Nursery Rhymes -- Little Bo Peep, Simple SimonNursery Rhymes. Little Bo Peep with her sheep (above). Simple Simon fishing in a bucket (below). early 20th century
De Dion Car PosterL Elegante Moteurs de Dion Poster. In 1900, de Dion-Bouton was the largest automobile manufacturer in the world, producing 400 cars and 3, 200 engines that year circa 1900
Flock of sheep, Burrawang Station, AustraliaFlock of sheep, Burrawang Station, New South Wales, Australia. circa 1890s
Flock of geese flying over waterA flock of geese flying in formation over a stretch of water, with reeds in the foreground and the sun low on the horizon. 20th century
Flock of sheep, walls of JerusalemA flock of sheep outside the walls of Jerusalem, Holy Land. circa 1870
Angels appear to shepherdsShepherds are stunned and humbled to have a visitation from angels telling them of news of the birth of a new Messiah in Bethlehem. Date: December 1926
Goose girl and her flockGoose girl herding up her geese for Christmas. Date: 1902
Seagulls on the beach, St Ives, CornwallSeagulls on the beach at St Ives, Cornwall. 1922
Flock of seagulls on a street, St Ives, CornwallA flock of seagulls on a street in St Ives, Cornwall. 1922
Little boy at Kew Gardens with Canada GeeseA little boy at Kew Gardens, standing close to a group of Canada Geese. Date: circa 1970
Sheep shearing in Snowdonia, WalesA flock of sheep waiting to be sheared in Snowdonia, Wales. Date: 1962
Draining Mill, Herringfleet with cattleThe Draining Mill, Herringfleet. Cattle come down to drink in the mill stream water. Watercolour painting by Raymond Sheppard
Rounding up SheepKiwi farmers on horseback rounding up a flock of sheep into a pen on a farm in New Zealand. Date: early 1930s
Follow the Swallows, Cooks World Travel ServicePoster or handbill design for Follow the Swallows, with the help of Cooks World Travel Service, showing a flock of swallows in flight. Date: 1965
The Seagulls have LandedA flock of seagulls landing on water. Date: early 1930s
The shepherd girlA young woman tends to her small flock of lambs as the sun rises (or dawns) over the field. 1902
Countryside scene with Canada GeeseA flock of Canada Geese (Branta canadensis), flying over a snow-covered countryside of old fences, hazy white skies and a tangle of thorns and rosehips
Devonshire SheepA flock of sheep grazing in a meadow in Devon, England. Date: 1930s
Sheepdog and FlockA sheepdog stands on its hind legs to see the sheep enclosed in the fold Date: 1960s
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