll Border with Overpiping, (12) Shell Border with " S" Scrolls and Overpiping. Date: 1936
British soldiers sheltering in shell hole, Western Front, WWBritish soldiers sheltering in a shell hole on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
Shell case used as drinking vessel, Western Front, WW1Two men on a road on the Western Front in France during World War One. One of them is drinking from a shell case. circa 1916
British soldier writing home next to bombshell, WW1A British soldier writing a letter home with an unexploded bombshell next to him, on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Shell crater in Flanders graveyard, Western Front, WW1A shell crater in a graveyard in Flanders, Belgium, on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
German ammunition left behind, Morval, France, WW1
Australian gunners loading shell, Western Front, WW1Australian gunners loading a shell into a big gun during hot weather on the Western Front, World War One. circa 1916
Iron and Steel Foundry, Woolwich ArsenalView of the iron and steel foundry, Woolwich Arsenal, south east London, where shells of all sizes are cast. circa 1905
British 15-inch shells in transit, Western Front, WW1British 15-inch shells in transit on a light railway track on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Trimmers Shop, Iron and Steel Foundry, Woolwich ArsenalView of the trimmers shop in the iron and steel foundry, Woolwich Arsenal, south east London, for the trimming and grinding of shells of all sizes. circa 1905
Humpty Dumpty looking unhappy after his fall, with cracks all over his head. A soldier in the background looks on helplessly. 20th century
At the Front - World War One recruitment posterRecruitment poster during World War I featuring a dramatic picture of horses pulling guns rearing up in fright at a shell explosion just a few feet away. Date: 1914 - 1918
German WWI War Loans posterGerman war loans poster showing the looming body of a tank against a sky littered with shell explosions. Date: c.1916
The Three Little Pigs meet a white goose and chickA composite illustration of two childrens stories -- a little pig builds a house (left), watched closely by a wolf getting ready to blow it down
Drawing a toad at Corsham Art SchoolLocal primary school children visit Corsham Art School in Wiltshire for art and biology lessons. A real toad was studied first, then drawn from memory. Date: 1963
Titanic anchor made of shellsA commemorative anchor-shaped ornament made of shells, with a picture of the ill-fated Titanic cruise ship at the centre. Date: circa 1912
Shell hole on road, Western Front, France, WW1A shell hole in a road on the Western Front in France during World War One. It was the result of a British shell striking the road near a German ammunition wagon
Grave in a shell hole, Western Front, WW1A soldiers grave in a shell hole on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Shell hole used for gun position, Western Front, WW1A shell hole is used for a gun position of an advanced British battery on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
British gunners in action, Western Front, WW1British gunners in action during the German offensive on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
Virgin of Montauban, Western Front, WW1
British soldiers with shells, Western Front, WW1British soldiers with a large stack of shells on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
British shell cases, Western Front, France, WW1Empty British shell cases after their contents have been fired on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
German shell exploding, Western Front, France, WW1German shell exploding in a field on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
British artillerymen carrying shells, Western Front, WW1British artillerymen carrying shells to a gun through the snow on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Devastation at Gommecourt, France, WW1
Shell-shattered trees at Gommecourt, France, WW1Shell-shattered trees at Gommecourt on the Western Front in France during the British advance, World War One. circa 1917
British gunners walking on ice, Western Front, WW1British gunners walking on ice, carrying ammunition on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Shell bursting on front line trench, Western Front, WW1A shell bursting on a front line trench on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
British gunners setting up 60-pounder, Western Front, WW1British gunners setting up a 60-pounder on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
Storage of shells, France, WW1Storage of shells for use on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1917
Big shells ready for firing, Western Front, WW1British big shells ready for firing on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Shell hole caused by German bombing, WW1A shell hole caused by German bombing on the Western Front in France during World War One. The type of bomb, the Minenwerfer, was nicknamed a Moaning Minnie by British troops. circa 1916
British soldiers with three large shells, WW1A group of British soldiers with three large shells addressed: To Capt. Fryatts Murderers, on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
British ammunition transported by mules, WW1British field gun ammunition transported by mules during wet weather on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
British troops on Western Front, France, WW1British troops (a Wiltshire regiment) crossing a shell-swept piece of ground on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
British wiring party on Western Front, WW1A British wiring party moving over a shell-swept area on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Effect of high explosive shell, Western Front, WW1The effect of a high explosive shell in a town on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
Scots troops in action in French village, WW1Scots troops in action in a shell-shattered French village on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Lloyd George with remains of shell, Western Front, WW1Lloyd George with the remains of a shell on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
Lloyd George discussing ammunition supply, WW1Lloyd George discussing ammunition supply with Lord Reading and M. Albert Thomas (French Minister for Munitions) on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
Remains of German gun and ammunition, WW1The remains of a German gun and ammunition hit by the British on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
British officers observing, Western Front, WW1British officers in a trench or shell hole, doing observation work on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Gordon Highlanders resting in shell hole, WW1
German gun destroyed by British firing, Western Front, WW1A German gun destroyed by British firing on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
British soldier sitting at roadside, Western Front, WW1A British soldier sitting on wickerwork shell containers at the side of a road on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Interior of a mine crater, Western Front, WW1Interior of a large mine crater on the Western Front during World War One, with the tiny figures of three men. circa 1916
British shell bursting on German trenches, WW1A British shell bursting on German trenches on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
British gunners with big shell, Western Front, WW1Two British gunners with a big shell on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Shell hole used as stable, Western Front, WW1A shell hole used as a stable -- a common sight on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
Artillery on display near Okehampton, DevonArtillery on display, and used for training purposes, near Okehampton, Devon. 1940s
Ruined buildings, WWIBuildings in an unidentified location (Northern France or Belgium), badly damaged by shelling and fighting during the First World War. circa 1921
German tank at the side of a road, WWIA World War One German tank in a shallow ditch at the side of a road at the end of the war, with a car passing alongside. circa early 1920s
Street scene outside Pratts garage, with people and cars
Harbour scene with seagullsA harbour scene with fishing boats and seagulls. A Shell-Mex BP vehicle is parked on the right
Shell of a building with parked vehiclesThe metal shell of a building with parked vehicles and rubble
Rush hour near the Shell Centre, LondonPeople stream across a pedestrian bridge from the Shell Centre building in Central London during rush hour on a wet day. They are probably heading for Waterloo Station on their way home. Date: 1965
Three turtles swimming underwater. Watercolour painting by Raymond Sheppard
Four and Twenty Tailors went to kill a snail, the best man amongst them durst not touch her tail. She put out her horns like a little Keyloe cow
Celluloid Compact C. 1918Celluloid compact with paste decoration, decorative clasp and tassels in a mock tortoise shell finish. Date: circa 1918
Advertisement for Foremost ice creamAdvertisement for Foremost vanilla ice cream, giving eight different serving suggestions: with melon balls, concentrated orange juice, in a Graham Cracker pie shell, with breakfast cereal
Brown, red and cream abstract art deco shell design c. 1930s
Art deco abstract spiral graphic design with ammonite shapes. c. 1930s
Set of Hornby toy trains & rolling stock Date: 1930s
A TORTOISEA tortoise. Date: 1930s
Embankment SphinxA sphinx on the Embankment, London, one of a pair made to compliment Cleopatras Needle, which was was brought from Egypt to England in 1878. The Shell Mex clock is behind it. Date: 1930s
Newlyn Cornwall 1939Scene at the harbourside in Newlyn, Cornwall. Date: 1939
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