Santa Clauss toy factory
Sinter Klass - the Dutch Santa Claus. Panel from cover of Look and Learn no. 154 (26 December 1964)
Delivery by Father Christmas to a snow-covered house
At a Christmas partyPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (date unknown)
Santa Claus. Xmas scene. Santa Claus and four doting children Date: circa 1906
Edwardian Santa Claus. Christmas postcard depicting a traditional Santa Claus emptying his sack of gifts. Date: 1904
Santa Claus on the chimney. Xmas scene depiction Santa with lantern. Date: circa 1906
Christmas CakeSeasonable Cakes, Christmas Cake. Marzipan Santa Claus Plaque and Spray of Poinsettias Date: 1936
Children see Santa filling their stockingsThree children see Santa Claus filling their stockings in their bedroom on Christmas morning. early 20th century
Father Christmas by E. F. SkinnerFather Christmas dismounts from his sleigh, laden with toys for good children. Date: 1909
Father Christmas delivering presents
Christmas wrapping paper designA design for Christmas wrapping paper, showing a stylised Father Christmas carrying a sack, with reindeer and holly motifs. circa 1930s
Harrods toy fair postcardThe christmas postcard depicts Santa holding a blimp toy, carrying a sack full of toys and surrounded by other toys including dolls, golliwogs, animals, cars and musical instruments
Santa Claus with reindeer and sleigh, travelling by the light of the moon to deliver the childrens presents. early 20th century
Father Christmas, elves and sleighA rather wild looking Father Christmas gets ready for take off in his sleigh pulled by reindeer while various elfin helpers hitch a ride in the snow. Date: Unknown
Decorating the Christmas tree with Santa Claus. early 20th century
Father Christmas with his sack, by Muriel DawsonFather Christmas walking through the snow with his sack, by Muriel Dawson. 1924
Greeting Santa ClausExcited children open the door to greet a happy Santa Claus, laden with presents. Artist: Ada Leonora Bowley Date: 1907
Baby Scouts -- Santa ClausBaby Scouts -- And sometimes with his eagle eye he spots dear Santa Claus among the chimney pots. 1900
Ladies Home Journal illustrationChristmas illustration for the Ladies Home Journal, with a large decorated tree at the centre, and smaller scenes in the four corners. December 1924
Santa with children. Ladies Home Journal illustrationIllustration for the Ladies Home Journal, showing Father Christmas with a group of children. December 1926
Children meeting Santa ClausThree children meeting Santa Claus. circa early 20th century
Christmas Greetings -- two children carrying a Christmas tree through the snow are followed by Santa Claus with his sack of presents. circa early 20th century
Merry Christmas, Bright New Year -- four children spot Santa Claus in the fireplace. circa late 19th century
Santa on yule log with childrenSanta Claus on a yule log, with four children. early 20th century
Christmas scene with Santa Claus and yule log. There are rabbit musicians, geese pulling the log, a pudding, a boars head, and people carrying flaming torches. 19th century
Santa Claus with tree and presentsSanta Claus with a Christmas tree and presents. 20th century
Two children and Santa ClausTwo children gazing through a shop window, watched by Santa Claus with his sack of presents. early 20th century
Santa and children pulling crackerSanta Claus and four children pulling a Christmas cracker. early 20th century
London Opinion Christmas Number 1938An alluring woman dressed in a sexy Santa Claus outfit emerges from a special hamper. Date: December 1938
A Swell Hand-OutComic illustration showing two naughty little monkeys in pyjamas tricking Father Christmas (Gran pop the orang utan) with a bottomless stocking. Date: 20th century
Giant Santa Claus listening to childrens requestsA giant Santa Claus listening to childrens requests on the roof of a house. early 20th century
Christmas is coming by Cecil AldinChristmas is coming the geese are getting fat Please to put a penny in the old mans hat If you haven t got a penny a ha penny will do If you haven t got a ha penny God bless you Father Christmas sits
Saint Nicholas / Father Christmas / Santa Claus - delivering presents to the children of the world by climbing down chimneys on Christmas night
Father Christmas delivering presents to a child who is asking him to fill his stocking 20th century
Advertisement for Noel aperitifAdvertisement for Noel, a wine-based aperitif. Showing Father Christmas trudging through the snow with gifts, including several bottles, grapes, a tree, and toys. 20th century
Father Christmas helping children decorate the tree circa early 20th century
Montage of Christmas scenes with Father Christmas, children and carol singers, based on Victorian scraps. Date: circa late 19th century
Father Christmas filling stockings by the fireplace on Christmas Eve circa early 20th century
Portrait of Father Christmas on a Christmas card advertising safety matches 20th century
Father Christmas filling stockingFather Christmas filling a stocking with Christmas presents on Christmas Eve 20th century
Boy playing Santa Claus delivering Christmas presents in a vintage model car 20th century
Father Christmas delivering presents to childrenFather Christmas delivering presents to three children on Christmas Eve 20th century
Father Christmas decorating a treeChristmas card of Father Christmas decorating a Christmas tree 20th century
Father Christmas delivering presents down chimney circa late 19th century
Father Christmas and child
Father Christmas writing his list of who has been naughty and who has been nice 20th century
Father Christmas shortbread advertFather Christmas advertising Crawfords Scotch Shortbread biscuits circa early 20th century
Father Christmas food advert delivering supplies from John Barker and Co. in a cart drawn by turkeys and geese 1903
Family around the Christmas treeGerman Christmas card showing a family around the Christmas tree with Father Christmas hiding in the background circa late 19th century
Traditional Father Christmas delivering presents late 19th century
Portrait of Father Christmas on a Christmas card circa early 20th century
Father Christmas delivering presents to childrenFather Christmas delivering presents and a Christmas tree to a girl sleeping by the fireplace on Christmas Eve circa early 20th century
Father Christmas delivering presents on roofFather Christmas on a roof, delivering presents via a window circa early 20th century
Portrait of Father Christmas 20th century
Traditional Christmas montage
Father Christmas playing a trumpet in the snow circa late 19th century
Father Christmas delivering presents on his sleigh 20th century
Father Christmas pulling a cracker with childrenChristmas card showing Father Christmas pulling a cracker with children 20th century
Father Christmas delivering presents on sleighFather Christmas on the roof of a house, delivering presents by sleigh circa early 20th century
Father Christmas delivering presentsChristmas card showing Father Christmas delivering presents going down a chimney c. 1930s
Christmas / Presents 1960SA little girl is given a present from Father Christmas who prefers a sports car to a sleigh any day Date: 1960s
Father Christmas / SackFather Christmas in the street with a sackful of presents. Date: 1960s
Father Christmas / ChimneyFather Christmas dropping presents down a chimney. Date: 1960s
Presents / Dryden / 48An elegant lady discusses Chrstmas shopping with Santa Claus. From an advertisement Date: 1926
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