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Milk Collection

Background imageMilk Collection: The Milkman

The Milkman
People You See. The Milkman. From Teddy Bear (21 September 1966)

Background imageMilk Collection: The Laundryman

The Laundryman

Background imageMilk Collection: People You See: The Baker

People You See: The Baker

Background imageMilk Collection: Talking to Fairies

Talking to Fairies

Background imageMilk Collection: Farmhouse


Background imageMilk Collection: Pudding


Background imageMilk Collection: Design with milkmaid, animals and birds

Design with milkmaid, animals and birds. Watercolour on detail paper. Silver Studio. 1950

Background imageMilk Collection: Milk delivery, Parkhill Estate, Sheffield

Milk delivery, Parkhill Estate, Sheffield
Delivery of milk on the newly built Parkhill housing estate in Sheffield, Yorkshire. Date: 1961

Background imageMilk Collection: Pencil sketch of baby with bottle

Pencil sketch of baby with bottle
Pencil sketch of a baby with a bottle. 1920s

Background imageMilk Collection: Poster advertising Norway

Poster advertising Norway, showing a pretty milkmaid with a yoke and two buckets. 20th century

Background imageMilk Collection: Man and dog with milk cart

Man and dog with milk cart
Man (possibly Belgian) and dog with a milk cart, in a studio photo with a painted backdrop. late 19th century

Background imageMilk Collection: Taking milk to town, Shoalhaven, New South Wales, Australia

Taking milk to town, Shoalhaven, New South Wales, Australia
A boy and his horse taking milk to town, Shoalhaven, New South Wales, Australia. circa 1890s

Background imageMilk Collection: Young people in a scruffy cafe, London

Young people in a scruffy cafe, London
A group of young people passing the time in a scruffy cafe in London. A girl is choosing a record from the juke box. Date: late 1950s

Background imageMilk Collection: Pencil sketch of toddler with cat

Pencil sketch of toddler with cat. 1920s

Background imageMilk Collection: Recipe book cover: Over 120 Ways of using Bread

Recipe book cover: Over 120 Ways of using Bread for Tasty & Delightful Dishes, showing a woman at her kitchen table, busy making a variety of bread-based dishes. 20th century

Background imageMilk Collection: Advertisement for Cacao Lacte

Advertisement for Cacao Lacte (cocoa with added milk powder), marketed by Charles Gravier, Rue du Louvre, Paris, France. Showing a boy doing his best to keep his bowl of cocoa away from his pet dog

Background imageMilk Collection: Drink More Milk poster

Drink More Milk poster
Poster issued by the National Milk Publicity Council showing a pretty, and wholesome looking dairy worker enjoying a glass of fresh milk. Date: c.1930

Background imageMilk Collection: Glax-ovo advert

Glax-ovo advert, chocolate flavour dried milk, every drop is sheer nourishment

Background imageMilk Collection: Empire Marketing Board Milk poster

Empire Marketing Board Milk poster
Poster issued by the Empire Marketing Board encouraging children to " take more fresh milk - and plenty of it" showing children toasting the king with their baby bottle and mugs aloft

Background imageMilk Collection: Chocolate Malted Milk Cake

Chocolate Malted Milk Cake with Decorated Chocolate Buttercream Date: 1936

Background imageMilk Collection: Two cats in a large metal jug

Two cats in a large metal jug. 1930s

Background imageMilk Collection: Two cats with a saucer of milk

Two cats with a saucer of milk

Background imageMilk Collection: Chocolate Cake de Luxe

Chocolate Cake de Luxe (Chocolate Malted Milk Cake) Date: 1936

Background imageMilk Collection: Advertisement for Nescafe coffee

Advertisement for Nescafe coffee
Advertisement for Nescafe instant coffee in the Saturday Evening Post, featuring a cafe scene in 16th century Damascus. 1946

Background imageMilk Collection: I Love Little Pussy, by Muriel Dawson

I Love Little Pussy, by Muriel Dawson -- a little girl gives her pet cat a saucer of milk. 1948

Background imageMilk Collection: Pussys Breakfast by Muriel Dawson

Pussys Breakfast by Muriel Dawson -- a little boy bends down to give a kitten a saucer of milk. 1945

Background imageMilk Collection: Pussys Share by Muriel Dawson

Pussys Share by Muriel Dawson -- a little child watches a kitten drinking from a saucer of milk. 1946

Background imageMilk Collection: Two milkmaids, Belgium

Two milkmaids, Belgium

Background imageMilk Collection: Interior of tramshed, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire

Interior of tramshed, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire
Interior view of a tramshed at Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, showing various trams with advertising material: Jacobs Cream Crackers, Colmans Mustard, Lifebuoy Soap

Background imageMilk Collection: Woman and boy with two cats

Woman and boy with two cats
A woman and a boy watch two cats drinking milk from a saucer in a back yard

Background imageMilk Collection: Children at F D Roosevelt School, Swiss Cottage

Children at F D Roosevelt School, Swiss Cottage
Children at a table at F D Roosevelt School in Swiss Cottage, north west London. They are drinking their mid-morning bottles of milk. Date: 1963

Background imageMilk Collection: Boys drinking school milk

Boys drinking school milk
Three boys at Gibbs Pre-Preparatory School, Kensington, London, drinking the traditional mid-morning bottle of milk, which was eventually done away with by Mrs Thatcher ten years later. Date: 1961

Background imageMilk Collection: Aldermaston Marchers with placards

Aldermaston Marchers with placards, marching from Aldermaston to London. Date: 1959

Background imageMilk Collection: Entrance gate of Wormwood Scrubs Prison

Entrance gate of Wormwood Scrubs Prison
The famous entrance (and exit) gate of Wormwood Scrubs Prison, West London, with its two towers on either side. Some milk cans have been stacked on the left. Date: 1961

Background imageMilk Collection: Mother and daughter on the beach

Mother and daughter on the beach
A mother and her daughter on the beach. The little girl sits in a push chair, drinking milk from a bottle. 1967

Background imageMilk Collection: Will you buy any milk today?

Will you buy any milk today?
Old Street Cries -- Will you buy any milk today? 20th century

Background imageMilk Collection: Titanic Silverware

Titanic Silverware
A selection of silver table ware from the ill-fated Lusitania passenger liner which sank after being struck by a German torpedoe in May 1915

Background imageMilk Collection: Milking a Goat

Milking a Goat
Two girls at a college farm in Finchley, north London, England. One girl milks a goat, while the other drinks a metal mug of warm milk! Date: early 1930s

Background imageMilk Collection: Cat Laps up Spilt Milk

Cat Laps up Spilt Milk

Background imageMilk Collection: Girl and Bottles / 1957

Girl and Bottles / 1957
A young girl stands at the side of Princedale Road, London clutching a pair of empty milk bottles Date: 1957

Background imageMilk Collection: Baby Drinking Milk

Baby Drinking Milk
An Adoption Society baby drinking milk in a high chair in the open air, England. Date: early 1930s

Background imageMilk Collection: Automatic Milk Machine

Automatic Milk Machine
A little girl demonstrates how easy it is to fill up a jug with milk from an automatic milk machine! Date: early 1930s

Background imageMilk Collection: Cow & Gate Chocolate

Cow & Gate Chocolate
Advertisement for Cow & Gate Chocolate Milk " Natures Tonic Beverage". Date: April 1931

Background imageMilk Collection: A Baby having a Drink

A Baby having a Drink
A baby lies on his back drinking milk from his bottle. Date: late 1960s

Background imageMilk Collection: Empire Marketing Board milk poster

Empire Marketing Board milk poster
Poster produced by the Empire Marketing Board encouraging children to drink more milk depicting a small girl and a baby in its pram holding their cup and bottle aloft to the toast the king

Background imageMilk Collection: The milk maids morning

The milk maids morning
A young milk maid walks down the path, carrying her stool and bucket, ready for a morning spent milking. 1902

Background imageMilk Collection: Label design for Pont l Eveque Surfin soft cheese

Label design for Pont l Eveque Surfin soft cheese, marketed by M Herselin of Mauny, Normandy, France. Showing a milkmaid with a cow in a field. 20th century

Background imageMilk Collection: Advertisement for Frys Crunch Block chocolate bar

Advertisement for Frys Crunch Block chocolate bar

Background imageMilk Collection: Advertisement for Mackesons Milk Stout

Advertisement for Mackesons Milk Stout
Advertisement for the Original & Genuine Mackesons Milk Stout -- nut brown deliciousness. Brewed and bottled in England by Whitbread & Co Ltd and exported to the USA by various suppliers. 20th century

Background imageMilk Collection: Advertisement for Swans Down Instant Cake Mix

Advertisement for Swans Down Instant Cake Mix and chocolate Devils Food Mix, featuring a large and luxurious chocolate layer cake. Just add milk, mix and bake. Marketed by General Foods. 1950

Background imageMilk Collection: Advertisement for Mellins Food

Advertisement for Mellins Food for Infants from Birth, a popular brand of infant milk formula, showing a pretty and healthy little girl in a garden of pink flowers. circa late 19th century

Background imageMilk Collection: Advertisement for Foremost ice cream

Advertisement for Foremost ice cream
Advertisement for Foremost vanilla ice cream, giving eight different serving suggestions: with melon balls, concentrated orange juice, in a Graham Cracker pie shell, with breakfast cereal

Background imageMilk Collection: Wrapper design for Suchard Japonais milk chocolate

Wrapper design for Suchard Japonais milk chocolate with a nut filling. 20th century

Background imageMilk Collection: Label design for Aviona milk chocolate

Label design for Aviona milk chocolate, manufactured by Chocolat Stanislas of Nancy, France. 20th century

Background imageMilk Collection: Advert for Milkreem

Advert for Milkreem

Background imageMilk Collection: Three-wheeler milkfloat

Three-wheeler milkfloat
A Milkman on his morning round, fills up a crate from his vintage yet stylish three-wheeled float. This model is a Norwich Dairy milk electric, (DP Kathanode battery operated) delivery float

Background imageMilk Collection: Take fresh milk and plenty of it

Take fresh milk and plenty of it
Poster from the Empire Marketing Board promoting fresh milk, with a happy and healthy baby brandishing a spoon in a high chair. C.1930

Background imageMilk Collection: Promoting fresh milk

Promoting fresh milk
Empire Marketing Board board poster proclaiming Take Fresh Milk - And Plenty of It, with a baby and a girl toasting the king with milk: Heres a health unto His Majesty Date: C.1930

Background imageMilk Collection: Premature Baby

Premature Baby
A nurse in the Baby Ward holds a premature baby in her lap and gets ready to give the baby its bottle. Date: 1960s

Background imageMilk Collection: Cats Drinking Milk

Cats Drinking Milk
A splendidly attired young man and an older woman in an apron give two cats a saucer of milk. Date: circa 1914

Background imageMilk Collection: German Milk Horse & Cart

German Milk Horse & Cart
German milkmen loading their horses and carts. Date: early 1930s

Background imageMilk Collection: Cat Drinking Milk

Cat Drinking Milk
A man working in a London cat hostel for stray cats looks as on as one happy cat tries to lick a drink of milk straight from the milk bottle! Date: 1930s

Background imageMilk Collection: Black Forest Milk Cart

Black Forest Milk Cart
A working dog which pulls a milk cart in the Black Forest, Germany. Date: 1930s

Background imageMilk Collection: Dog Pulling a Cart

Dog Pulling a Cart
A muzzled dog pulling a milk cart. Date: 1930s

Background imageMilk Collection: Milkman Making Delivery

Milkman Making Delivery
A cheerful milkman puts the requisite number of milk bottles onto the doorstep. Date: 1960s

Background imageMilk Collection: Milkman Holds Bottle

Milkman Holds Bottle
A milkman holds out a pint bottle of milk. Date: 1960s

Background imageMilk Collection: Delivering Milk

Delivering Milk
An old lady on the doorstep of her house ( Southbank ), pays the milk girl (wearing rather a short coat and long socks) for the pail of milk she has delivered, Margate, England. Date: early 1930s

Background imageMilk Collection: Margate Milkmaids

Margate Milkmaids
Two Margate milk girls working for E. Orchin, wheeling a cart of fresh milk along a street of fine Edwardian houses. Date: early 1930s

Background imageMilk Collection: Milkman Harrassed

Milkman Harrassed
Milkman harrassed by children as he delivers to prefabs in Battersea. Date: 1957

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