Finding the rose. Source unknown
Ivan and the Czar of Russia. The old man knelt in front of the mighty Czar of Russia
Princess Petal and the Green Page. From Playhour (1958)
Handley Page Harrow K6962 aeroplane in camouflage colours. 1940s
Imperial Airways Poster, four types of planeImperial Airways Poster, showing four types of plane, with cutaway drawings of interiors of each class -- Heracles and Hannibal, Scylla, Atalanta, and Scipio. 20th century
Page of prospectus, Aeronautic AssociationPage of a prospectus promoting the purchase of shares in the balloon company
Ballooning celebration for Queen Victorias birthdayFront page of The Penny Satirist - A cheap substitute for a weekly Newspaper
Title page, The Adventures of Harlequin by Francis Bickley, with illustrations by John Austen. Showing Harlequin himself in typical costume and pose. 1923
1953 Coronation - Rubbish in the stands after crowds had lefPage from the Daily Sketch reporting on the eyesore and scandal of the uncleared rubbish left behind in the stands along the processional route following the 1953 Coronation
Balloons and parachutesFull front page from The Penny Dispatch, giving five images of balloons and parachutes
Illustrated page, stork and baby, by Muriel DawsonIllustrated page, showing a stork and baby, with a verse below, by Muriel Dawson. 1920s
Title page design, The Fairy Book, by Muriel Dawson. 1920s
Page boy in greenFrom a postcard illustration. c.1910
White Star Line 1st and 2nd Class bookletTitle page of the First and Second Class Accommodation passenger booklet for White Star Line Olympic and Titanic cruises. Date: circa 1912
Title page design for The Stork, by Muriel Dawson. Showing a little baby riding on the neck of a stork. 1920s
Title page design, Album of Views of Woolwich Arsenal, south east London, printed and published by Gale & Polden Ltd, with an image of two gunners with a field gun. circa 1905
Minder of a two-colour Letterpress MachineThe Minder of a quad medium two-colour Letterpress Machine checks his sheet into the grippers at the Lund Humphries Printing Works. Photograph by Heinz Zinram Date: late 1950s
Sporting Evening Times, Titanic disasterFront page of the Sporting Evening Times for 16 April 1912, reporting on the Titanic disaster. Date: 16 April 1912
Letter from Captain EJ SmithA two-page letter from EJ Smith, future Captain of the ill-fated SS Titanic, to My dear Alvin Taylor. It is written on RMS Baltic White Star Line headed paper. Date: 21 July 1904
Warne alphabet 1875. ABCPage from a Victorian alphabet showing A for apple, B for broom and C for cart. Date: 1875
Surface Plate being developedA surface plate being developed in the Replika Department of the Lund Humphries Printing Works. Photograph by Heinz Zinram Date: late 1950s
Lifting a proof off a large forme at the Lund Humphries Printing Works. Photograph by Heinz Zinram Date: late 1950s
Page illustration, CovadongaA page illustration entitled Covadonga, with a lunette shape containing two female figures at the top, and ornate margins on either side
Poster advertising Rambles in Somerset
Eight Months with the Womens Royal Air Force (Immobile) -- possibly the title page. published 1920
Illuminated page from a Spanish gospel (John, Chapter 19), with a scene showing the humiliation of Christ
Illuminated page from a Spanish gospel (John, Chapter 18), with scenes from the arrest and humiliation of Christ
European holiday resortsMagazine double page spread depicting a montage of European holiday resorts Date: 1941
Title page, book of poetry by Sergeant R P L Mogg, WW2Title page to a book of poetry entitled For This Alone and Other Poems, written by Sergeant R P L Mogg while a prisoner of war in Germany during the Second World War. 1944
Page boy carrying booksIllustration on Library List booklet, depicting a little page boy in yellow, carrying a pile of books
Baby Scouts -- title page design, showing three scouts in wide-brimmed hats. 1900
Page from shoe cataloguePage from a shoe catalogue. Date: 1930
The Princess, walking along in a beautiful renaissance style dress, with a pageboy to carry her train. 20th century
Fencing PagesTwo page boys fencing on the roof terrace of the Savoy Hotel, London, England. Date: early 1930s
Handley Page Airline
Titanic news report and sheet musicA Daily Sketch item dated 20 April 1912, with a full page photograph of Captain Smith, who went down with his ship when the Titanic sank on 15 April 1912
Brochure page, chocolate box designs, Statue Series Section B, Geo. H. Harrison & Sons, Statue Printing Works, Leeds. circa 1930
Music cover design, Victorian Celebration 1897Music cover design for Victorian Celebration 1897, a descriptive piece for the piano by Theo Bonheur, published by Phillips & Page, London
Belle Jardiniere calendar page for August, showing some elegant people playing lawn tennis. 1906
Dryden / Garden / Allah / 240A page from Drydens storyboard showing a six-day shoot between 15 and 27 April 1935, with silver lame and chiffon samples attached. Date: 1935
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