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Romance Collection

Background imageRomance Collection: Romeo and Juliet in the balcony scene

Romeo and Juliet in the balcony scene -- an illustration inspired by the Shakespeare play. circa early 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Soldiers tales

Soldiers tales

Background imageRomance Collection: Loves young dream

Loves young dream. Young romance. Dutch boy & girl holding posy of roses standing on the quayside Date: 1903

Background imageRomance Collection: Chocolate box design, lady courted by two men

Chocolate box design, lady courted by two men
Chocolate box design, showing an 18th century scene of a lady on a garden terrace being courted by two men. 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Book cover design, Conquering the Air

Book cover design, Conquering the Air: the Romance of the Development and Use of Aircraft, by Archibald Williams, London: T. C. & E. C. Jack, Ltd, 1926. 1926

Background imageRomance Collection: Book cover design, The Romance of Aeronautics

Book cover design, The Romance of Aeronautics: an Interesting Account of the Growth and Achievements of All Kinds of Aerial Craft, by Charles C Turner, London: Seeley, Service & Co. Limited, 1912

Background imageRomance Collection: Silhouette Calendar -- February

Silhouette Calendar -- February, Saint Valentines Day. Showing a little boy handing a heart shape (perhaps a box of chocolates) to a girl. 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Columbine and Lelio

Columbine and Lelio
Harlequin illustration, showing Columbine standing, with Lelio seated on a chaise longue. 1923

Background imageRomance Collection: Chocolate box design, Pierrot and Harlequin

Chocolate box design, Pierrot and Harlequin
Chocolate box design, showing a pierrot serenading a female harlequin by the light of the moon, surrounded by pink flowers. 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Business card design, couple at a table

Business card design, couple at a table
Business card design in green, gold and black, showing a silhouetted couple at a table, enjoying a glass of champagne. 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Columbine and Harlequin

Columbine and Harlequin
Harlequin illustration, showing Columbine and Harlequin in a garden. 1923

Background imageRomance Collection: Harlequin and Columbine

Harlequin and Columbine
Harlequin illustration, showing Harlequin and Columbine dancing by the light of a full moon. 1923

Background imageRomance Collection: Chocolate box design, 18th century scene

Chocolate box design, 18th century scene

Background imageRomance Collection: Columbine and Pierrot

Columbine and Pierrot

Background imageRomance Collection: Harlequin, Columbine and Pierrot

Harlequin, Columbine and Pierrot
Harlequin illustration, showing Harlequin and Columbine, with Pierrot looking through an open door. 1923

Background imageRomance Collection: Carol Day in Florence by David Wright

Carol Day in Florence by David Wright
Illustration by David Wright showing the character of his Daily Mail strip cartoon, Carol Day, in a bedroom in Florence. c.1962

Background imageRomance Collection: Perilous Honeymoon by David Wright

Perilous Honeymoon by David Wright
Front cover of Perilous Honeymoon, a title in the Famous Romance Library, painted by David Wright, best-known for his pin-ups during World War Two. Date: 1958

Background imageRomance Collection: Pierrots by Florence Hardy

Pierrots by Florence Hardy
Pierrot with mistletoe woos pierrette. Date: 1905

Background imageRomance Collection: Advertising artwork for a magazine, by David Wright

Advertising artwork for a magazine, by David Wright
Advertising artwork by David Wright for a magazine, published in London by George Newnes Limited, printed by W Speight & Sons and Gordon & Gotch (Asia) Limited

Background imageRomance Collection: Couple sitting on steps in a garden, Frensham, Surrey

Couple sitting on steps in a garden, Frensham, Surrey
A couple sitting on steps in a garden at Frensham, Surrey, viewed through an archway. Date: 1918

Background imageRomance Collection: Snow Babies by Dorothy Wheeler

Snow Babies by Dorothy Wheeler
Two snow babies, appearing as the snow flakes fall sit on a " No Trespassing" sign and embrace by the light of a large yellow moon. c.1925

Background imageRomance Collection: French couple enjoying a Sunday morning lie-in

French couple enjoying a Sunday morning lie-in

Background imageRomance Collection: Couple in an intimate bedroom scene

Couple in an intimate bedroom scene
A couple in an intimate bedroom scene -- she is in her frilly underwear, and he is whispering in her ear. circa early 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Romantic couple

Romantic couple
A romantic couple on a French postcard. circa early 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: The Tatler Front Cover, London Season Number 1957

The Tatler Front Cover, London Season Number 1957
Front cover of The Tatler designed by Heath, featuring a stylised naked couple flying through the air watched over by a benevolent looking sun. Date: 1957

Background imageRomance Collection: Wartime cover of Weldons Ladies Journal

Wartime cover of Weldons Ladies Journal
Front cover of Weldons Ladies Journal for August 1940 with a wartime couple, smiling together, he in RAF uniform. The cover also advertises patterns inside of pretty undies and a smart frock

Background imageRomance Collection: Music cover, At a Perfume Counter on the Rue de la Paix

Music cover, At a Perfume Counter on the Rue de la Paix

Background imageRomance Collection: Salutation by Sergei Solomko

Salutation by Sergei Solomko -- a man on horseback speaks to a woman. 1910

Background imageRomance Collection: The Meeting by Sergei Solomko

The Meeting by Sergei Solomko

Background imageRomance Collection: A l Enclos by Sergei Solomko

A l Enclos by Sergei Solomko
A l Enclos (At the Fence) by Sergei Solomko -- a couple having a conversation. circa 1915

Background imageRomance Collection: Idyll by Sergei Solomko

Idyll by Sergei Solomko -- romantic couple in medieval costume. circa 1915

Background imageRomance Collection: Illustration from Paris Plaisirs number 63, September 1927

Illustration from Paris Plaisirs number 63, September 1927
Illustration Le dollar-song a definitivement remplace la romance by Pavis from Paris Plaisirs number 63, September 1927 Date: 1927

Background imageRomance Collection: Children kissing

Children kissing
Charming photograph of two children, perhaps a brother and sister, sitting in a wicker chair in a garden and exchanging a friendly kiss. Date: c.1925

Background imageRomance Collection: Valentines card with three cherubs

Valentines card with three cherubs carrying a heart-shaped wreath -- To My Valentine. circa late 19th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Bride and groom on their wedding day

Bride and groom on their wedding day
A bride and groom on their wedding day. circa early 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Valentines card with teddy bear and red heart

Valentines card with teddy bear and red heart
A Valentines card with a teddy bear hugging a red heart -- Heartily Yours! circa early 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Wedding greetings card

Wedding greetings card
A wedding greetings card, with bride and groom. early 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Glamorous kissing couple

Glamorous kissing couple
A glamorous kissing couple in evening dress. early 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Russian couple in medieval costume, with large dog

Russian couple in medieval costume, with large dog
A Russian couple in rich medieval costume, with a large dog. circa early 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Couple in evening dress with champagne and flowers

Couple in evening dress with champagne and flowers
A couple in evening dress with champagne and flowers. circa early 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: French couple in intimate scene

French couple in intimate scene
A French couple in an intimate scene -- a kiss has intoxicated our souls with its sweet and burning flame. circa early 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Valentines card with two cherubs and a large heart

Valentines card with two cherubs and a large heart
Valentines card with two winged cherubs and a large heart, two white doves and lots of forget-me-nots. To My Valentine. circa late 19th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Russian couple in medieval costume

Russian couple in medieval costume
A Russian couple in medieval costume, gazing lovingly into each others eyes. circa early 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Oh! Lucky Jim! - Lawson Wood Postcard

Oh! Lucky Jim! - Lawson Wood Postcard
Oh! Lucky Jim! A young lad is less than delighted for his pal, who is seemingly having more success in wooing the object of both boys affections... Date: 1914

Background imageRomance Collection: Seduction scene on a French postcard

Seduction scene on a French postcard
A seduction scene on a French postcard. He is in evening dress, kissing her shoulder. She is in her underwear. circa early 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Heart-shaped Valentines card, girl with lute

Heart-shaped Valentines card, girl with lute
A heart-shaped Valentines card, showing a girl playing a lute. My song shall be of love for thee, to my Valentine. circa late 19th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Young couple in proposal scene

Young couple in proposal scene
A young couple in a proposal scene -- he is on one knee, kissing her hand, while she looks shyly away. circa early 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Love Locks on display in Odessa, Ukraine

Love Locks on display in Odessa, Ukraine

Background imageRomance Collection: Kissing couple in bedroom scene

Kissing couple in bedroom scene
A kissing couple in a bedroom scene -- he is respectably dressed in a pyjama jacket and pinstriped trousers, while she is in her underwear. circa early 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Valentines card with cherub, heart and flowers

Valentines card with cherub, heart and flowers
To My Valentine -- a card with a winged cherub, a large red heart and flowers. circa late 19th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Seven winged cherubs with a large red heart

Seven winged cherubs with a large red heart
Seven winged cherubs in the clouds with a large red heart. circa late 19th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Couple in erotic bedroom scene

Couple in erotic bedroom scene
A couple in an erotic bedroom scene. circa early 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Romeo and Juliet kissing on the balcony

Romeo and Juliet kissing on the balcony

Background imageRomance Collection: Greetings card, Loves Golden Key

Greetings card, Loves Golden Key, showing a winged cherub in a pink costume riding a large key spelling the word LOVE. circa early 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: X-X-X-X-Xmas by J. Gordge

X-X-X-X-Xmas by J. Gordge
Two lovers dressed as Columbine and Harlequin prepare for a romantic kiss at what looks to be a deserted party. Date: 1927

Background imageRomance Collection: A Renaissance couple holding hands

A Renaissance couple holding hands -- possibly Romeo and Juliet. circa 16th century

Background imageRomance Collection: 16th century scene in Venice, Italy

16th century scene in Venice, Italy

Background imageRomance Collection: Kissing couple

Kissing couple
A kissing couple. circa early 20th century

Background imageRomance Collection: Japanese lady in a garden

Japanese lady in a garden

Background imageRomance Collection: Wartime romance

Wartime romance
An attractive 1940s couple, he in army uniform, enjoy a romantic kiss. Date: 1940

Background imageRomance Collection: A Couple in the Fields by Florence Hardy

A Couple in the Fields by Florence Hardy
A young farmgirl is courted by a young man dressed in blue. Date: c.1910

Background imageRomance Collection: A Song Without Words by Florence Hardy

A Song Without Words by Florence Hardy
An 18th century couple gaze deeply into each others eyes over a harpsichord. c.1914

Background imageRomance Collection: Thus you Wind Yourself Round my Heart by Florence Hardy

Thus you Wind Yourself Round my Heart by Florence Hardy
Two young lovers demonstrate their love with a ball of string by the river. Date: c.1915

Background imageRomance Collection: Wedding Bells by Florence Hardy

Wedding Bells by Florence Hardy
A boy and girl Pierrot, dressed in white costumes, walk up the aisle arm in arm after getting married. c.1913

Background imageRomance Collection: A couple off to fish by Florence Hardy

A couple off to fish by Florence Hardy
A young man brings his lover to the docks, for a day of fishing. Date: c.1910

Background imageRomance Collection: Can This Be Love by Florence Hardy

Can This Be Love by Florence Hardy
A sweet scene showing two little boys dressed in clown or Pierrot outfits looking hopefully towards a little girl (in similar attire). c.1925

Background imageRomance Collection: At Eve I Bring Thee Roses by Florence Hardy

At Eve I Bring Thee Roses by Florence Hardy
A young Dutch girl sits by a spinning wheel while her suitor peers through the window having presented her with a bouquet of red roses. Date: c.1915

Background imageRomance Collection: An Assault by Florence Hardy

An Assault by Florence Hardy
A couple from the late 18th century flirt and throw snowballs in the snow. c.1914

Background imageRomance Collection: Christmas Wishes by Ethel Parkinson

Christmas Wishes by Ethel Parkinson
A little boy brandishes a small piece of mistletoe in the hope that his female friend will oblige. Date: c.1910

Background imageRomance Collection: He who Hesitates is Lost by Florence Hardy

He who Hesitates is Lost by Florence Hardy
Two Dutch children skate upon a frozen lake as the boy considers presenting the girl with mistletoe. Date: c.1915

Background imageRomance Collection: The Blue Couple by the Sea

The Blue Couple by the Sea
The couple, clad in blue, walk hand in hand by the beach, with windmills and sailing boats in the background. Date: c.1910

Background imageRomance Collection: Come with me and be my Love

Come with me and be my Love
A Dutch boy, flowers in his hand, asks a girl to become his lover by the docks. Date: c.1915

Background imageRomance Collection: Which by Florence Hardy

Which by Florence Hardy
A little boy dressed in a Pierrot costume has trouble choosing between three little girls all wearing similiar fetching clown outfits. c.1925

Background imageRomance Collection: Just a song at twilight by Florence Hardy

Just a song at twilight by Florence Hardy
An elegant gentleman serenades a lady who sits in her chair and listens politely. c.1914

Background imageRomance Collection: Two lovers in the fields by Florence Hardy

Two lovers in the fields by Florence Hardy
A young girl gazes sadly at a bouquet of flowers, while her suitor, a farmboy, walks beside her. Date: c.1910

Background imageRomance Collection: A Proposal by Florence Hardy

A Proposal by Florence Hardy
A small boy Pierrot woos a pretty little girl with a bunch of pink flowers. c.1913

Background imageRomance Collection: Admiration by Florence Hardy

Admiration by Florence Hardy
Two little Pierrots admire from a distance a little girl in a charming clown style dress. c.1913

Background imageRomance Collection: For You I Would Wait Forever by Florence Hardy

For You I Would Wait Forever by Florence Hardy
A Dutch girl prepares herself at the bedroom mirror while her young suitor waits at the door. Date: c.1915

Background imageRomance Collection: False! by Florence Hardy

False! by Florence Hardy
A little girl, dressed in a clown costume, is shocked to discover her Pierrot boyfriend is kissing another. c.1913

Background imageRomance Collection: Poster for Moscow Nights, Leicester Palace Theatre

Poster for Moscow Nights, Leicester Palace Theatre

Background imageRomance Collection: Dachshund serenade

Dachshund serenade

Background imageRomance Collection: Playing with Fire - front cover by David Wright

Playing with Fire - front cover by David Wright
Playing with Fire. Front cover of a sensational romance, translated from the French, designed by David Wright, whose pin-up girls during World War II were hugely popular

Background imageRomance Collection: To My Valentine

To My Valentine -- greetings card design with a large red heart and two cherubs

Background imageRomance Collection: Month Postcard -- Dicembre (December)

Month Postcard -- Dicembre (December). Showing an elegant lady in her underwear, enjoying a cup of tea or coffee in front of the fire

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