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Official Collection

Background imageOfficial Collection: Records of first UK aerial mail service

Records of first UK aerial mail service
Thepostmasters official handwrittenrecordsrelatingto thefirst UKaerialmail service from London to Windsor andWindsor to LondoninSeptember1911. 1911

Background imageOfficial Collection: Cover design, Gordon Bennett Aeronautic Cup

Cover design, Gordon Bennett Aeronautic Cup
Cover design, Official Program of the Second Competition for the Gordon Bennett Aeronautic Cup, Forest Park, St Louis, USA, October 1907. Showing men flying in balloons. October 1907

Background imageOfficial Collection: Cover design, Exposition de Locomotion Aerienne

Cover design, Exposition de Locomotion Aerienne
Cover design, official catalogue of the 7th Exposition International de Locomotion Aerienne, Grand Palais, Champs Elysees, Paris, 12-27 November 1921

Background imageOfficial Collection: Cover design, Luftschiffahrt Ausstellung catalogue

Cover design, Luftschiffahrt Ausstellung catalogue
Cover design for the official catalogue of the Internationale Luftschiffahrt Ausstellung (International Airship Exhibition), Frankfurt, 1909. 1909

Background imageOfficial Collection: Official programme, International Trophy at Brooklands

Official programme, International Trophy at Brooklands
Cover design for the official programme, The International Trophy at Brooklands, organised by the Junior Car Club. Showing a racing car and driver. May 1933

Background imageOfficial Collection: Cover design, Circuit of Britain Programme

Cover design, Circuit of Britain Programme
Cover design, official programme issued by the Royal Aero Club for the Circuit of Britain 1010 Miles Air Race for the Second 10, 000 Daily Mail prize

Background imageOfficial Collection: Official programme cover, The London Aerodrome

Official programme cover, The London Aerodrome
Official programme cover for the London Aerodrome, Hendon, 7th London Aviation Meeting, 9-13 April 1914 (weather permitting)

Background imageOfficial Collection: King George V visiting France, WW1

King George V visiting France, WW1
Scottish soldiers marching past and playing bagpipes during a church parade, when King George V made a visit to the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916

Background imageOfficial Collection: Shipping Casualties HMSO report

Shipping Casualties HMSO report
Front cover of the HMSO report of an official investigation, entitled Shipping Casualties (Loss of the Steamship Titanic)

Background imageOfficial Collection: Southern Railway Ratcatcher

Southern Railway Ratcatcher
Official Rat catcher for Southern Railway with Terriers and quarry. Date: 1924

Background imageOfficial Collection: RMS Titanic and Olympic postcard

RMS Titanic and Olympic postcard

Background imageOfficial Collection: Advertisement for a Mammoth Xmas Circus

Advertisement for a Mammoth Xmas Circus
Advertisement for Tom Arnolds Mammoth Xmas Circus at Harringay Arena, north London. 20th century

Background imageOfficial Collection: Statue of St Peter, Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano

Statue of St Peter, Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano
Statue of St Peter in the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano (Basilica of St John Lateran) in Rome, Italy. This cathedral is the official ecclesiastical seat of the Bishop of Rome, ie the Pope

Background imageOfficial Collection: Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano, Rome, Italy

Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano, Rome, Italy
View of an ornate cross with the cupola above it, in the Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano (Basilica of St John Lateran) in Rome, Italy

Background imageOfficial Collection: Shipping Casualties HMSO report, Inquiry booklet

Shipping Casualties HMSO report, Inquiry booklet
Two items relating to the sinking of the Titanic. 1. Front cover of the HMSO report of an official investigation, entitled Shipping Casualties (Loss of the Steamship Titanic)

Background imageOfficial Collection: Armistice Day on Wall Street, New York, USA, WW1

Armistice Day on Wall Street, New York, USA, WW1
Crowds of people in Wall Street, New York, USA, on Armistice Day, marking the official end of World War One. 11 November 1918

Background imageOfficial Collection: Schneider Trophy Air Race

Schneider Trophy Air Race
Souvenir programme cover design, Schneider Trophy Contest. 12 September 1931

Background imageOfficial Collection: Quayside scene, George V departing France, WW1

Quayside scene, George V departing France, WW1
A quayside scene as King George V departs France after a visit to the Western Front during World War One. The Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII) can be seen standing on the right. circa 1916

Background imageOfficial Collection: People collecting for War Savings

People collecting for War Savings
People on a street, encouraging War Savings to help the war effort. 1939-1945

Background imageOfficial Collection: Titanic Casualty Letter

Titanic Casualty Letter
An official White Star Line letter informing the family of a victim of the Titanic that their body had been recovered by the Mackay Bennett and buried at sea. Date: 23 May 1912

Background imageOfficial Collection: Tea for Queue

Tea for Queue
A kind tea lady hands out cups of hot tea to a crowd of people waiting outside No. 10 Downing Street, London, the official residence of the British Prime Minister of the day. Date: early 1930s

Background imageOfficial Collection: German officials in Packard cars

German officials in Packard cars
Visitors or dignitaries and German officials in two (possibly Embassy) vehicles. Both cars are American Packards. Photograph by Ralph Ponsonby Watts Date: 1930s

Background imageOfficial Collection: Programme cover, Big Circus, Olympia, London

Programme cover, Big Circus, Olympia, London
Programme cover for Charles B Cochrans Big Circus, taking place at Olympia, London, over Christmas 1913-14. Featuring a reproduction of a Noahs Ark frieze by Arthur Sanderson & Sons Ltd

Background imageOfficial Collection: Fishing in India

Fishing in India
A wonderful photograph showing colonial life in India in the early 1920s

Background imageOfficial Collection: Pakistani / Indian Elder

Pakistani / Indian Elder
An Elder from a province in modern day Pakistan, at this point however it was still a province in North-west India. Photograph by Ralph Ponsonby Watts Date: circa 1940s

Background imageOfficial Collection: British Empire Marketing Board poster - Takoradi Harbour

British Empire Marketing Board poster - Takoradi Harbour
Native Chiefs in Palaver, Takoradi Harbour in Ghana, West Africa

Background imageOfficial Collection: Sadar Manzil, Bhopal - India

Sadar Manzil, Bhopal - India
The Sadar Manzil (or Gohar Mala) at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Province, India. Photograph by Ralph Ponsonby Watts Date: circa 1940s

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