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Ducks Collection

Background imageDucks Collection: Park attendant

Park attendant
People You See. Park attendant. From Teddy Bear (16 October 1965)

Background imageDucks Collection: Water Skiing

Water Skiing

Background imageDucks Collection: Nursery animals playing in boat

Nursery animals playing in boat

Background imageDucks Collection: Fair


Background imageDucks Collection: Brer Rabbit puzzle page

Brer Rabbit puzzle page

Background imageDucks Collection: Boating


Background imageDucks Collection: Ducks in the rain

Ducks in the rain

Background imageDucks Collection: Nature Scene

Nature Scene

Background imageDucks Collection: Teddy Bears on the River

Teddy Bears on the River. Source unknown (probably Teddy Bear Annual)

Background imageDucks Collection: Pandemonium in the farm yard

Pandemonium in the farm yard. A tractor has been driven into the pond and many children rush to help

Background imageDucks Collection: Teddy Bear: Activity around Bear Green duck pond

Teddy Bear: Activity around Bear Green duck pond
Activity around Bear Green duck pond

Background imageDucks Collection: Feeding ducks from a hammock

Feeding ducks from a hammock

Background imageDucks Collection: Feeding Ducks

Feeding Ducks

Background imageDucks Collection: Children playing montage

Children playing montage

Background imageDucks Collection: At the market

At the market

Background imageDucks Collection: Ducks


Background imageDucks Collection: Woodland animals find an old car

Woodland animals find an old car

Background imageDucks Collection: Farmhouse


Background imageDucks Collection: The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling

Background imageDucks Collection: Teddies in winter scene

Teddies in winter scene

Background imageDucks Collection: Television Repair Man

Television Repair Man
People You See: The TV Man. From Teddy Bear (29 February 1964)

Background imageDucks Collection: Dicky and Dolly

Dicky and Dolly

Background imageDucks Collection: Boat scene (with hidden objects)

Boat scene (with hidden objects)

Background imageDucks Collection: Children and ducks playing

Children and ducks playing

Background imageDucks Collection: Duck and ducklings

Duck and ducklings

Background imageDucks Collection: Little girl at the farm

Little girl at the farm

Background imageDucks Collection: Duck Shooting on the Norfolk Broads

Duck Shooting on the Norfolk Broads. 1892

Background imageDucks Collection: American duck hawk striking wild duck

American duck hawk striking wild duck
A Peregrine Falcon, historically known in North America as an American duck hawk, striking a wild duck in mid-flight. Raymond Sheppard notes below the drawing that " the stoop of this bird is

Background imageDucks Collection: Mallards by a wintry lake

Mallards by a wintry lake
A male mallard duck shelters his head between his wings to guard against the coldness of the day, while a female peers down into the cold water of a pond Date: early 20th century

Background imageDucks Collection: Duck and frogs on a Christmas and New Year card

Duck and frogs on a Christmas and New Year card -- A long pull, a strong pull, and a pull all together

Background imageDucks Collection: Water Baby by Muriel Dawson

Water Baby by Muriel Dawson -- a little child in a bathtub. 1939

Background imageDucks Collection: Mallards pass a windmill

Mallards pass a windmill
Mallard ducks fly past a marsh Windmill. Watercolour painting by Raymond Sheppard

Background imageDucks Collection: Jack Frost

Jack Frost laughs at two ducks on a frozen pond. late 19th century

Background imageDucks Collection: Victorian Farmyard (The poultry)

Victorian Farmyard (The poultry). A closer look at poultry. Ducks, chicken and turkeys in the farmyard. Unattributed illustrator Date: circa 1870

Background imageDucks Collection: Girl Feeds the Ducks

Girl Feeds the Ducks
A little girl with ringlets crouches down to feed a duck and her ducklings. Date: early 1930s

Background imageDucks Collection: A winter farmyard scene

A winter farmyard scene
A farmyard scene in winter, with a farmer checking the tack on a team of four working horses, while ducks, geese and cows drink and feed in the yard

Background imageDucks Collection: Ducks flying across rough water during a storm

Ducks flying across rough water during a storm. circa 1980

Background imageDucks Collection: Winter scene with frozen river and two flying ducks

Winter scene with frozen river and two flying ducks
A winter scene in the countryside with a frozen river, snow on the ground, and two flying ducks. circa 1980

Background imageDucks Collection: Country scene with water, bulrushes and flying ducks

Country scene with water, bulrushes and flying ducks
A pretty country scene with a stretch of water, bulrushes growing in the foreground, and three flying ducks. circa 1980

Background imageDucks Collection: Riverbank scene

Riverbank scene
A summer riverbank scene with pale calm hazy water, dappled with lilypads and ducks, daisies and a small dragonfly. Watercolour painting by Malcolm Greensmith Date: circa 1980

Background imageDucks Collection: Country landscape in winter with flying ducks

Country landscape in winter with flying ducks
A snow-covered country landscape in winter with four flying ducks. circa 1980

Background imageDucks Collection: Winter landscape with snow and flying ducks

Winter landscape with snow and flying ducks
A winter landscape in the countryside, with snow on the ground and ducks flying across the sky. circa 1980

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