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Perched Collection

Background imagePerched Collection: Nursery Rhyme -- The Carrion Crow

Nursery Rhyme -- The Carrion Crow. A tailor sits sewing, and is irritated by a carrion crow making a noise in a tree

Background imagePerched Collection: Three birds on a branch

Three birds on a branch
Illustration of three birds on a branch

Background imagePerched Collection: Mallards by a wintry lake

Mallards by a wintry lake
A male mallard duck shelters his head between his wings to guard against the coldness of the day, while a female peers down into the cold water of a pond Date: early 20th century

Background imagePerched Collection: A Leopard sitting in a tree

A Leopard sitting in a tree
A male Leopard (Panthera pardus) sitting in the substantial lower branches of a tree in sub-Saharan Africa. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980

Background imagePerched Collection: Little boy with robin and snowman by Muriel Dawson

Little boy with robin and snowman by Muriel Dawson
A little boy with a robin and a snowman by Muriel Dawson. circa 1930s

Background imagePerched Collection: Pinocchio -- birds pecking his nose

Pinocchio -- birds pecking his nose
Pinocchio -- They immediately perched on Pinocchios nose and began to peck at it. 1911

Background imagePerched Collection: Girl in garden with robin

Girl in garden with robin
Young girl in a garden with a robin perched on her shoulder. c.1909

Background imagePerched Collection: Rock perched precariously on clifftop

Rock perched precariously on clifftop
A rock perched (somewhat miraculously) on the top of a steep clif. The striations in the stone attest to their soft compound, the way water has aroded their form over time being made fully apparent

Background imagePerched Collection: Cock-of-the-rock on a jungle perch

Cock-of-the-rock on a jungle perch
A Cock-of-the-rock (Rupicola rupicola) on a jungle perch. These exotic birds are found in Venezuela, Guyana and Surinam. Pastel drawing by Raymond Sheppard

Background imagePerched Collection: Blue and Yellow Macaw and two Scarlet Macaws

Blue and Yellow Macaw and two Scarlet Macaws
A Blue-and-yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna) and two Scarlet Macaws (Ara macao) perch on a jungle branch. Pastel drawing by Raymond Sheppard

Background imagePerched Collection: Retro couple in matching patchwork outfits 1970s

Retro couple in matching patchwork outfits 1970s, Fashion, Fashions, Trends

Background imagePerched Collection: Robins Greeting by Ethel Parkinson

Robins Greeting by Ethel Parkinson -- three children stop to receive a Christmas Greeting from a robin perched on a branch. Date: early 20th century

Background imagePerched Collection: November 1952 by David Wright

November 1952 by David Wright, showing a model perched on the end of her bed. Wright produced a series of over 160 illustrations or pin-ups for The Sketch during the 1940 s

Background imagePerched Collection: Rudges Cycles Poster

Rudges Cycles Poster
Poster advertising bicycles by Rudge and Whitworth of Nottingham, England showing a young lady from around 1940 perched on one of their models. Date: c.1940

Background imagePerched Collection: Chocolate box design, lady in yellow dress

Chocolate box design, lady in yellow dress
Chocolate box design, featuring a lady in a wide-skirted yellow dress, standing in a winter landscape with a bird perched on her hand. 20th century

Background imagePerched Collection: Menu design featuring Pol Narelly Champagne

Menu design featuring Pol Narelly Champagne, with an impish lady perched on the side of the bottle. early 20th century

Background imagePerched Collection: Buzzard and countryside landscape

Buzzard and countryside landscape
A Buzzard visible only as a white silhouette flies up over a broken wooden fence on the lower levels of a hilly countryside scene

Background imagePerched Collection: A large Leopard reclining on a branch

A large Leopard reclining on a branch
A male Leopard (Panthera pardus) sitting in the substantial lower branches of a tree in sub-Saharan Africa. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980

Background imagePerched Collection: Coastal Clifftop scene with Peregrine Falcon

Coastal Clifftop scene with Peregrine Falcon
Waves crash on a steep rocky coastline with dark high cliffs. A perched Peregrine Falcon has been added to the border framing this coastal scene. Watercolour painting by Malcolm Greensmith

Background imagePerched Collection: Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)

Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)
A Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) perched on a sprig of ivy. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980

Background imagePerched Collection: Pigeon on a leafy perch

Pigeon on a leafy perch
A perched pigeon. Watercolour painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980

Background imagePerched Collection: Robin (Erithacus rubecula)

Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
A Robin (Erithacus rubecula) perches on a branch. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980

Background imagePerched Collection: Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise
A Bird of Paradise, perched in the branches of a rainforest tree. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980

Background imagePerched Collection: A Jay on a perch

A Jay on a perch
A Jay (Garrulus glandarius) on a perch circa 1980

Background imagePerched Collection: Kingfisher amid the blossoms - Japan

Kingfisher amid the blossoms - Japan
A small Japanese Kingfisher perched on a thorny twig amid the white blossoms. Watercolour painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980

Background imagePerched Collection: Fantasy Japanese landscape with bird

Fantasy Japanese landscape with bird
Fantasy Japanese landscape featuring a songbird perched on a variety of blossoms, a stylised sun and snow-capped volcanic peak, similar to the iconic outline of Mount Fuji

Background imagePerched Collection: Little Owl perched on a branch

Little Owl perched on a branch
A Little Owl (Athene noctua) perched on a branch. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980

Background imagePerched Collection: Kestrel and English Countryside scenery

Kestrel and English Countryside scenery
A Kestrel sat on a fencepost is set into the border framing a n atmospheric view of the late summer light throwing the shape of the trees of an English countryside into sharp relief

Background imagePerched Collection: Magpie (Pica pica)

Magpie (Pica pica)
A Magpie (Pica pica) perched on a branch Date: circa 1980

Background imagePerched Collection: Bird of Paradise among exotic blooms

Bird of Paradise among exotic blooms
A Bird of Paradise (with an impressive pale blue tailfeather) perched amongst exotic blooms. Watercolour painting by Malcolm Greensmith circa 1980

Background imagePerched Collection: A male Chaffinch

A male Chaffinch
A male chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), perched on a shrub in bud. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980

Background imagePerched Collection: Peregrine Falcon on a rock

Peregrine Falcon on a rock
A Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) perched on a rock. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980

Background imagePerched Collection: A Robin perched on a large fir cone

A Robin perched on a large fir cone
A Robin (Erithacus rubecula) perched on a large fir cone. Watercolour painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980

Background imagePerched Collection: Songbird and Mount Fuji

Songbird and Mount Fuji
A colourful songbird perched amid the bamboo blossoms in this fantasy Japanese landscape painting by Malcolm Greensmith. The distinctive peak of Mount Fuji dominates the horizon. Date: circa 1980

Background imagePerched Collection: Penguins on the Rocks

Penguins on the Rocks
Penguins perched on a rock formation. Date: early 1930s

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