National Aviation Day Display posterPoster, National Aviation Day Display, new events, new thrills, new aircraft, fly with the three aces, under the direction of Sir Alan Cobham, Coming Soon. c.1932
Everybodys Magazine - Coronation NumberFront cover of Everybodys Magazine, Coronation Number showing Britannia, in a carriage pulled by a lion and unicorn flying through the skies, holding her trident and shield
Opening of New Hungerford Market, LondonCrowds of people at the opening of New Hungerford Market, London, with Mr Graham ascending in his balloon. 2 July 1833
Fortress in Green Park, Sadler balloon ascentThe fortress which enclosed the Grand Pavilion in Green Park, London, with the ascent of Mr Sadler in his balloon above. Part of the peace celebrations. August 1814
Hercules bicycles Coronation advertisementAdvertisement for Hercules Bicycles, founded in 1910 in Birmingham, showing the street of a typical British town decorated with flags, swags and bunting for the 1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
1953 Coronation - Rubbish in the stands after crowds had lefPage from the Daily Sketch reporting on the eyesore and scandal of the uncleared rubbish left behind in the stands along the processional route following the 1953 Coronation
1953 Coronation street partyPhotograph of a childrens street party in an unidentified but bunting adorned location
Coronation of Napoleon, with balloonFestival for the Coronation of Napoleon and Josephine, scene in the Place de la Concorde, Paris, with five balloons ascending as part of the celebrations. 3 December 1804
Coronation design, Maison PrunierCoronation cover from Maison Prunier (a special menu perhaps?) celebrating the coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (later the Queen Mother)
Daily Sketch front cover - 1953 CoronationFront cover of the Daily Sketch magazine from June 3rd 1953
Elisa Garnerin parachute descentElisa Garnerin descending in a parachute, possibly into the Champ de Mars, Paris, entitled Pour la Fete Du Roy! par Elisa Garnerin. The released balloon is in the top left. early 19th century
Wedding of Duke of York and Lady Elizabeth Bowes-LyonScene inside Westminster Abbey showing the royal wedding of 1923, with Prince Albert, Duke of York (later King George VI) stood at the altar with his bride, Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon
Granpop Makes Whoopee for the Royal WeddingLawson Woods own tribute to the 1934 royal wedding between Prince George, Duke of Kent and Princess Marina of Greece, showing his orang utan character
Wounded heroes 1914Two smiling Highlanders regIment injured in the the first great battle, on Folkstone boat on hie way home. September 1914
New Tyne Bridge, Newcastle upon TyneView of the New Tyne Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne. Seen here with a procession taking place in the year of its opening. 1928
Battle of Ypres 1915Saving the guns at Ypres. The Germans, tremendously reinforced, endeavoured to break through at Ypres
Drawing Room, St. James Palace c. 1750A drawing room at St. Jamess Palace during the reign of King George III, when the nobility would be formally presented at Court, thus establishing their place in society. Date: 1750
Scene in Ludgate Hill, London, with flags and garlands for the Silver Jubilee celebrations. 1935
View of Fleet Street, London, with flags and garlands for the Silver Jubilee celebrations. 1935
Ascot - The Royal ProcessionStylised illustration showing the traditional carriage drive by the King and Queen down the course at Royal Ascot, one of the highlights of the summer social calendar
Silver Jubilee decorations, Ludgate Circus, LondonSilver Jubilee decorations on a building at Ludgate Circus, London. 1935
Viewing the royal wedding, 1923Spectators clambering up a lamp post near Westminster Bridge in order to gain a better view of the passing procession following the wedding of Prince Albert
Eight King EdwardsKing Edward VIII pictured centre in his coronation regalia (except he abdicated before he could be crowned). Surrounding him are the seven preceding King Edwards. Date: 1936
Royal wedding, 1923 - ceremony in the AbbeyThe wedding ceremony in Westminster Abbey on 26 April 1923 for the marriage of Prince Albert, Duke of York to Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (the future King George VI and Queen Elizabeth)
Royal wedding, 1923 - Duke & Duchess of York return from AbbA smiling Duchess of York (formerly Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon and then Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother) returning back to Buckingham Palace after her marriage to Prince Albert
Henley RegattaA stylised illustration of a view at Henley Regatta
Coronation of King Henry VI 1429On November 6th, 1429, a month before his eighth birthday and less than four months after the coronation of his rival, the Dauphin, in Reims
The Boat RaceStylised illustration of the famous boat race along the River Thames. Date: 1927
King Edward VIII at his CoronationAn impression of King Edward VIII, later Duke of Windsor (1894-1972), pictured in full regalia at his Coronation in May 1937
Varsity Match - Oxford v Cambridge at Lord sThe Oxford and Cambridge Cricket Match played at Lords in July over three days, one of the highlights of the summer sporting and social calendar
Coronation of King Edward VIII 1937The Coronation of King Edward VIII, scheduled for 12 May 1937 but took place instead with the Kings brother, King George VI following the abdication of Edward in December 1936
Procession in Central LondonAerial view of the Silver Jubilee procession in Central London, with flags and garlands. 1935
Nurses viewing the royal wedding, 1923Nurses climbing up a tree in the Mall in a bid to have a view of the passing procession following the marriage of Prince Albert, Duke of York
The Coronation Regalia of BritainThe various pieces of regalia used during the Coronation ceremonies of British Kings and Queens. 1. St. Edwards Crown, 2. The Imperial State Crown, 3. Prince of Wales coronet, 4
The DerbyStylised illustration of the famous Derby at Epsom, Surrey, where high and low society meet. Date: 1927
Centre Court, WimbledonOverhead view of the famous Centre Court at Wimbledon - the Lawn Tennis Championships being one of the highlights of the summer sporting calendar. Date: 1927
Coronation Procession 1937King Edward VIII passes along decorated streets festooned with garlands and bunting in the state coach pulled by the Kings grey in full ceremonial livery
Brussels trade fair advertising posterPoster advertising a large trade fair in Brussels, Belgium in 1925 featuring purposeful looking businessmen and women walking around the city. Date: 1925
Signing of the Declaration of IndependenceUSA - The Signing of the Declaration of Independence by the founding fathers of the United States of America on 4th July 1776. 1776
Arrival of a meat-ship for the Western FrontMeat in canvas-covered sacks being transferred from ship to train, destined for British soldiers on the Western Front during World War One. 1917
Coronation Procession of King Edward VICoronation procession of King Edward VI from the Tower of London to Westminster, which was noted for its splendour and the richly decorated streets
The Kings Champion at the Coronation BanquetImpression of the Kings Champion entering Westminster Hall during the State Banquet following the Coronation of King George IV in 1821 as observed by Sir Walter Scott
Coronation of George IEnthronisation ceremony during the Coronation of King George I in 1714. As the King could not speak English and the bishops could not speak German, the ceremony was carried out in Latin. Date: 1714
Queen Caroline refused admittance to AbbeyQueen Caroline (Caroline of Brunswick) refused entry to Westminster Abbey during the Coronation of her husband, King George IV, who had given express instructions that she was not to be admitted
Coronation Banquet of King Henry VBanquet following the Coronation ceremony for King Henry V in 1413, featuring the Kings Champion, an office instituted by William I
Coronation of King Charles ICoronation of Charles I on 2 February 1626. The King is depicted wearing white, rather than purple, and was reckoned to be an omen of his future misfortunes. Date: 1626
Coronation of King William III and Queen MaryCoronation of William III and Mary II, 11 April 1689 showing the moment William was crowned at Westminster Abbey by the Bishop of London
Proclamation of date of the Coronation, 1952The Garter Principal King at Arms from the College of Arms, proclaims the date of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II as 2 June 1953 at Stable Yard, St. Jamess Palace
London street with King George VI displayA narrow London street with a display marking the accession of King George VI. circa 1936
Help to Buy an AeroplanePoster invitation to buy an aeroplane. Any Army War Savings Association contributing 2000 can have an aeroplane named after themselfs Date: 1914 - 18
National Service WwiPoster recruiting women to work as clerks and administrative support to the British Army in France during World War One. Date: c.1916
Save Food Poster / WwiPoster depicting a British soldier encouraging those on the home front to save food in response to food shortages due to German U-boat targeting of British merchant ships. Date: c.1916
See the World - PosterSee The World - And Get Paid For Doing It - an army recruitment poster showing two soldiers enjoying the benefits of a foreign posting 1914-18
Territorial Army PosterA recruiting poster for the Territorial Army, highlighting that sporting pursuits need not be sacrificed to join - in fact they are actually strongly encouraged! Date: circa 1922
Liberty Loans Wwi USAPatriotic American poster encourageing people to buy USA bonds or Liberty loans to help pay for the war. Date: c.1917
Recruitment PosterRecruitment poster from the First World War depicting an unclaimed soldiers kit and uniform, waiting to be filled by a volunteer. Date: c.1915
Silver Jubilee 1935Central London, heaving with buses and traffic, gaily decorated with flags and bunting to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of George V and Queen Mary. Date: 1935
Recruitment Poster WwiA recruitment poster from the First World War showing a crowded troop train with room for a few more, in other words, YOU! Date: 1915
Royals Leave PalaceA crowd gathers at the gates of Buckingham Palace to watch King George V and Queen Mary driving past. Date: early 1930s
War Pay PosterInformation poster encouraging soldiers to save some of their pay during WWI in the form of savings certificates, earning a high rate of interest and free of income tax. Date: c.1916
Remember Belgium PosterA WWI recruitment poster stirring memories of the horrors of the German invasion of Belgium to encourage young men to enlist in the armed forces Date: circa 1916
Machine Gun Corps PosterTravel all over the world with the Machine Gun Corps. A persuasive military recruitment poster, promising the potential for travel to far corners of the globe Date: 1914-18
Wwii Poster / BairnsfatherA Second World War poster featuring Bairnsfathers WWI creation, Old Bill, with his son who just remembers not to divulge any military information - walls have ears! Date: c.1940
Salvation Army / WwiWorld War I poster requesting the public to donate food and supplies to the Salvation Army who will distribute to soldiers fighting in France. Date: c.1915
Tank Corps Recruitment
Don t Waste Bread WwiPoster advising the public to eat less bread, and save two thick slices a day to defeat the U-boats during WWI. Thats a dangerous way to cut bread! Date: c.1915
US Navy Poster / WwiA recruitment poster for the US Navy during World War One, showing the American eagle flanked by sailors. Date: c.1917
War Bonds Poster WwiWorld War One poster encouraging the public to do their bit by buying National war bonds to help fund the war effort. Date: c.1916
Romulus & Remus StatueThe golden statue in the Vatican, Rome, of Romulus and Remus being suckled by a she-wolf. Legend has it that when Romulus grew up he founded Rome (circa 753 BC). Date: early 1930s
Post-War RecruitmentPoster asking employers to take on men who have served during the First World War, featuring a personal plea from Douglas Haig. Date: c.1918-19
Michael O leary PosterRecruitment poster from WWI encouraging men to join an Irish regiment and emulate the bravery of their fellow countryman, Sergeant Michael O Leary VC. Date: c.1915
War Pensions PosterInformation poster for the War Pensions committee, the state agency for caring for wounded and disabled men during the First World War. Date: c.1916
Wwi Recruitment PosterInspiring recruitment poster encouraging Irish men to answer the call to arms and join up. Date: c.1915
Liberty Bonds War PosterAn American World War One poster urging people to buy Liberty Bonds to prevent the Germans attacking civilians. c.1917
War Society PosterPoster designed to raise funds for the 1914 War Society which supported wounded and disabled soldiers during World War One. Date: c.1915
Poster for Ww1 War BondsA poster advertising War Bonds during World War One You buy War Bonds - We do the Rest! Date: 1914-18
Recruitment Poster Ww1REMEMBER BELGIUM A First World War recruitment poster, highlighting the news of atrocities commited by the German troops after the invasion of Belgium Date: circa 1916
Klausen Motor RacingA poster for the Motor Racing events at Klausen, Switzerland on 22nd and 23rd August 1925 for Cars and motorcycles Date: 1925
Place in the Line PosterThis space is reserved for a fit man - There is still a place in the line for YOU - will you fill it?. Classic World War One recruitment poster 1914-18
Kitchener Quote PosterA recruitment poster featuring a portrait of Lord Kitchener alongside a quote from a speech he gave at the Guildhall in July, 1915 stressing the Call of Duty.. Date: 1915
Doing his Little BitHumorous illustration from the First World War period showing a boy scout leading three German soldiers, plus a Zeppelin behind him. Earnshaw regularly drew boy scouts. Date: c.1915
Tanks / War Bonds PosterWorld War One poster featuring a tank, encouraging the public to buy war bonds to help fund the war effort. Date: c.1917
War Bonds Wwi Poster
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