Balloon descent at Gonesse, FranceThe first trial hydrogen balloon which ascended from the Champ de Mars, and descended in the village of Gonesse, north east of Paris
Balloon descent, Prairie de Billancourt, FranceView of Jean-Pierre Blanchards balloon, which ascended from the Champ de Mars, Paris, and landed on the Prairie de Billancourt (on the Haute-de-Seine) later the same day. 2 March 1784
Satirical images of an Air BalloonSet of 12 satirical images with captions of an Air Balloon, showing filling, flying, reaching the moon, coming back to earth, and bursting. 1784
Rescue of Major Money off the coast of Yarmouth
Bodies removed from a crashed balloonThe bodies of a man and a woman being removed from a crashed balloon in a deer park. 1824
Descent of Montgolfier balloonThe descent of the Montgolfier balloon, landing in countryside to the consternation of local farmers. 1783
Garnerins balloon and parachute
Garnerins balloonsFive illustrations of An exact representation of M. Garnerins Balloons with an accurate view of the ascent and descent of the parachute
Panama Market Landing Place
Landing at Gallipoli, World War I by Cyrus CuneoAnzac soldiers landing on the beach at Gallipoli and coming under fire by Turkish troops. Date: 1916
Flights into the Future - the first men on the moonAstronauts land on the moon for the first time and set about exploring and taking samples from the lunar landscape
Flights into the Future - space age explorationA futuristic prediction of what it will be like when man finally lands on the moon - astronauts will find themselves in a strange world. Date: 1943
Snow Babies - A Safe Landing by Dorothy WheelerA snow baby, which has tumbled from the sky as it snows, lands safely on the chimney pot of a snow covered roof top. Date: c.1925
Satirical cartoons, Arnhem landings and Dutch collaborationSatirical Dutch cartoons, showing Allied soldiers landing by parachute at Arnhem on 17 September 1944 (left, known as Operation Market Garden)
Mac Amphibians - Landing Vehicle TrackedMac Amphibians, Landing Vehicle Tracked Date: 1945
D Day Invasion of France - WW2A circular montage painting depicting D Day, centred around the commander of the US forces, General Eisenhower. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1944
Landing Craft by David WrightA lady posed on the edge of the bed putting in her earrings. Wright produced a series of over 160 illustrations or pin-ups for The Sketch during the 1940 s
Rook in flightA rook about to land on a branch
The Seagulls have LandedA flock of seagulls landing on water. Date: early 1930s
The Hennessy Gold Cup 1984The leading riders jump a fence in the Hennessy Gold Cup race of 1984. Painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: 1984
Little girl with shopping trolley at foot of stairsA little girl, aged 15 months, playing with a shopping trolley at the foot of the stairs. Date: 1968
Mountain scenery with water and two birdsMountain scenery, with two birds landing on a stretch of water. circa 1980
Winter sunrise over isolated cottage with Barn OwlThe weak yellow light of the winter sun rising over a desolate snowy scene surrounding a solitary farmhouse. A landing barn owl has been added to the border framing the scene
If Unhealthy, be healthy: If Healthy by HealthierAn energetic man starts the day in his dressing gown by diving off the mantelpiece of his living room
Princess Bibescos PlaneThe aeroplane of Princess Marthe Bibesco of Romania (1885 - 1973) causes quite a stir upon landing in England. Date: early 1930s
Liverpool DocksAerial view of the landing stage of Liverpool docks. Date: early 1930s
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