Disused tram, Blackpool St Annes & Lytham TramwaysA disused tram of the Blackpool St Annes & Lytham Tramways, damaged and rusting in the open air
Railway Sleeper - Crewe StationThe Railway Sleeper series - A snoozing railway porter at Crewe Station. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith circa 1960s
Postman and postwomanPeople You See. Postman and postwoman. From Teddy Bear (14 December 1963)
At a Christmas partyPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (date unknown)
Poster promoting luggage delivery by busOverloaded? Hand in your parcels for speedy delivery by bus. circa 1960
Regency couple Christmas shoppingA couple stand in a snow covered street holding christmas gifts and holly in a basket. 1907
Kind Thoughts, by Ethel ParkinsonKind Thoughts -- a Christmas Greetings card by Ethel Parkinson, showing a little girl and an elderly gentleman walking down a snowy street. He is carrying a few parcels, and is using a walking stick
Carrying his ladys luggage by Florence HardyOnce I loved a Maiden fair. A young man carrying his ladys bags and parcels. Date: circa 1914
Birthday PartyFour children at a birthday party, wearing party hats and standing underneath multi-coloured balloons holding wrapped parcels
Mother and children Christmas shopping carrying parcels home c. 1930s
By the Roadside - Madhya Pradesh - IndiaMen women and children, some carrying wrapped goods on their heads, pose for a picture on the roadside in Madhya Pradesh Province, India. Photograph by Ralph Ponsonby Watts Date: circa 1940s
Sorting Post 1930SOne of the hundreds of groups of auxiliaries at the General Post Office (GPO), dispatching parcels to distant colonies during the usual Christmas postal rush. Date: early 1930s
Delineator front cover December 1929Art deco cover featuring a woman surrounded by Christmas presents. Date: December 1929
Delineator Christmas Number 1927Festive front cover design by Helen Dryden featuring a woman with fashionably cropped blonde hair clutching a heap of wrapped up Christmas presents against a candlelit background. Date: December 1927
Angel Shops with CarAn angel does her Christmas shopping and loads it into the car, with her chauffeurs help. Date: 24 December 1926
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