Boy playing a lute, by Victor Carpathius (Vittore Carpaccio), dated MDX (1510). This is a detail from a larger painting, Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. 1510
Mersey Street, West LondonA view of Mersey Street, North Kensington, London, with a woman and three children. The street looks very run down, and there is an auction sale sign on the terraced housing to the left. Date: 1960
Brer Rabbits Christmas Meal
Santa Clauss toy factory
Puppy on beach
Children dancing in the woodlands
Lollypop lady
The RedcoatPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (5 September 1970)
Bell RingersPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (date unknown)
Fairy tale scenes
The JanitorPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (20 March 1965)
Japanese girl with two younger children
Giant attacking children. Source unknown
Waves at the Sea Front
PolicemanPeople You See. Policeman. From Teddy Bear (12 October 1963)
School Bus Driver
Tales from Many Lands: The Legend of Volka. From Treasure no. 202 (26 November 1966)
Boy blowing a dandelion clock
Playing sandcastles
A is for Apple
School Dinner Lady
Where Snow Comes From
Children playing in front of a roaring fire. Source unknown
Traffic AttendantPeople You See. Traffic Attendant. From Teddy Bear (8 April 1968)
Pandemonium in the farm yard. A tractor has been driven into the pond and many children rush to help
Children in the Snow
Fun in the snow
Recreation Ground
The Dandelion. From cover from Treasure no. 149
Gypsy Caravan
Mummy Show You How: Going on Holiday. From Teddy Bear (28 July 1973)
Liquorice Allsorts
Sheep. From Teddy Bear (16 October 1965)
Spring in the royal garden
Children playing montage
At the stables
Jackdaw. Jackdaw shows a boy and girl teasing one bird with a silver bead while the other perches on a branch overhead, string and bead in its beak
Fairies in the garden
Laying cement. Fathers newly laid cement path is ruined by the pet dog
Children admiring an Easter display
The windowdresserPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (10 December 1966)
T is for Twin. Cover illustration from Treasure no. 21
At the clothes shopPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (6 August 1966)
Messenger BoyPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (date unknown)
School caretaker and odd-jobs man
Mother Shows You How: at the model railway. From Teddy Bear (3 June 1972)
Children playing in the snowThe Snow Baby. Children playing in the snow
Book SaleswomanPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (date unknown)
Design for book cover, nursery stories. Gouache on heavy paper. Blackie & Son Limited - Silver Studio 1896
Santa Claus. Xmas scene. Santa Claus and four doting children Date: circa 1906
See-Saw. Children in period costume playing see-saw with their puppy dog. Date: 1907
Design for book cover, girl and boy dancingDesign for a book cover showing a girl and a boy dancing. Gouache on heavy paper. Blackie & Son Limited - Silver Studio. 1896
Christmas angel. Christmas angel bearing toys & gifts for children. Date: circa 1904
Christmas fantasy. Santa & children on a train. German. Date: 1906
Ships playroom. NYK (Nippon Yusen Kaisha) Line promotional postcard depicting facilities for children Date: 1939
Children on the beach. Friendships greeting. Children getting into their bathing costumes. Date: 1904
Silhouette. The Pied Piper. The Pied Piper leading the children out of the rat infested town of Hamelin. German. Date: circa 1920
Children on a sleigh. Xmas/New Year. Boy and girl in snowy winter scene sledging, with a pig in a sack. Swedish. Date: circa 1920
Silhouette. Hansel & Gretel. Nibble, nibble, who is nibbling at my cottage. The children find the house of the wicked witch. German. Date: circa 1930
Children & a hand-cart. Children in a winter scene at play in a hand-cart imagining that the girl in green is the horse. Date: circa 1897
Children paddling. Happy memories Children paddling in the sea. Date: 1904
British fundraising poster, WW1For Your Children. Buy War Savings Certificates and they will live to thank you, 1917. Colour half tone print of a pastel drawing by Rosina Mantovari Gutti, published as No
Children in a rowing boat. Remembering bygone days. Three children playing in a rowing boat. Date: 1904
Children sailing a toy yacht. The first joys of the heart. Children playing with a toy yacht in the sea. Date: 1904
Xmas scene with children. With all kind thoughts. Three young girls in winter coats, hats and muffs in a winter landscape. Date: 1904
Evacuation - World War Two - Children Safer in the CountryEvacuation - World War Two - Children are Safer in the Country.... leave them there. Governement advice recommending children stay away from the big cities and targets of the bombers. circa 1942
Button card with little girl and mirrorButton card, depicting a little girl in a red and white coat and hat, looking in a mirror. There are four real white buttons stitched to her coat, and four green ones on her leg. 20th century
Silhouette Calendar -- October, Harvest Thanksgiving. Showing a girl and a boy taking part in a Harvest Festival church service. 20th century
Nursery Rhymes -- Mulberry BushNursery Rhymes -- Here we go round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, Here we go round the mulberry bush, On a cold and frosty morning. early 20th century
Cover design, Holiday Haunts, showing a father carrying his little girl on his shoulders at the seaside. 1933
Play the Game Football book coverFront cover of a book depicting a young boy kicking a football on the front cover. Date: c.1941
Spanish lottery game for children, Neuva Loteria De Los Globos (Juego para les ninos.) Num. 57. Made up of 52 small pictograms of various fanciful balloon designs. 1867
Business card design, cute girl with powder puffBusiness card design, depicting a cute little girl with a powder puff and hand mirror. 20th century
Nursery Rhymes -- Mary Had a Little Lamb. The lamb follows Mary to school, but the teacher chases the lamb away. early 20th century
Business card design, children with toysBusiness card design, depicting two children looking down at a doll and some toys. 20th century
Nursery Rhymes -- boy in bed, beggars on roadNursery Rhymes -- two illustrations. Above -- a little boy sits up in bed and looks out of the window
Ministry of Health Poster - EvacuationShes in the Ranks too! Caring for Evacuees is a National Service circa 1942
Illustration, Jersey in Jail, squadrons overheadIllustration, Jersey in Jail, with people excited to see British squadrons flying overhead, giving them hopes of liberation. 1940-1945
Cover design, Lady Arabellas Birthday Party, by Margaret and Mary Baker. Showing a chaotic party with children misbehaving. 1940
Young couple in love - " Seems to me I ve always loved you!" Date: 1918
Nursery Rhymes -- Ride a Cock HorseNursery Rhymes. An unidentified one (above), showing a man with a brush running into another mans bedroom
1953 Coronation street partyPhotograph of a childrens street party in an unidentified but bunting adorned location
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