The Revenge of Frankenstein at a cinemaThe Revenge of Frankenstein (starring Peter Cushing) advertised in sensational form outside a cinema. Date: 1958
Street scene with comic figures advertising Phurnod (a coal product), passing an Odeon cinema. 20th century
Cast and crew on a film set -- a man and woman sit at a table, while another man holds up a slate (Shot 11, Set 3). 20th century
Street scene with novelty carStreet scene with a novelty car-windmill, passing an Odeon cinema. 20th century
A Night to Remember, film poster
Music cover, It Happened in MontereyMusic cover for It Happened in Monterey by Paul Whiteman and his Band. circa 1930s
Advertisement for Hollywood, California, USAAdvertisement for trips to Hollywood, California, USA, showing beams of light shining up into the sky. early 20th century
Gran pops nose is put out of joint by Lawson WoodNow that King Kong has appeared in London, this might happen to Gran pop (the wily orang utan created by artist, Lawson Wood) at any moment
A Night to Remember, film studio sceneAn artists colour sketch of a film studio scene for the 1958 film, A Night to Remember, starring Kenneth More, based on the Titanic disaster of 1912
A Night to Remember, book and film itemsThe book by Walter Lord, with an information folder and film poster advertising the 1958 film, A Night to Remember, starring Kenneth More, based on the Titanic disaster of 1912. Date: 1958
Porgramme cover for the Capitol Theatre, New York, 1928Programme cover for the Capitol Theatre, New York, 1928. This was a movie picture palace that also had a stage show in suppport of the feature film. Date: 1928
Evelyn Laye in Princess CharmingEvelyn Laye, British actress, seen here in her costume for Princess Charming (a stage production and a film). 1933
Compton Mackenzies house, Isle of Barra, ScotlandThe house of the writer Compton Mackenzie on the Isle of Barra, Outer Hebrides, northern Scotland. His novel Whisky Galore (1947) was filmed here
Cinematography trophies on displayVarious trophies on display
Children in cinema queueChildren queueing up to go to the cinema, probably on a Saturday morning, in the Harrow Road or Portobello Road area, West London. Date: 1957
Poster advertising silent film, Les Ailes (Wings)Poster advertising the French version of an American silent film, Les Ailes (Wings), by Adolph Zukor and Jesse Llasky, set during the First World War. circa 1920s
Music cover, Gershwins Embraceable YouMusic cover for George Gershwins Embraceable You, from the film Rhapsody in Blue. circa 1940s
Poster of Africa for a film distributor, AGDCPoster of Africa, showing the territory of a French film distributor, the AGDC, l Alliance Generale de Distribution Cinematographique
Four children with a film projectorFour children and a cat with a film projector, looking at a picture of a boy and a dog on a screen. early 20th century
Little boy in jesters costume with projection showA little boy in a jesters costume projects an image of two pigs onto a screen. circa early 20th century
Children looking at a pig projected onto a screenFour children looking at a pig projected onto a screen, with a little boy in a jesters costume standing to one side, operating the projector. circa early 20th century
Talking Movie EquipmentEnglish Professor Low, demonstrating his Audiometer, which synchronises moving film with sound, an ingenious invention during early Talkies years. Date: early 1930s
MGM LIONRecording Leo the Lions famous roar for MGM (Metro Goldwyn Mayer) Studios. Date: 1928
MAKING A TALKIEA film crew making a Talkie of the gulls in Hyde Park, central London. Date: early 1930s
Girls at the CinemaA group of extremely well turned-out young ladies, all of them with trendy Marcel Wave hair-dos, wearing headphones to watch a film at the cinema. Date: early 1930s
Dryden / Garden / Allah / 238Reproduction of Ernst Drydens palette board Date: 1935
Dryden / Orient Cinema / 108Poster advertising Specks Orient Cinema, Zurich, featuring a Western in this advertisement Date: circa 1912
Dryden / Garden / Allah / 231Costume design for Marlene Dietrichs orchid chiffon dress Date: 1936
Dryden / Garden / Allah / 240A page from Drydens storyboard showing a six-day shoot between 15 and 27 April 1935, with silver lame and chiffon samples attached. Date: 1935
Dryden / Dr Rhythm / 271Portrait of a jazz player for the film Dr Rhythm Date: 1938
Children queueing for the cinemaChildren queue outside the Coliseum, in the Harrow Road, West London, to see Buster Crabbe in Gun Brothers. 1957
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