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Countryside Collection

Background imageCountryside Collection: Black ram

Black ram

Background imageCountryside Collection: Blackberrying


Background imageCountryside Collection: By the Stream

By the Stream. From Once Upon a Time no. 135 (11 September 1971)

Background imageCountryside Collection: Brown Owl and her Brownie pack

Brown Owl and her Brownie pack
People You See. Brown Owl and her Brownie pack. From Teddy Bear (26 September 1964)

Background imageCountryside Collection: Countryside walk

Countryside walk
People You See. From Teddy Bear (date unknown)

Background imageCountryside Collection: Boy with Birds

Boy with Birds

Background imageCountryside Collection: Signpost painter

Signpost painter
People You See. Signpost painter. From Teddy Bear (20 June 1970)

Background imageCountryside Collection: Lambs in the spring

Lambs in the spring

Background imageCountryside Collection: Tortoise takes a walk in the country

Tortoise takes a walk in the country

Background imageCountryside Collection: Sculpting a cock

Sculpting a cock. Illustration from Teddy Bear (date unknown)

Background imageCountryside Collection: Feeding ducks from a hammock

Feeding ducks from a hammock

Background imageCountryside Collection: Sailing paper boats

Sailing paper boats

Background imageCountryside Collection: Sheep

Sheep. From Teddy Bear (16 October 1965)

Background imageCountryside Collection: Baby fairy in a flower

Baby fairy in a flower. Illustration from Teddy Bear (date unknown)

Background imageCountryside Collection: Horse riding in the country by the sea

Horse riding in the country by the sea

Background imageCountryside Collection: Swallows

Swallows. Detail from Treasure no. 66 (18 April 1964)

Background imageCountryside Collection: First balloon flight over the English Channel

First balloon flight over the English Channel, from Dover to the French coast, by Jean-Pierre Blanchard

Background imageCountryside Collection: Boy and Girl

Boy and Girl

Background imageCountryside Collection: Woodland animals find an old car

Woodland animals find an old car

Background imageCountryside Collection: Girl in a bobble hat

Girl in a bobble hat

Background imageCountryside Collection: Squirrel on a scarecrow

Squirrel on a scarecrow. Source unknown

Background imageCountryside Collection: Camping in a tent

Camping in a tent
People You See. Camping in a tent. From Teddy Bear (date unknown)

Background imageCountryside Collection: Duck and flying ducklings

Duck and flying ducklings

Background imageCountryside Collection: The Shepherd

The Shepherd
People You See. From Teddy Bear (25 March 1967)

Background imageCountryside Collection: WW2 Poster -- War Supplies For Russia

WW2 Poster -- War Supplies For Russia
War Supplies For Russia. Coloured photolithograph after Blake. A convoy of British and American lorries streams along the Persian route to Russia. 1942

Background imageCountryside Collection: Rambles in South Devon - 1930s

Rambles in South Devon - 1930s
Front cover of a guide to rambling in South Devon showing a couple enjoying a rest amid open skies and a patchwork quilt of fields, with the sea and coastline just visible beyond. Date: c.1935

Background imageCountryside Collection: Evacuation - World War Two - Children Safer in the Country

Evacuation - World War Two - Children Safer in the Country
Evacuation - World War Two - Children are Safer in the Country.... leave them there. Governement advice recommending children stay away from the big cities and targets of the bombers. circa 1942

Background imageCountryside Collection: Business card design, woman driving a car

Business card design, woman driving a car
Business card design, depicting a young woman driving an open topped car through the countryside. 20th century

Background imageCountryside Collection: Chocolate box design, couple at a stile

Chocolate box design, couple at a stile
Chocolate box design, featuring an 18th century couple chatting at a stile in a field. 20th century

Background imageCountryside Collection: Eastern National Omnibus Company Limited Poster

Eastern National Omnibus Company Limited Poster, advertising regular coach service to Lowerstoft and Yarmouth and to Clacton-on-Sea and Jerwick Sands. circa 1950

Background imageCountryside Collection: Man-powered flying machine

Man-powered flying machine
A man-powered flying machine in a countryside setting. The Aerostat - Worked by Manual Power - Invented by W. Miller, M.R.C.S. 1843

Background imageCountryside Collection: Descent of Montgolfier balloon

Descent of Montgolfier balloon
The descent of the Montgolfier balloon, landing in countryside to the consternation of local farmers. 1783

Background imageCountryside Collection: Chocolate box design, lady with bunch of flowers

Chocolate box design, lady with bunch of flowers
Chocolate box design, featuring a lady walking through a field carrying a bunch of flowers. 20th century

Background imageCountryside Collection: Cover design, The Autocar Magazine

Cover design, The Autocar Magazine
Cover design for The Autocar Magazine, founded 1895, showing a group of people enjoying an outing through the countryside in a Lea-Francis open topped car. March 1928

Background imageCountryside Collection: Painting a duck, Sally and Jake

Painting a duck, Sally and Jake
Painting a duck - a Sally and Jake story in Playhour

Background imageCountryside Collection: Duck and ducklings

Duck and ducklings

Background imageCountryside Collection: Little girl at the farm

Little girl at the farm

Background imageCountryside Collection: Foal sheltering from bad weather under another horse

Foal sheltering from bad weather under another horse

Background imageCountryside Collection: Man and woman with cattle, Scotland

Man and woman with cattle, Scotland
A man and a woman with cattle in a remote rural area of Scotland. Date: 1930s

Background imageCountryside Collection: Little Red Squirrel

Little Red Squirrel. From Jack and Jill Book 1979

Background imageCountryside Collection: The Magic Candle

The Magic Candle. From Playhour Annual 1985

Background imageCountryside Collection: Town Mouse and Country Mouse

Town Mouse and Country Mouse. From Once Upon a Time 9

Background imageCountryside Collection: Man checking his car engine, Sussex

Man checking his car engine, Sussex
A man checking his car engine during a motoring trip through Sussex, with his dog sitting patiently alongside. Date: 1963

Background imageCountryside Collection: Poster advertising autumn in Germany

Poster advertising autumn in Germany. A kite flies high above idyllic countryside

Background imageCountryside Collection: Elegant lady Valentine card

Elegant lady Valentine card Date: circa 1905

Background imageCountryside Collection: Country scene with trees

Country scene with trees

Background imageCountryside Collection: Landscape scene with stretch of water

Landscape scene with stretch of water
A watercolour landscape scene showing a stretch of water and a few buildings on the horizon

Background imageCountryside Collection: Country lane with farm buildings

Country lane with farm buildings
A country lane with farm buildings

Background imageCountryside Collection: Man carrying an eel trap

Man carrying an eel trap
A man carrying a wickerwork eel trap on his back. More traps can be seen in the background

Background imageCountryside Collection: Country lane with farm buildings and fields

Country lane with farm buildings and fields
A pretty country lane with farm buildings, and fields extending into the distance

Background imageCountryside Collection: Advertisement for Cuir de Russie perfume by Chanel

Advertisement for Cuir de Russie perfume by Chanel
Advertisement for Cuir de Russie (Russian Leather) perfume by Chanel, a fragrance launched in the 1920s. Showing two women enjoying a country walk, wearing clothes by Bergdorf Goodman. 1930s

Background imageCountryside Collection: Children on a road near Hexham, Northumberland

Children on a road near Hexham, Northumberland. late 19th century

Background imageCountryside Collection: Assorted animals

Assorted animals

Background imageCountryside Collection: Three children on a hill by Muriel Dawson

Three children on a hill by Muriel Dawson. 1920s

Background imageCountryside Collection: Out of Doors -- two children meet a goat

Out of Doors -- two children meet a goat
Out of Doors -- two children out walking with their father meet a goat. 19th century

Background imageCountryside Collection: Out of Doors -- boys watching a hare

Out of Doors -- boys watching a hare
Out of Doors -- two boys, a man and a dog watch an escaping hare. 19th century

Background imageCountryside Collection: The Rat Hunt by John Hassall

The Rat Hunt by John Hassall
A group of lively boys join in a rat hunt, charging after an unfortunate rat who has been discovered in a hay rick. Date: c.1910

Background imageCountryside Collection: Woodland scene

Woodland scene
A wood in dappled sunlight with silver birch trees and bracken

Background imageCountryside Collection: Old Tramp cooking his dinner

Old Tramp cooking his dinner
An old tramp cooking sausages in the open air over a small camp fire, surrounded by a variety of animals and with his pet Jack Russell dog sheltering beside him. circa 1980

Background imageCountryside Collection: Distant view of Riegersburg Castle, Styria, Austria

Distant view of Riegersburg Castle, Styria, Austria
Distant view of the the ancient castle and town of Riegersburg in the state of Styria (Steiermark), south east Austria. The castle was built in the early 12th century. Date: early 21st century

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