Sending the right message
Visiting a toy shop
Flyaway Peter, Flyaway Paul
Birds on a Wire
Horse riding in the surf
Three mummies, Egypt, with a living man sitting alongside. circa 1870
Wheres Your Mummy? by Muriel Dawson -- a little boy finds a kitten all alone in the garden. 1944
For Mummy by Muriel Dawson -- a little girl and her dog, with a posy of flowers and berries for her mother. 1944
Just What Mummy Does by Muriel Dawson -- a little boy in blue overalls watering some daffodils. 1944
Picture for Mummy by Muriel Dawson -- a little girl kneels on the floor to paint a picture. 1942
What Will Mummy Say? by Muriel Dawson -- a little girl in a pink dress gets in a mess with a pot of jam. 1937
Hullo, Mummy, by Muriel Dawson. 1927
Cover design, Tutankamen fortune bookCover design for a Tutankamen (Tutankhamun) fortune book, giving a daily prediction to the lucky owner. 20th century
On Lyme Regis BeachA little girl enjoys a biscuit on Lyme Regis beach with her mummy and grandparents. Date: 1968
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