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Plates Collection

Background imagePlates Collection: Fast order chef

Fast order chef

Background imagePlates Collection: School Dinner Lady

School Dinner Lady

Background imagePlates Collection: Cook and Waitress

Cook and Waitress
People You See. From Teddy Bear (5 February 1966)

Background imagePlates Collection: Camping in a tent

Camping in a tent
People You See. Camping in a tent. From Teddy Bear (date unknown)

Background imagePlates Collection: Balloon salesman

Balloon salesman

Background imagePlates Collection: Roberts plates of meat

Roberts plates of meat. Edwardian humour. Date: circa 1905

Background imagePlates Collection: Old man in flea market, Paris, France

Old man in flea market, Paris, France
An old man standing behind a stall in the flea market, Paris, France. Date: 1955

Background imagePlates Collection: Cat cooking a pie

Cat cooking a pie

Background imagePlates Collection: Book cover design, Les Maitres de l Affiche

Book cover design, Les Maitres de l Affiche
Book cover design for Les Maitres de l Affiche (Masters of the Poster), published by Librairie Chaix, 20 Rue Bergere, Paris

Background imagePlates Collection: Advertisement for Armstrongs Linoleum Floors

Advertisement for Armstrongs Linoleum Floors -- a kitchen for a busy woman. Featuring a design for a combination of kitchen and office space, including a telephone and a typewriter. circa 1950s

Background imagePlates Collection: Little girl playing with her dolls house

Little girl playing with her dolls house
A little girl playing with her dolls house. Date: 20th century

Background imagePlates Collection: School dinner at Hallfield School, Paddington

School dinner at Hallfield School, Paddington
A dinner lady begins to clear up at Hallfield School, Paddington, West London. A little boy seems to be asking for a top-up. Date: 1956

Background imagePlates Collection: Automobilia Ephemera Collection

Automobilia Ephemera Collection
A splendid collection of Automobilia Ephemera, including goggles, a rigid ash tray, a map and a long curved car horn! Date: circa 1910s

Background imagePlates Collection: Recipe book cover, Gateaux et Friandises

Recipe book cover, Gateaux et Friandises (Cakes and Confectionery), showing a woman in a white apron with plates of food. 20th century

Background imagePlates Collection: People preparing food, Kashgar, western China

People preparing food, Kashgar, western China
People sitting in the open air, preparing food, in Kashgar, western China. Photograph by Ralph Ponsonby Watts Date: 1932

Background imagePlates Collection: Composing and Retouching at printing works

Composing and Retouching at printing works
Composing and Retouching Studio at the Lund Humphries Printing works in Bradford. Photograph by Heinz Zinram Date: late 1950s

Background imagePlates Collection: Christmas Dinner 1931

Christmas Dinner 1931
A jolly group in party hats hold out their plates for freshly carved turkey during Christmas dinner at Antoines restaurant, Charlotte Street, London. early 1930s

Background imagePlates Collection: Redring advertisement, c. 1955

Redring advertisement, c. 1955
Advertisement for Redring Metrovick Boiling Plates manufactured by Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company of Old Trafford, Manchester, showing a jubilant housewife delighted with her new cooker

Background imagePlates Collection: Advertisement for colour printing

Advertisement for colour printing, with four-colour blocks by the Direct Photo-Engraving Co Ltd, and inks by Shackell, Edwards & Co Ltd

Background imagePlates Collection: Poster design for Crawfords Edinburgh Shortbread

Poster design for Crawfords Edinburgh Shortbread, in an Arts and Crafts or Art Nouveau style. Showing a woman standing at a tea table, looking out of a window as if expecting a guest

Background imagePlates Collection: Woman standing by her kitchen sink

Woman standing by her kitchen sink
A woman in a dark dress, standing by her kitchen sink. circa 1960s

Background imagePlates Collection: Advertisement for Jell-O jelly

Advertisement for Jell-O jelly, with six delicious flavours. Jello-O Again! 20th century

Background imagePlates Collection: Little boy doing a jigsaw puzzle

Little boy doing a jigsaw puzzle
A little boy doing a jigsaw puzzle at a table, while a man watches. Date: circa early 20th century

Background imagePlates Collection: Hors D oeuvre

Hors D oeuvre
Plates of hors d oeuvre. Date: early 1930s

Background imagePlates Collection: Brighton Works brass plates

Brighton Works brass plates
Two brass plates for the Brighton railway works, and a smaller metal plate for the Bristol Wagon & Carriage Works. Date: 1900 - 1901

Background imagePlates Collection: Bruce Bairnsfather Ware by Grimwades

Bruce Bairnsfather Ware by Grimwades
A selection of pottery manufactured by the firm Grimwades of Staffordshire, featuring the designs of Bruce Bairnsfather, the artist whose cartoons featured in The Bystander during World War I

Background imagePlates Collection: African Lip Plates

African Lip Plates
Africans with lip plates (pelele), part of a circus, which was about to travel to London. Date: 1930s

Background imagePlates Collection: School Dinners 1962

School Dinners 1962
Boys at Gibbs Pre-Preparatory School, Kensington, London, finishing off their school dinners as matron clears away their plates. Date: 1962

Background imagePlates Collection: School Dinner 1956

School Dinner 1956
A rather scruffy boy tucks into his pudding during school dinners at Hallfield School, Paddington, London. Date: 1956

Background imagePlates Collection: Family Breakfast 1961

Family Breakfast 1961
Breakfast time for all the family at the home of artist Terry Frost in St Ives, England. Date: 1961

Background imagePlates Collection: Africans with Pelele

Africans with Pelele
Three Congo natives with lip plates (pelele), listening to a radio broadcast in West Africa. Date: early 1930s

Background imagePlates Collection: African Radio Broadcast

African Radio Broadcast
Congo natives with lip plates (pelele) making a radio broadcast in West Africa. Date: early 1930s

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