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Product Collection

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Ellimans Universal Embrocation

Advertisement for Ellimans Universal Embrocation, for the treatment of stiffness, sprains, aches and bruises. Showing an athletic young woman about to take a swipe at a golf ball. early 20th century

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Cintura Calliano

Advertisement for Cintura Calliano (the Calliano Belt), as seen at an exhibition in Turin in 1898. The belt was designed to combat seasickness

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Prince Matchabelli perfumes

Advertisement for Prince Matchabelli perfumes and cosmetics, fragrant Easter gifts from the Crown Room collection. Showing perfume bottles featuring crowns

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Motorola TV

Advertisement for Motorola TV, showing a family of five watching television in their sitting room. Their loyalty to Motorola products goes back 20 years, when they bought a Motorola car radio

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for La Gomme shaving products

Advertisement for La Gomme shaving products, featuring a man looking very satisfied by his smooth chin. 20th century

Background imageProduct Collection: Countrymen with horses in the City of London

Countrymen with horses in the City of London
Countrymen with horses in Love Lane, City of London. 20th century

Background imageProduct Collection: Manure dryers, Bombay (Mumbai), India

Manure dryers, Bombay (Mumbai), India

Background imageProduct Collection: Street scene with comic figures

Street scene with comic figures advertising Phurnod (a coal product), passing an Odeon cinema. 20th century

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Neobiol skin treatment

Advertisement for Neobiol skin treatment

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Decontractyl to promote relaxation

Advertisement for Decontractyl to promote relaxation. Showing a woman in holiday mood, in a straw hat. 20th century

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Mansion Polish

Advertisement for Mansion Polish

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Dysarene, for digestive health

Advertisement for Dysarene, for digestive health, designed to combat intestinal infections and parasitosis. Showing a toilet brush hanging up beside a picture of intestines -- lovely! 20th century

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Neurogastrine

Advertisement for Neurogastrine, showing a contented stomach relaxing in a deckchair on the beach. 20th century

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Faco floor wax for linoleum and parquet

Advertisement for Faco floor wax for linoleum and parquet, marketed by Forster-Altorfer & Co of Zurich, Switzerland. early 20th century

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Globe metal polish

Advertisement for Globe metal polish, showing a tabby kitten playing with a circular tin to illustrate how this product turns work into play. early 20th century

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Almidon Hoffmann pure rice starch

Advertisement for Almidon Hoffmann pure rice starch, featuring its trademark tabby cat. early 20th century

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for a secret Egyptian beauty treatment

Advertisement for a secret Egyptian beauty treatment known as Kijja, generously made available to French customers

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Ambrosoli products

Advertisement for Ambrosoli products -- potted honey and caramel sweets, two products which are second to none

Background imageProduct Collection: Promotional image for Uralt Lavendel

Promotional image for Uralt Lavendel
German promotion of lavender water, traditionally a product for older ladies, to a younger audience, using Art deco imagery Date: 1933

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Uralt Lavendel

Advertisement for Uralt Lavendel
German promotion of lavender water, traditionally a product for older ladies, to a younger audience, using Art deco imagery Date: 1933

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care

Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care
Part of a German advertising campaign promoting a shoe care product using silhouette images Date: 1941

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care

Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care
Part of a German advertising campaign promoting a shoe care product using silhouette images Date: 1941

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care

Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care
Part of a German advertising campaign promoting a shoe care product using silhouette images Date: 1941

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care

Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care
Part of a German advertising campaign promoting a shoe care product using silhouette images Date: 1941

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care

Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care
Part of a German advertising campaign promoting a shoe care product using silhouette images Date: 1941

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care

Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care
Part of a German advertising campaign promoting a shoe care product using silhouette images Date: 1941

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care

Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care
Part of a German advertising campaign promoting a shoe care product using silhouette images Date: 1941

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care

Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care
Part of a German advertising campaign promoting a shoe care product using silhouette images Date: 1941

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care

Advertisement for Solit䲠Fine Shoe Care
Part of a German advertising campaign promoting a shoe care product using silhouette images Date: 1941

Background imageProduct Collection: Factory with coiled wire

Factory with coiled wire
A factory with newly manufactured wire standing in coils on the floor

Background imageProduct Collection: Product packaging

Product packaging, from thes Maw & Sons catalogue Date: 1903

Background imageProduct Collection: Women working in a factory near Harrogate, Yorkshire

Women working in a factory near Harrogate, Yorkshire
Four women working in a rather low-tech factory near Harrogate, Yorkshire. The various pipes are filling bottles with liquid -- possibly some kind of cosmetic product. Date: 1957

Background imageProduct Collection: Poster advertising an exhibition of pottery, Sweden

Poster advertising an exhibition of pottery, Sweden
Poster advertising an exhibition of pottery made by the Gustavsberg company in Sweden. 20th century

Background imageProduct Collection: Label design for Samsons Bundaberg Rum

Label design for Samsons Bundaberg Rum, product of Queensland, marketed by Lionel Samson & Son Pty Ltd of Fremantle, Australia. The medallion at the top shows Samson wrestling with the lion

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Pastillas Morello

Advertisement for Pastillas Morello, pastilles for the treatment of colds, coughs, bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, hoarseness, pulmonary abscesses, etc

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Le Thermogene medicine

Advertisement for Le Thermogene medicine
Advertisement for Le Thermogene, a medicine designed to combat coughs, flu and rheumatic pains. circa 1930s

Background imageProduct Collection: El Buen Gusto label

El Buen Gusto label, with a bee as its trademark - Good Taste, Bilbao, Spain. 20th century

Background imageProduct Collection: La Ruche Meridionale honey label

La Ruche Meridionale honey label, featuring a woman with a beehive. circa early 20th century

Background imageProduct Collection: Miel Pur French honey label

Miel Pur French honey label from A Lefebvre & Co. 20th century

Background imageProduct Collection: Label design for Calamares Rellenos

Label design for Calamares Rellenos en su tinta (stuffed squid in its own ink), La Montagnarde brand, a product of Spain, marketed by Cervera of Vigo and Cangas

Background imageProduct Collection: Poster design for Tivoli-Senf mustard

Poster design for Tivoli-Senf mustard, winner of 45 medals and diplomas, marketed by Louit Freres & Compagnie of Bordeaux and Vienna

Background imageProduct Collection: Label design for Pearson Crema Cacao liqueur

Label design for Pearson Crema Cacao liqueur, an extra-sweet cocoa-based liqueur. 20th century

Background imageProduct Collection: Poster design for Pastiglie Paneraj

Poster design for Pastiglie Paneraj ed Estratto di Catrame (Panerai Pastilles and Extract of Tar), marketed by a company in Livorno, Italy

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Senchou preserves and jams

Advertisement for Senchou preserves and jams
Advertisement for Senchou Freres preserves and jams, showing an Indian man in a turban running along with a tray of tins, some of which are falling to the ground. 20th century

Background imageProduct Collection: Advertisement for Manteiga d Isigny

Advertisement for Manteiga d Isigny (butter from Isigny Sainte Mere, in Normandy, France), marketed by F Demagny

Background imageProduct Collection: Label design for Football Cup Special Quality

Label design for Football Cup Special Quality, showing a footballer in red and white, running after the ball. 20th century

Background imageProduct Collection: Dryden / Shampoo Advert / 89

Dryden / Shampoo Advert / 89
Illustration from a printed advertisement for a shampoo product - a girl with long blonde hair lies naked on cushions while having her hair combed Date: 1923

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