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Domestic Collection

Background imageDomestic Collection: Returning home

Returning home

Background imageDomestic Collection: Puppy dogs

Puppy dogs

Background imageDomestic Collection: Oil Delivery

Oil Delivery

Background imageDomestic Collection: Dogs montage

Dogs montage

Background imageDomestic Collection: Pets and Their Homes: Rabbit, Pig and Budgerigar

Pets and Their Homes: Rabbit, Pig and Budgerigar
Pets and Their Homes

Background imageDomestic Collection: WW2 Poster -- the ATS wants Cooks

WW2 Poster -- the ATS wants Cooks
The ATS wants Cooks. Recruitment poster, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Colour photolithograph, artist unknown, published by HMSO

Background imageDomestic Collection: Nursery Rhymes -- girl and boy, Punch and Judy

Nursery Rhymes -- girl and boy, Punch and Judy
Nursery Rhymes -- two illustrations. Above -- a girl and a boy in a garden, with dolls. Below -- Mr Punch hits Judy on a beach, watched by his dog Toby. early 20th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Business card design, woman in a kitchen

Business card design, woman in a kitchen
Business card design, depicting a woman in a kitchen with saucepans, crockery and glassware. 20th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Child sitting by the fire by Muriel Dawson

Child sitting by the fire by Muriel Dawson
A child sitting by the fire by Muriel Dawson. 1920s

Background imageDomestic Collection: Corner of a large tiled kitchen

Corner of a large tiled kitchen, showing a gas cooker (right) and a large stove with doors for the coal (in a scuttle at the side), and a flue. There are pots and pans on a tall stand (left)

Background imageDomestic Collection: Domestic interior with large fireplace

Domestic interior with large fireplace
Domestic interior with a large fireplace covered with ornaments. The wallpaper, carpet and chair covers are all patterned, and there are several pictures on the walls and tables. Date: 1920s

Background imageDomestic Collection: Animals and Their Homes

Animals and Their Homes

Background imageDomestic Collection: Woman enjoying a nice cup of tea

Woman enjoying a nice cup of tea
A middle aged woman sitting at a table, enjoying a nice cup of tea. early 20th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Advertisement for ceramic tiles

Advertisement for ceramic tiles, with tiling on the floor, walls and ceiling of a smart new kitchen. circa 1960s

Background imageDomestic Collection: Advertisement for Armstrongs Linoleum Floors

Advertisement for Armstrongs Linoleum Floors -- a kitchen for a busy woman. Featuring a design for a combination of kitchen and office space, including a telephone and a typewriter. circa 1950s

Background imageDomestic Collection: The First Lesson -- sisters with a book

The First Lesson -- sisters with a book
The first lesson -- two little sisters study a book. 19th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Fairyland Fancies

Fairyland Fancies -- a little girl gazes into the fire, seeing imaginary figures of fairies, witches and goblins. late 19th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Advertisement for Motorola TV

Advertisement for Motorola TV, showing a family of five watching television in their sitting room. Their loyalty to Motorola products goes back 20 years, when they bought a Motorola car radio

Background imageDomestic Collection: Cover design, Television Scrap Book

Cover design, Television Scrap Book
Cover design for a Television Scrap Book, showing a happy family of four watching their TV. circa 1950s

Background imageDomestic Collection: Three women preparing a meal, Japan

Three women preparing a meal, Japan. circa 1890s

Background imageDomestic Collection: Mrs C. S. Peel, 1917

Mrs C. S. Peel, 1917
Dorothy Constance Peel, 1868-1934, aka Mrs CS Peel, prolific journalist and writer of numerous books on household management and domestic history

Background imageDomestic Collection: David Wright woman with a red book

David Wright woman with a red book
Elegant red-haired woman in a black negligee, holding a red book -- perhaps an address book of all her men friends. David Wright (1912 - 1967), was a popular British artist specialising in glamour

Background imageDomestic Collection: David Wright woman with pen and note paper

David Wright woman with pen and note paper
Elegant woman with a pen and note paper -- perhaps writing to the naval officer in the photo on her table -- representing The Girls They Left Behind

Background imageDomestic Collection: Two women outside house, Turkey

Two women outside house, Turkey
Two women outside a house, Turkey. circa 1870

Background imageDomestic Collection: Merchants houses, Marqual Canal, Srinagar, India

Merchants houses, Marqual Canal, Srinagar, India
Merchants houses on the Marqual Canal, Srinagar, Kashmir, India. circa 1890s

Background imageDomestic Collection: Out of Doors -- children at home with mother

Out of Doors -- children at home with mother
Out of Doors -- two children at home with their mother. The boy seems to be getting into mischief -- a sure sign that he would be better out of doors. 19th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Man listening to a radio

Man listening to a radio
Man sitting in an armchair, listening to a large radio. 20th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Advertisement for Carpentier drinking chocolate

Advertisement for Carpentier drinking chocolate, showing a woman with a baby, a cat and a dog. Even the baby prefers drinking chocolate to mothers milk! 20th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Advertisement for the Westinghouse Laundromat

Advertisement for the Westinghouse Laundromat automatic washing machine. 20th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Advertisement for the Invincible vacuum cleaner

Advertisement for the Invincible vacuum cleaner
Advertisement for the Invincible 6020 cylinder vacuum cleaner, the last word in modern cleaners, costing 11 2s 8d from Co-Operative Societies everywhere

Background imageDomestic Collection: Recipe book cover: Over 120 Ways of using Bread

Recipe book cover: Over 120 Ways of using Bread for Tasty & Delightful Dishes, showing a woman at her kitchen table, busy making a variety of bread-based dishes. 20th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Advertisement for Mansion Polish

Advertisement for Mansion Polish

Background imageDomestic Collection: Timber-framed house, Quedlinburg, Germany

Timber-framed house, Quedlinburg, Germany
View of an old renovated timber-framed house in the medieval part of the town of Quedlinburg, Sachsen-Anhalt (Saxony Anhalt), Germany. early 21st century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Advertisement for Mansion Polish and Min Cream

Advertisement for Mansion Polish and Min Cream. The polish is ideal for stained or parquet floors and linoleum, while the cream will do wonders for your grand piano. 20th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Cottage interior

Cottage interior
A cottage interior, with furniture, a chandelier, and mullioned windows. 20th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Advertisements for property in Norbury and Surrey

Advertisements for property in Norbury and Surrey
Advertisements by two estate agents, Wates and Berg, for property in Norbury (south west London) and Surrey (Ashtead Woods, Surbiton and Hinchley Wood)

Background imageDomestic Collection: Advertisement for gas cooking

Advertisement for gas cooking, showing how quick and easy it is, and how a wife can impress her husbands boss and help him get a promotion. Only gas can do it. circa 1950s

Background imageDomestic Collection: Art deco style house, exterior view

Art deco style house, exterior view, at night with the lights on. A man in evening dress stands at the front door. circa 1930s

Background imageDomestic Collection: Advertisement for Electricine luxury lighting

Advertisement for Electricine luxury lighting, showing an elegant woman with a stylish table lamp. early 20th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Ladies in a kitchen

Ladies in a kitchen
Two woman with sleek 1920s hair discuss the state of their hands in front of a kitchen sink filled with brightly decorated art deco pottery. Date: 1926

Background imageDomestic Collection: Timber-framed houses, Quedlinburg, Germany

Timber-framed houses, Quedlinburg, Germany
Old, renovated timber-framed houses in the Kornmarkt (Cornmarket) in the medieval centre of the town of Quedlinburg, Sachsen-Anhalt (Saxony Anhalt), Germany. early 21st century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Furniture advertisement for Gamages, Holborn, London

Furniture advertisement for Gamages, Holborn, London
Furniture advertisement for Gamages department store in Holborn, London, showing a three-piece bedroom suite in walnut, an oak wardrobe and a kitchen cabinet, with cash and monthly instalment prices

Background imageDomestic Collection: Bear asleep in bed after a long day

Bear asleep in bed after a long day
A bear asleep in bed after a long day. His slippers are on the floor at the foot of the bed, and a jar of honey sits ready for his breakfast. 20th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Hanging out the washing

Hanging out the washing
A young housewife takes advantage of a breezy day and hangs out her washing on the line. Date: 1927

Background imageDomestic Collection: Poster advertising The Ideal Home magazine

Poster advertising The Ideal Home magazine
Poster advertising The Ideal Home, a monthly magazine for home lovers. Featuring a stylish sitting room. 20th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Poster: How to make your household linens last longer

Poster: How to make your household linens last longer

Background imageDomestic Collection: The daisy chain

The daisy chain
Mother and daughter sit making a daisy chain. 19th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Poster: Simple jobs that girls can do

Poster: Simple jobs that girls can do to help win the war. 1940s

Background imageDomestic Collection: Bathing Belle Parade

Bathing Belle Parade
Three disgruntled beauty queens look particularly annoyed at a sassy woman in a red bikini holds a placard boasting that she can cook too! Date: 1947

Background imageDomestic Collection: Poster: Pots and Pans

Poster: Pots and Pans
Poster giving advice on looking after Pots and Pans so that they last as long as possible. 20th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Advertisement for Erasmic Shaving Stick

Advertisement for Erasmic Shaving Stick -- gives a close, clean shave, leaves the skin smooth and soft. Showing a woman in an armchair, reaching up to stroke a mans face. 1921

Background imageDomestic Collection: Hush a Bye Baby

Hush a Bye Baby -- mother holding her baby

Background imageDomestic Collection: Three kittens sitting in front of the fire

Three kittens sitting in front of the fire
Three kittens sitting in front of a cosy fire

Background imageDomestic Collection: Three kittens playing with a babys rattle

Three kittens playing with a babys rattle

Background imageDomestic Collection: Brown tabby Persian cat

Brown tabby Persian cat -- A Place in the Sun

Background imageDomestic Collection: Cat lying with slippers on a carpet

Cat lying with slippers on a carpet
Cat lying with pink slippers on a patterned carpet. 1906

Background imageDomestic Collection: Two By Two by Muriel Dawson

Two By Two by Muriel Dawson -- a little child plays with a Noahs Ark. 1930

Background imageDomestic Collection: Little girl warming her toes by Muriel Dawson

Little girl warming her toes by Muriel Dawson
A little girl sits in a chair, warming her toes at the stove, by Muriel Dawson. 1927

Background imageDomestic Collection: Little girl hanging out washing, by Muriel Dawson

Little girl hanging out washing, by Muriel Dawson
A little girl in red hanging out the washing, by Muriel Dawson. circa 1920s

Background imageDomestic Collection: The Happy Prisoner

The Happy Prisoner, a painting by Tomas Munoz Lucena. A mother and her two children looking at a pet bird in a cage

Background imageDomestic Collection: My Plum-Pudding by Muriel Dawson

My Plum-Pudding by Muriel Dawson. A happy little girl with a pudding in a bowl. 1929

Background imageDomestic Collection: Little girl with dog by Muriel Dawson

Little girl with dog by Muriel Dawson
Little girl in pink pyjamas standing in front of a fireplace with a white dog, by Muriel Dawson. circa 1920s

Background imageDomestic Collection: Print Users Yearbook -- view of a room

Print Users Yearbook -- view of a room, with window, table, chair and sideboard. circa 1930s

Background imageDomestic Collection: Welsh woman with spinning wheel, Wales

Welsh woman with spinning wheel, Wales
Welsh woman outside a cottage with a spinning wheel, Wales. late 19th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Cottages in a bleak Scottish landscape

Cottages in a bleak Scottish landscape

Background imageDomestic Collection: Cottages and a house in a bleak Scottish landscape

Cottages and a house in a bleak Scottish landscape

Background imageDomestic Collection: Ramshackle cottage and courtyard, Scotland

Ramshackle cottage and courtyard, Scotland

Background imageDomestic Collection: Edinburgh street scene

Edinburgh street scene
An Edinburgh street scene, showing an elderly woman sitting in the sunshine near a washing line

Background imageDomestic Collection: Cottage in a bleak Scottish landscape

Cottage in a bleak Scottish landscape

Background imageDomestic Collection: Three people outside a house

Three people outside a house
Three people, a man and two women, outside a house

Background imageDomestic Collection: Domestic interior with beaded curtain

Domestic interior with beaded curtain
A domestic interior with a beaded curtain with another, flowery curtain on either side. Pictures stand on easels on either side, and there are various potted plants

Background imageDomestic Collection: Victorian style domestic interior with fireplace

Victorian style domestic interior with fireplace
A Victorian style domestic interior with fireplace, and different patterns everywhere you look

Background imageDomestic Collection: Victorian style domestic interior with large fireplace

Victorian style domestic interior with large fireplace
A Victorian style domestic interior with a large fireplace, and different items of furniture everywhere you look

Background imageDomestic Collection: Man in motorised bath chair

Man in motorised bath chair
A man in a motorised bath chair in front of a house, with two women sitting on the doorstep clearly admiring his means of transport

Background imageDomestic Collection: Poster for Robin Starch

Poster for Robin Starch, showing two smart little boys sitting on an enormous starched white Eton collar. Date: early 20th century

Background imageDomestic Collection: Poster advertising Edwards desiccated soups

Poster advertising Edwards desiccated soups, full of nourishing vegetables

Background imageDomestic Collection: People preparing food, Kashgar, western China

People preparing food, Kashgar, western China
People sitting in the open air, preparing food, in Kashgar, western China. Photograph by Ralph Ponsonby Watts Date: 1932

Background imageDomestic Collection: Poster advertising Edwards soups

Poster advertising Edwards soups -- adds stock to the pot! A plump cook carries a steaming pot to the table

Background imageDomestic Collection: Merton Hall 1930S

Merton Hall 1930S
A garden party at Merton Hall, Norfolk, England. An Elizabethan mansion was completed by William de Grey in 1613 and the building was extended in the 19th century. Date: early 1930s

Background imageDomestic Collection: Art Deco Bedroom

Art Deco Bedroom
A modern Art Deco bedroom, with a dressing table and armchair, fireplace etc. Date: early 1930s

Background imageDomestic Collection: Cookery Class 1930S

Cookery Class 1930S
A cookery class for schoolgirls at the London County Council school at Clapham, South London. Date: early 1930s

Background imageDomestic Collection: Quaker Oats Ad 1931

Quaker Oats Ad 1931
Advert for Quick Quaker Oats which can be knocked up in moments by a young housewife on the hob of a cooker before her hard working husband goes off to the office. Date: 1931

Background imageDomestic Collection: Houses by water

Houses by water
Picturesque brick and timber houses in winter by the edge of a pond or lake

Background imageDomestic Collection: Advertisement for the Bendix washing machine

Advertisement for the Bendix washing machine

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