The FarmerPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (17 October 1964)
Railway Sleeper - Aberystwyth StationThe Railway Sleeper series - A snoozing Welsh shepherd takes forty winks leaning up against his crook, sitting on a wooden crate at Aberystwyth Station, his trusty Collie sheepdog at his feet
Farmers walk and lead a team of working horses across a harvested cornfield. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980
HALLINWOOD GOLDEN FETTER, Shetland SheepdogHALLINWOOD GOLDEN FETTER, sable and white Shetland sheepdog, pictured here in 1955. Date: 1955
Old English SheepdogsTwo Old English Sheepdogs. early 1930s
Jumping SheepdogTwo schoolboys lock hands and a sheepdog is taught to jump inbetween them. Date: early 1930s
Filling working horse collarsA rural craftsmans fillas a collar for a working horse with straw. Watercolour Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980
Fall / Shetlandsheepdog / 53Three dogs standing together: HILARITY OF EXFORD, LANNACAST OF EXFORD and BEESWING OF EXFORD. Owner:Sangster Date: 1953
Girl and Sheepdog
Sheepdog and FlockA sheepdog stands on its hind legs to see the sheep enclosed in the fold Date: 1960s
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