WW2 Poster -- Keep mum, shes not so dumb
Liberty silk shawlSilk shawl hand printed at Liberty & Cos own works at Merton Abbey. Reproduction of an old Indian design, 56 inches square, including fringe, costing 2, 17 shillings and sixpence. 20th century
HMS Terrible and HM Yacht jigsaw puzzleA colour illustration of HMS Terrible, a Royal Navy armoured cruiser launched in 1895
Donald Campbell - Bluebird Proteus CN7 modelThe Bluebird-Proteus CN7 was a Land Speed Record-breaking car, driven by Donald Campbell
Sistine Madonna putto by RaphaelReproduction on a card of one of the putti in the Sistine Madonna by Raphael
Adoration of the Magi by GhirlandaioReproduction of a detail from Adoration of the Magi by Domenico Ghirlandaio on a postcard
Madonna and Child by Filippino LippiReproduction of Madonna and Child (Mother Adoring Her Son) by Filippino Lippi
Adoration of the Shepherds by GhirlandaioReproduction of Adoration of the Shepherds by Domenico Ghirlandaio, with a portrait of the artist below. 1485
Madonna and Child in Glory by CorreggioReproduction of Madonna and Child in Glory by Antonio da Correggio. circa 1510
Madonna della Pace by Fra AngelicoMadonna della Pace, reproduction of a painting by Fra Angelico
The Adoration of the Magi by Filippino LippiThe Adoration of the Magi, reproduction of a painting by Filippino Lippi. 1496
Madonna and Child with Saint John (the Baptist), reproduction of a painting attributed to Fra Bartolommeo. circa 1516
Silent Music -- reproduction of a painting by Frederick Beaumont, showing a pensive woman with a violin, and a man with his hand on a large globe looking out at a starry sky. early 20th century
Night With Her Train of Stars
Dryden / Garden / Allah / 238Reproduction of Ernst Drydens palette board Date: 1935
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