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Great Collection

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Y Darn Papur

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Y Darn Papur
Y Darn Papur. Recruitment poster, published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee as Poster No. 15. Welsh version of The Scrap of Paper - Prussias Perfidy

Background imageGreat Collection: Poster advertising British military uniform, WW1

Poster advertising British military uniform, WW1
Poster advertising British military uniform, The Studington Military Kit... obtainable only from Studd & Millington Ltd, Military Tailors. Chromolithograph poster, 1914 (c)

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Poster -- Silver Bullets

WW1 Poster -- Silver Bullets
You have in your pocket Silver Bullets that will stop the Germans. Lend them to your Country by investing in the War Loan today

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- The Scrap of Paper

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- The Scrap of Paper
The Scrap of Paper - Prussias Perfidy - Britains Bond. Enlist Today. Recruitment poster, published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee as Poster No. 7

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Halt

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Halt
Halt! Go into Training and Help the Boys at the Front. Recruitment poster, published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee as Poster No. 45

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- To the Young Women of London

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- To the Young Women of London
To the Young Women of London. Is your " Best Boy" wearing Khaki? Recruitment poster, one of thirteen produced in Britain between August 1914 - March 1916. 1914

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- If the Cap Fits You

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- If the Cap Fits You
f the Cap Fits You, Join the Army Today. Recruitment poster, published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee as Poster No. 53

Background imageGreat Collection: French Military Poster, WW1

French Military Poster, WW1
French military poster, colour photolithograph published by the British Library, 1981

Background imageGreat Collection: Poster - British Military

Poster - British Military
King Edwards Horse, The Kings Oversea Dominions Regiment, Special Reserve, Colonel in Chief His Majesty the King. Coloured chromolithograph poster after Hassall, 1908 (c)

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Whos Absent?

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Whos Absent?
Whos Absent? - Is It You? Chromolithograph recruitment poster, published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee. Printed by Andrew Reid and Company Limited, 50 Grey Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Background imageGreat Collection: The Greatest War Pictures ever Published, WW1

The Greatest War Pictures ever Published, WW1
The Greatest War Pictures ever Published, 1915 (c). Relief half-tone advertising poster for The Globe Fine Art Company. With 21 small reproductions of fine art prints from World War One. 1915

Background imageGreat Collection: Magazine and news sheet cover, Khaki, WWI

Magazine and news sheet cover, Khaki, WWI
Magazine and cabled news sheet cover, Khaki, No.1, March [n.d.]. Reproducing a recruitment poster after Frank Brangwyn, Your Friends Need You. Be a Man

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster

WW1 Recruitment Poster
Come and Do Your Bit - Join Now. Chromolithograph recruitment poster after PJW, printed by David Allen & Sons Ltd, Harrow, Middlesex

Background imageGreat Collection: British Information Poster, WW1

British Information Poster, WW1
Its worth while! Thats why. Buy War Savings Certificates. Chromolithograph poster after J P Beadle, published as Poster No. 36, by the National War Savings Committee, 1917

Background imageGreat Collection: British Military Recruitment Poster, WWI

British Military Recruitment Poster, WWI
His Majestys Coldstream Guards, God Save the King. Chromolithograph recruitment poster after Ernest Ibbetson, 1914

Background imageGreat Collection: British Military Poster, WW1

British Military Poster, WW1
The Zeppelin Raids: the vow of vengeance. Colour photolithograph after Frank Brangwyn, 1916 (c). Published by Imperial War Museum, 1970 (c), and the Daily Chronicle, 1916 (c). 1916

Background imageGreat Collection: Notice published by London Licensed Victuallers, WW1

Notice published by London Licensed Victuallers, WW1
Prohibition of Treating (ie buying a drink for another person). Notice published by London Licensed Victuallers, 11 October 1915

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- To the Women of Britain

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- To the Women of Britain
To the Women of Britain -- Some of your men folk are holding back on your account

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster (1 of 2)

WW1 Recruitment Poster (1 of 2)
Join the brave throng that goes marching along (1 of 2). Chromolithograph recruitment poster, published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, Poster No 24

Background imageGreat Collection: British Peace Poster, WW1

British Peace Poster, WW1
Labour Fights Wars and then Pays for them -- Disarm! Chromolithograph poster, by Grafton Art Limited, Peace Poster No 2. 1918

Background imageGreat Collection: British Military Recruitment Poster, WW1

British Military Recruitment Poster, WW1
Recruitment poster, It is Far Better to Face the Bullets than to be Killed at Home by a Bomb, Join the Army at once & help to stop an air raid, 1915 (c)

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Special Jewish Unit

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Special Jewish Unit
Britain has been all she could be to Jews. Jews will be all they can be to Britain. Join the Special Jewish Unit

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- More Men

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- More Men
Lord Kitchener Calls For More Men -- God Save the King. Recruitment poster, issued 19 May 1915. One of thirteen printed posters produced in Britain between August 1914 and March 1916. 1915

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Army Reserve

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Army Reserve
Proclamation regarding the Army Reserve, Army Form D 451, dated 20 December 1915. One of thirteen printed posters produced in Britain between August 1914 - March 1916. 1915

Background imageGreat Collection: Italian Military Poster, WW1

Italian Military Poster, WW1
Fate tutti il vostro dovere! (Everyone do your duty.) Colour photolithograph published by the British Library, 1981

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster (2 of 2)

WW1 Recruitment Poster (2 of 2)
Join the brave throng that goes marching along (2 of 2). Chromolithograph recruitment poster, published by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, Poster No 24

Background imageGreat Collection: British Royal Naval Recruitment Poster, WW1

British Royal Naval Recruitment Poster, WW1
Remember! England Expects -- The need is great today.... the Navy requires you for its glorious service. Join today. Skilled artificers and artisans, seamen, stokers, marines and boys

Background imageGreat Collection: British Military fundraising poster, WW1

British Military fundraising poster, WW1
Wounded Allies Days at the Caledonian Market Islington, 6 and 7 June, chromolithograph after L Pilichowski, Wounded Allies Relief Committee, Sardinia House, Kingsway, London. 1918

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Offer Your Services Now

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Offer Your Services Now
Printed recruitment poster No 6: Offer Your Services Now - Our Brave Soldiers At The Front Need Your Help. Issued by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, December 1914. 1914

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Join the Army

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Join the Army
Printed recruitment poster No 3: Your King and Country Need You - Join The Army Until The War Is Over. Issued by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, November 1914. 1914

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Help to end the War

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Help to end the War
Printed recruitment poster No 42: Help to end the War by enlisting in the gallant British Army, which is fighting Britains Battle For Freedom in Belgium & France

Background imageGreat Collection: British fundraising poster, WW1

British fundraising poster, WW1
For Your Children. Buy War Savings Certificates and they will live to thank you, 1917. Colour half tone print of a pastel drawing by Rosina Mantovari Gutti, published as No

Background imageGreat Collection: Photolithograph - British Military

Photolithograph - British Military
Two Great Leaders. Colour photolithograph reproducing a poster advertising a brand of stomach tonic (Horehound Beer), alongside a portrait of Lord Roberts, 1902 (c)

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Letter from George V

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- Letter from George V
An open letter To my people from King George V. One of thirteen printed posters produced in Britain between August 1914 - March 1916. 1916

Background imageGreat Collection: WW1 Recruitment Poster -- England Expects

WW1 Recruitment Poster -- England Expects
Printed recruitment poster No 1: England Expects Every Man To Do His Duty and Join The Army Today. Issued by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee. 1914

Background imageGreat Collection: The Great Aerial Navigator, or Atmospheric Machine

The Great Aerial Navigator, or Atmospheric Machine! An article with a detailed diagram showing an aerial machine claimed to be capable of transportation to India and China in the space of five days

Background imageGreat Collection: The Sky Devils Air Circus Poster

The Sky Devils Air Circus Poster
Poster, The Sky Devils Air Circus, Great 1944 Display, 10 years ahead of its time! Come and win 500. Issued by Air Pageants Ltd. 1944

Background imageGreat Collection: Ballooning poster, Mr H Green

Ballooning poster, Mr H Green
Poster advertising Mr H Greens second balloon ascent from the Great Northern Pleasure Grounds, Old St Pancras Road, near Kings Cross, London, his 233rd ascent in his Great Northern balloon

Background imageGreat Collection: Balloon ascent on Queen Victorias birthday

Balloon ascent on Queen Victorias birthday

Background imageGreat Collection: Poster Advertising Clement Bicycles and Cars

Poster Advertising Clement Bicycles and Cars circa 1902

Background imageGreat Collection: Girl reading The Bystander magazine, WWI

Girl reading The Bystander magazine, WWI
Studio photographic portrait of a young girl dressed in a white dress holding a copy of The Bystander magazine

Background imageGreat Collection: Satirical cartoon, Descent of the Great Balloon

Satirical cartoon, Descent of the Great Balloon
Satirical political cartoon, Descent of the Great Balloon, showing ten politicians travelling in a hot-air balloon

Background imageGreat Collection: Book cover design, The Mastery of the Air

Book cover design, The Mastery of the Air, by William J Claxton, Glasgow: Blackie and Son Limited, 1914. 1914

Background imageGreat Collection: Sea Battle, World War I by Cyrus Cuneo

Sea Battle, World War I by Cyrus Cuneo
The Great Sea Battle. An unspecified but fierce naval battle during the First World War, illustrated by the late Cyrus Cuneo. Date: 1916

Background imageGreat Collection: The Gasper front cover, World War I

The Gasper front cover, World War I
Front cover of The Gasper, a trench newspaper during the Great War for the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st Royal Fusiliers

Background imageGreat Collection: Repulsing a frontal attack, WWI by Cyrus Cuneo

Repulsing a frontal attack, WWI by Cyrus Cuneo
British soldiers, armed with rifles and bayonets, scrambling over the top during an enemy attack. Date: 1916

Background imageGreat Collection: Aerial attack, WWI by Cyrus Cuneo

Aerial attack, WWI by Cyrus Cuneo
An aerial engagement during World War I, showing a German plane crashing to the earth in a column of flame and smoke. Date: 1916

Background imageGreat Collection: Scottish soldier, World War I by Robert Baden Powell

Scottish soldier, World War I by Robert Baden Powell
Sketch by Sir Robert Baden-Powell of a cheery Scottish soldier during World War I, with the rousing, optimistic caption, We are down-hearted, I don t think. Date: 1916

Background imageGreat Collection: Patriotic terrier

Patriotic terrier circa 1915

Background imageGreat Collection: Triumphal arch in Bucharest, Romania

Triumphal arch in Bucharest, Romania
View of the triumphal arch in Bucharest, Romania. It was inaugurated in September 1936, and is dedicated to the heroes of the War of Independence, and of the two World Wars. Date: early 21st century

Background imageGreat Collection: Will They Never Come? World War One poster

Will They Never Come? World War One poster
World War One recruitment poster using a photograph from the Weekly Dispatch showing a bloodied

Background imageGreat Collection: Scene in the Lounge, Great Southern Hotel, Killarney

Scene in the Lounge, Great Southern Hotel, Killarney
Scene in the Lounge of the Great Southern Hotel, Lakes of Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland, showing elegant people in evening dress. early 20th century

Background imageGreat Collection: Commandeered - postcard by Lawson Wood

Commandeered - postcard by Lawson Wood
Commandeered - A postcard by Lawson Wood showing two solid-looking British soldiers commandeering a (now very upset) young lads toy horse. 1914

Background imageGreat Collection: Poster, Fight for King and Empire

Poster, Fight for King and Empire, Our Brave Soldiers Need Your Help. circa 1915

Background imageGreat Collection: Advertisement for Jordan Line Eight Brougham motor car

Advertisement for Jordan Line Eight Brougham motor car, showing a stylish car against a painted landscape. 1925

Background imageGreat Collection: Advertisement for Willys-Overland motor car

Advertisement for Willys-Overland motor car
Advertisement for the Willys-Overland motor car, for National Service

Background imageGreat Collection: Poster, Rally Round the Flag

Poster, Rally Round the Flag, Every Fit Man Wanted. Recruitment for the First World War. circa 1914-1915

Background imageGreat Collection: Poster, England Expects Every Man to do his Duty

Poster, England Expects Every Man to do his Duty and Join the Army Today. Recruitment for the First World War. circa 1914-1915

Background imageGreat Collection: Poster stamp design, Statue of Liberty on the telephone

Poster stamp design, Statue of Liberty on the telephone

Background imageGreat Collection: Poster, Your King and Country Need You

Poster, Your King and Country Need You, Join the Army until the War is Over. A First World War recruitment poster. circa 1915

Background imageGreat Collection: Poster, Back the Great Attack with War Savings

Poster, Back the Great Attack with War Savings, showing WW2 soldiers running across a beach. 1940s

Background imageGreat Collection: Poster, More Men and Still More

Poster, More Men and Still More until the Enemy is Crushed -- a quotation from Lord Kitchener. Showing a soldier blowing a bugle. circa 1914-1915

Background imageGreat Collection: Poster, Halt! Go into training and Help the Boys at the Fro

Poster, Halt! Go into training and Help the Boys at the Front. Recruitment for the First World War. circa 1914-1915

Background imageGreat Collection: Programme cover for The Great Waltz

Programme cover for The Great Waltz, New York, 1934 1934

Background imageGreat Collection: Advertisement for Jordan Line Eight Touring motor car

Advertisement for Jordan Line Eight Touring motor car, showing a stylish car against a painted landscape. 1925

Background imageGreat Collection: Officers of the Worcestershire Yeomanry, 1914 featuring Les

Officers of the Worcestershire Yeomanry, 1914 featuring Les
Officers of the Worcestershire Yeomanry in 1914 including front row, far right, Captain Leslie St. Clair Cheape (1882-1916), British soldier and polo player dubbed, Englands greatest polo player

Background imageGreat Collection: Patriotic children by Florence Hardy

Patriotic children by Florence Hardy
Patriotic postcard depicting children holding the Union flag. Date: 1917

Background imageGreat Collection: Landing at Gallipoli, World War I by Cyrus Cuneo

Landing at Gallipoli, World War I by Cyrus Cuneo
Anzac soldiers landing on the beach at Gallipoli and coming under fire by Turkish troops. Date: 1916

Background imageGreat Collection: British soldiers take an enemy trench, WWI by Cyrus Cuneo

British soldiers take an enemy trench, WWI by Cyrus Cuneo
British soldiers take an enemy trench, using bayonets and bombs as they go, during an offensive on the Western Front during World War I. Date: 1916

Background imageGreat Collection: Entertainment for troops during World War I

Entertainment for troops during World War I
Troops of British soldiers being entertained in a recreation hut at the Front during World War I. Date: 1916

Background imageGreat Collection: YMCA hut with Crimea veteran, WWI

YMCA hut with Crimea veteran, WWI
An old veteran of the Crimean War is helped by a sailor and Highland soldier of World War I towards a YMCA hut, the place we wanted during the Crimea

Background imageGreat Collection: British soldiers sheltering in shell hole, Western Front, WW

British soldiers sheltering in shell hole, Western Front, WW
British soldiers sheltering in a shell hole on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916

Background imageGreat Collection: Remains of the main road of Guillemont, France, WW1

Remains of the main road of Guillemont, France, WW1
What is left of the main road of Guillemont, France, after the Battle of the Somme on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916

Background imageGreat Collection: German howitzer, Martinpuich, Somme, Western Front, WW1

German howitzer, Martinpuich, Somme, Western Front, WW1
A German howitzer damaged by British bombardment at Martinpuich on the Somme, Western Front during World War One. circa 1916

Background imageGreat Collection: Seaforth regiment near Martinpuich, Western Front, WW1

Seaforth regiment near Martinpuich, Western Front, WW1
Men of the Seaforth regiment holding a front line trench on the Western Front near Martinpuich, France, during World War One. circa 1916

Background imageGreat Collection: Mr Asquith inspecting a plane, Western Front, WW1

Mr Asquith inspecting a plane, Western Front, WW1
The British Prime Minister, Herbert Henry Asquith, visiting the Western Front during World War One. He is inspecting a plane full of bullet holes which has just returned from a flight. circa 1916

Background imageGreat Collection: British gunners getting big gun into position, WW1

British gunners getting big gun into position, WW1
British gunners getting a big gun into position on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916

Background imageGreat Collection: King George V on a light railway, Western Front, WW1

King George V on a light railway, Western Front, WW1
King George V taking a trip on a light railway during a visit to the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916

Background imageGreat Collection: British light railway engine off the line, Western Front, WW

British light railway engine off the line, Western Front, WW
A British light railway engine comes off the line on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916

Background imageGreat Collection: King George V and Captain J. J. Crowe, WW1

King George V and Captain J. J. Crowe, WW1
King George V shaking hands with Captain J. J. Crowe of the 2nd Worcester Regiment on the Western Front during World War One. The King had just presented Captain Crowe with the Victoria Cross. 1918

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