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Homes Collection

Background imageHomes Collection: Fairies and fairy houses

Fairies and fairy houses. Illustration from Teddy Bear (date unknown)

Background imageHomes Collection: Home Ownership Co-operative Insurance Company booklet

Home Ownership Co-operative Insurance Company booklet
Front cover of a booklet advising potential home owners on a house purchase plan, with a picture of a perfect looking 1920s house. 1954

Background imageHomes Collection: Advertisement for Motorola TV

Advertisement for Motorola TV, showing a family of five watching television in their sitting room. Their loyalty to Motorola products goes back 20 years, when they bought a Motorola car radio

Background imageHomes Collection: The Duke & Duchess of York & royal residences

The Duke & Duchess of York & royal residences
A portrait of the Duke and Duchess of York, the future King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (Queen Mother) surrounded by their coat of arms and three residences of significance - Glamis Castle

Background imageHomes Collection: Merchants houses, Marqual Canal, Srinagar, India

Merchants houses, Marqual Canal, Srinagar, India
Merchants houses on the Marqual Canal, Srinagar, Kashmir, India. circa 1890s

Background imageHomes Collection: Soldiers riding towards Windsor Castle

Soldiers riding towards Windsor Castle

Background imageHomes Collection: Two boys in Cumbernauld, near Glasgow

Two boys in Cumbernauld, near Glasgow
Two boys and a bicycle make their way along a wet road in Cumbernauld, near Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, with modern housing in the background

Background imageHomes Collection: Conan Doyle as Sherlock Holmes

Conan Doyle as Sherlock Holmes
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in the guise of his most famous creation, Sherlock Holmes Date: 1907

Background imageHomes Collection: Postwar rebuilding in Ypres, Belgium

Postwar rebuilding in Ypres, Belgium, showing people laying the foundations for new homes in the war-torn city. 9 June 1920

Background imageHomes Collection: Buildings on a hillside, India

Buildings on a hillside, India
Buildings on a hillside at Murree, India (now Pakistan). 1918

Background imageHomes Collection: New homes in Cumbernauld, near Glasgow

New homes in Cumbernauld, near Glasgow
Newly built, ultra-modern homes in Cumbernauld, near Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, Scotland. Cumbernauld was created as a new town in 1956, to cope with Glasgows population overspill. Date: 1965

Background imageHomes Collection: Elizabeth Ann kitchen units advertisement

Elizabeth Ann kitchen units advertisement
Advertisement for the Elizabeth Ann kitchen unit in stainless steel for the aristocrat of kitchen equipment for...a bright, easy kitchen. c.1955

Background imageHomes Collection: Sissons sinks advertisement, 1950s

Sissons sinks advertisement, 1950s
Advertisement for Sissons stainless steel sinks, bringing gleaming glamour to your kitchen. c.1950

Background imageHomes Collection: Pammastic emulsion paint advertisement

Pammastic emulsion paint advertisement
Advertisement for Pammastic emulsion paint transforming the interiors of Britains homes into bright, jolly retro delights! c.1955

Background imageHomes Collection: Merriecolour curtains advertisement, 1950s

Merriecolour curtains advertisement, 1950s
Advertisement for Grafton Merricolour fabrics featuring a woman looking out of a window as her jolly Merricolour curtains flap in the breeze. 1950s

Background imageHomes Collection: Conscience & the Coward

Conscience & the Coward
In the depths of night, a fancy dress reveller dressed as the devil strikes fear into the heart of a burglar who drops his bag and begs forgiveness. Date: 1909

Background imageHomes Collection: Advertisement for Idolice Confectionery

Advertisement for Idolice Confectionery, for tennis parties, picnics, at homes, etc. Showing a man offering a plate containing chocolate swiss roll to a woman in a deckchair. 20th century

Background imageHomes Collection: Javanese Boat People

Javanese Boat People
Javanese boat people, whose homes are boats, in what was then the Dutch East Indies, now Indonesia. Date: early 1930s

Background imageHomes Collection: Cat Drinking Milk

Cat Drinking Milk
A man working in a London cat hostel for stray cats looks as on as one happy cat tries to lick a drink of milk straight from the milk bottle! Date: 1930s

Background imageHomes Collection: Cat in a Hostel

Cat in a Hostel
A girl working in a London hostel for stray cats gives one poor cat the love and attention it craves for. Date: 1930s

Background imageHomes Collection: Cats Eating in a Hostel

Cats Eating in a Hostel
Three cats enjoying a meal in a hostel for strays in London, England. Date: 1930s

Background imageHomes Collection: Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace, London, floodlit at night for dramatic effect. Date: 1930s

Background imageHomes Collection: Ready made Farms in Western Canada Poster

Ready made Farms in Western Canada Poster offering a new home in Canada with Canadian Pacific

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