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Posters Collection

Background imagePosters Collection: British Military Poster - Inter-war period

British Military Poster - Inter-war period

Background imagePosters Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Y Darn Papur

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Y Darn Papur
Y Darn Papur. Recruitment poster, published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee as Poster No. 15. Welsh version of The Scrap of Paper - Prussias Perfidy

Background imagePosters Collection: Poster advertising British military uniform, WW1

Poster advertising British military uniform, WW1
Poster advertising British military uniform, The Studington Military Kit... obtainable only from Studd & Millington Ltd, Military Tailors. Chromolithograph poster, 1914 (c)

Background imagePosters Collection: WW1 Poster -- Silver Bullets

WW1 Poster -- Silver Bullets
You have in your pocket Silver Bullets that will stop the Germans. Lend them to your Country by investing in the War Loan today

Background imagePosters Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- The Scrap of Paper

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- The Scrap of Paper
The Scrap of Paper - Prussias Perfidy - Britains Bond. Enlist Today. Recruitment poster, published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee as Poster No. 7

Background imagePosters Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Halt

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Halt
Halt! Go into Training and Help the Boys at the Front. Recruitment poster, published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee as Poster No. 45

Background imagePosters Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- To the Young Women of London

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- To the Young Women of London
To the Young Women of London. Is your " Best Boy" wearing Khaki? Recruitment poster, one of thirteen produced in Britain between August 1914 - March 1916. 1914

Background imagePosters Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- If the Cap Fits You

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- If the Cap Fits You
f the Cap Fits You, Join the Army Today. Recruitment poster, published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee as Poster No. 53

Background imagePosters Collection: French Military Poster, WW1

French Military Poster, WW1
French military poster, colour photolithograph published by the British Library, 1981

Background imagePosters Collection: Poster - British Military

Poster - British Military
King Edwards Horse, The Kings Oversea Dominions Regiment, Special Reserve, Colonel in Chief His Majesty the King. Coloured chromolithograph poster after Hassall, 1908 (c)

Background imagePosters Collection: The Greatest War Pictures ever Published, WW1

The Greatest War Pictures ever Published, WW1
The Greatest War Pictures ever Published, 1915 (c). Relief half-tone advertising poster for The Globe Fine Art Company. With 21 small reproductions of fine art prints from World War One. 1915

Background imagePosters Collection: Magazine and news sheet cover, Khaki, WWI

Magazine and news sheet cover, Khaki, WWI
Magazine and cabled news sheet cover, Khaki, No.1, March [n.d.]. Reproducing a recruitment poster after Frank Brangwyn, Your Friends Need You. Be a Man

Background imagePosters Collection: Colour poster - British Military

Colour poster - British Military
Making his Mouth Water, 1899

Background imagePosters Collection: British Information Poster, WW1

British Information Poster, WW1
Its worth while! Thats why. Buy War Savings Certificates. Chromolithograph poster after J P Beadle, published as Poster No. 36, by the National War Savings Committee, 1917

Background imagePosters Collection: British Military Recruitment Poster, WWI

British Military Recruitment Poster, WWI
His Majestys Coldstream Guards, God Save the King. Chromolithograph recruitment poster after Ernest Ibbetson, 1914

Background imagePosters Collection: British Military Poster, WW1

British Military Poster, WW1
The Zeppelin Raids: the vow of vengeance. Colour photolithograph after Frank Brangwyn, 1916 (c). Published by Imperial War Museum, 1970 (c), and the Daily Chronicle, 1916 (c). 1916

Background imagePosters Collection: Notice published by London Licensed Victuallers, WW1

Notice published by London Licensed Victuallers, WW1
Prohibition of Treating (ie buying a drink for another person). Notice published by London Licensed Victuallers, 11 October 1915

Background imagePosters Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- To the Women of Britain

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- To the Women of Britain
To the Women of Britain -- Some of your men folk are holding back on your account

Background imagePosters Collection: Calendar - British Military

Calendar - British Military
The Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Colour photolithograph calendar by unknown artist, 1910. Published by Gale and Polden Limited, Aldershot, 1910

Background imagePosters Collection: British Peace Poster, WW1

British Peace Poster, WW1
Labour Fights Wars and then Pays for them -- Disarm! Chromolithograph poster, by Grafton Art Limited, Peace Poster No 2. 1918

Background imagePosters Collection: Recruitment Poster - British Military 1900

Recruitment Poster - British Military 1900
THE BUFFS EAST KENT REGIMENT, 1900 (c). Poster, artist unknown, published for the Ministry of Defence, 1900 (c). Recruitment poster with uniform studies of soldiers from 1572 to 1896

Background imagePosters Collection: British Military Recruitment Poster, WW1

British Military Recruitment Poster, WW1
Recruitment poster, It is Far Better to Face the Bullets than to be Killed at Home by a Bomb, Join the Army at once & help to stop an air raid, 1915 (c)

Background imagePosters Collection: Chromolithograph poster - British Military

Chromolithograph poster - British Military
Royal Naval and Military Tournament OLYMPIA MAY 18TH TO JUNE 3RD TWICE DAILY AT 2.30 AND 8PM. Chromolithograph poster by Dudley Hardy, published by Dobson Molle and Co, 1910 (c)

Background imagePosters Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Special Jewish Unit

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Special Jewish Unit
Britain has been all she could be to Jews. Jews will be all they can be to Britain. Join the Special Jewish Unit

Background imagePosters Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- More Men

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- More Men
Lord Kitchener Calls For More Men -- God Save the King. Recruitment poster, issued 19 May 1915. One of thirteen printed posters produced in Britain between August 1914 and March 1916. 1915

Background imagePosters Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Army Reserve

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Army Reserve
Proclamation regarding the Army Reserve, Army Form D 451, dated 20 December 1915. One of thirteen printed posters produced in Britain between August 1914 - March 1916. 1915

Background imagePosters Collection: Italian Military Poster, WW1

Italian Military Poster, WW1
Fate tutti il vostro dovere! (Everyone do your duty.) Colour photolithograph published by the British Library, 1981

Background imagePosters Collection: British Royal Naval Recruitment Poster, WW1

British Royal Naval Recruitment Poster, WW1
Remember! England Expects -- The need is great today.... the Navy requires you for its glorious service. Join today. Skilled artificers and artisans, seamen, stokers, marines and boys

Background imagePosters Collection: British Military fundraising poster, WW1

British Military fundraising poster, WW1
Wounded Allies Days at the Caledonian Market Islington, 6 and 7 June, chromolithograph after L Pilichowski, Wounded Allies Relief Committee, Sardinia House, Kingsway, London. 1918

Background imagePosters Collection: Territorial Army poster - Inter-war period

Territorial Army poster - Inter-war period
For England and Freedom! Join the Territorial Army. Recruitment poster Number 8. Chromolithograph after Lance Cattermole, published by His Majestys Stationery Office, 1938. 1938

Background imagePosters Collection: British fundraising poster, WW1

British fundraising poster, WW1
For Your Children. Buy War Savings Certificates and they will live to thank you, 1917. Colour half tone print of a pastel drawing by Rosina Mantovari Gutti, published as No

Background imagePosters Collection: Recruitment poster, The York and Lancaster Regiment

Recruitment poster, The York and Lancaster Regiment

Background imagePosters Collection: Photolithograph - British Military

Photolithograph - British Military
Two Great Leaders. Colour photolithograph reproducing a poster advertising a brand of stomach tonic (Horehound Beer), alongside a portrait of Lord Roberts, 1902 (c)

Background imagePosters Collection: WW2 Poster -- Camouflage Hints

WW2 Poster -- Camouflage Hints
Camouflage Hints. Printed poster designed by Sgt H F (Fred) Darking (1911-1999), Royal Engineers, showing how to use camouflage nets to restrict visibility from the air. 1940s

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