The Treasure trove: a trunk bursts open releasing toys, bookThe Treasure trove
Young Boy reading story books
Book shop saleswomanPeople You See. Book shop saleswoman. From Teddy Bear (29 June 1968)
Pig and Lamb go Sailing
Library attendant
Headmistress of a schoolPeople You See. Headmistress of a school. From Teddy Bear (10 October 1964)
Book SaleswomanPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (date unknown)
Design for book cover, New Light Through Old WindowsDesign for a book cover, New Light Through Old Windows, by Gregson Gow. Gouache on heavy paper. Blackie & Son Limited - Silver Studio. 1897
Design for book cover, In the Summer HolidaysDesign for a book cover entitled In the Summer Holidays by Jennett Humphreys. Watercolour and gouache on copy paper. Blackie, London; Silver Studio. 1897
Design for book cover with orange flowersDesign for a book cover with orange flowers. Charcoal, pencil and red crayon on detail paper. Silver Studio. circa 1898
Design for book cover, Our Little Nan by Emma Leslie. Gouache on heavy paper. Blackie & Son Limited - Silver Studio 1896
Design for book cover, The Lost DogDesign for a book cover entitled The Lost Dog by Ascott R. Hope. Watercolour and gouache on copy paper. Silver Studio; Blackie, London. 1897
Design for book cover with tree and shipDesign for a book cover with a tree and a ship. Pencil and charcoal on copy paper. Silver Studio; Blackie, London. 1897
Design for book cover, Brother & SisterDesign for a book cover entitled Brother & Sister by Elizabeth J. Lysaght. Gouache on heavy paper. Silver Studio; Blackie, London. 1897
Design for book cover, The Youngest PrincessDesign for a book cover entitled The Youngest Princess. Watercolour and gouache on copy paper. Silver Studio; Blackie, London. 1897
Nude pin-up by David WrightPin-up by David Wright, almost entirely nude, save for a pair of high heeled shoes and a book she has been reading placed strategically in her lap. Date: c.1945
Columbine and LelioHarlequin illustration, showing Columbine standing, with Lelio seated on a chaise longue. 1923
Pierrot on Pantaloons doorstepHarlequin illustration, showing Pierrot on the doorstep of Pantaloons house. 1923
Cover design, Lady Arabellas Birthday Party, by Margaret and Mary Baker. Showing a chaotic party with children misbehaving. 1940
Group of people at a ballHarlequin illustration, showing a group of people at a ball. 1923
Title page, The Adventures of Harlequin by Francis Bickley, with illustrations by John Austen. Showing Harlequin himself in typical costume and pose. 1923
Good Things to Know - Woolworths bookletA booklet produced by high street retailer Woolworths, entitled Good Things to Know and including numerous tips on how to clean your house, save money and of course
Harlequin and ColumbineHarlequin illustration, showing Harlequin and Columbine dancing by the light of a full moon. 1923
Pierrot aloneHarlequin illustration, showing Pierrot alone. 1923
Pierrot, Columbine and others
Cover design, Nursery Rhymes, showing Mother Goose flying through the air. early 20th century
Lady Arabellas Birthday Party -- the screaming Betsy, at the castle and mistaken for Lady Arabella, is carried away from the party. 1940
Harlequin and Columbine outside a shopHarlequin illustration, showing Harlequin, Columbine and another woman outside a shop. 1923
Lady Arabellas Birthday Party -- the Duchess agrees to look after Arabella for a while. 1940
Teddy doing his homework
Old man in flea market, Paris, FranceAn old man standing behind a stall in the flea market, Paris, France. Date: 1955
Washing a rag bookHand-washing a rag book. From a catalogue of Deans Rag Books Date: circa 1930
The Debs Dictionary by Oliver Herford - front coverFront cover of The Debs Dictionary, a humorous anthology of the terms surrounding the world of the debutante in the 1930s
The Perfect Debutante by Adrian PorterFront cover of The Perfect Debutante, a book of humorous verse and sketches from 1937 taking the reader through the hilarious pitfalls and pleasures of the social season
Students at work in Bodleian Library, OxfordStudents at work in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Date: 1958
Danger Ahead - Cover by David WrightFront cover of Danger Ahead by Peter Saxon, in the Sexton Blake Library series
Book cover by David Wright You Can Call It a Day by Peter ChBook jacket designed by David Wright for the title, You Can Call it a Day by Peter Cheney featuring a red-haired woman wearing an alluringly, transparent black dress
History of Art seminar at Corsham Art SchoolA History of Art seminar conducted by Adrian Heath (1920-1992) at Corsham Art School, Wiltshire. Various illustrated books are laid out on the table, including one on gothic painting. Date: 1958
Book cover design, Les Maitres de l AfficheBook cover design for Les Maitres de l Affiche (Masters of the Poster), published by Librairie Chaix, 20 Rue Bergere, Paris
Buddhist priest, Ceylon (Sri Lanka). circa 1890s
Two geishas, stove and shamisen, JapanTwo geishas, stove and shamisen (a three-stringed musical instrument), Japan. circa 1890s
Drying a rag bookPutting a rag book out to dry on the washing line. From a catalogue of Deans Rag Books Date: circa 1930
Book cover by David Wright Ladies Won t Wait by Peter CheneyBook jacket designed by David Wright for the title, Ladies Won t Wait by Peter Cheney featuring a a woman seductively revealing an elegant shoulder as her red dress falls down. Date: c.1950
Out of Doors -- children looking at wrens nestOut of Doors -- three children with their father take it in turns to look at a wrens nest in a hedge. 19th century
Out of Doors -- two children feeding pigeons in a garden. 19th century
Out of Doors -- mother and children in a woodOut of Doors -- a mother and three children gathering flowers in a wood. 19th century
Out of Doors -- label design with two children. 19th century
Out of Doors -- children watching deerOut of Doors -- two children (Frank and Flossie) watching two deer in a wood. 19th century
Out of Doors -- two girls in a field, looking at the nest of a harvest mouse. 19th century
Out of Doors -- cover design, showing three children with a kite. 19th century
Out of Doors -- horse with stone in hoofOut of Doors -- a horse (Bob) has a stone in his hoof. 19th century
Out of Doors -- two children meet a goatOut of Doors -- two children out walking with their father meet a goat. 19th century
Out of Doors -- children at home with motherOut of Doors -- two children at home with their mother. The boy seems to be getting into mischief -- a sure sign that he would be better out of doors. 19th century
Out of Doors -- two children at the seasideOut of Doors -- two children with their father at the seaside stand on a rock looking down at the waves. 19th century
Out of Doors -- two children exploring rock poolOut of Doors -- two children at the seaside, exploring a rock pool. 19th century
Out of Doors -- mother, children and peacockOut of Doors -- a mother and her two children watch a peacock on the lawn. 19th century
Out of Doors -- boys watching a hareOut of Doors -- two boys, a man and a dog watch an escaping hare. 19th century
Murder Down Below" Still waters ran deep....deep enough to hide a killer"
Home decor in art deco style, showing patterned wallpaper, a patterned curtain, a set of books between peasant figure bookends, and an ornament on the wall. circa 1930s
The Price of a Pear - postcard by Lawson WoodThe Price of a Pear. A young scallywag on is way to (or from) school pays the price of a spot of scrumping as the acquisition of a prime juicy pear has resulted in a pair of torn britches
The Book ShopTwo girls (one hardly older than a toddler!) look through a variety of volumes in a Bookshop Date: 1902
Little girl blowing up balloonsA little girl uses a hand pump to blow up balloons, probably for her fifth birthday party. Date: 1971
The Stationers Shop. A Stationer looks sternly down at a young boy who has approached the counter. 1902
Titanic book coversA selection of nine books written about the Titanic disaster, with dates ranging from 1912 to 1956
Sketch of a little girl reading a bookSketch of a little girl sitting on the floor reading a book
Or et Couleurs designs by G. DarcyOr et Couleurs, two designs by G. Darcy (Plate XIV). c. 1925
You can call it a Day - cover by David WrightBook jacket design for You Can Call It a Day by Peter Cheyney, designed and illustrated by artist, David Wright
Lady Behave - cover and spine by David WrightFabulous book cover design by pin up artist David Wright for a book entitled, Lady Behave" by Peter Cheney
Dark Wanton - book jacket design by David WrightFront cover and spine of the book jacket for Dark Wanton by Peter Cheyney, designed by David Wright and featuring a seductive brunette in a slinky dress and fur dress, looking dangerously, um
Decoy for Murder - front cover by David WrightFront cover from Sexton Blake Librarys pulp fiction library entitled Decoy for Murder by Peter Saxon showing a seductive brunette glancing over her shoulder as her dress slips off. c.1950
Book cover by David Wright, DesireBook cover design by David Wright, Desire (Le Desir) by Louis-Charles Royer, first translation from the French. Featuring a naked blonde-haired woman sitting on a bed, draped in a fur coat. Date: 1950
Book cover by David Wright, Week-end at the Manor HouseBook cover design by David Wright, Week-end at the Manor House by Louis-Charles Royer, first translation from the French
Book cover by David Wright, The Black MistressBook cover design by David Wright, The Black Mistress (La Maitresse Noire) by Louis-Charles Royer, first translation from the French
Annette, book cover design by David WrightAnnette first daring translation from the French, a book cover design by the pin up artist David Wright, featuring a very seductive looking nude woman
Black minister at a camp, Western Front, France, WW1Black minister at a camp on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
The Choristers by Muriel Dawson -- two little girls and a branch full of birds, all singing. 1933
The Student by Muriel Dawson -- a little toddler sits looking at a picture book. 1933
Happy Hours by Muriel Dawson -- a little girl sits reading. 1943
Wonderland by Muriel Dawson -- a little girl in overalls sits looking through a picture book. 1940
Enchanted Hours by Muriel Dawson -- a little girl sits reading a book. 1940
Book cover designAn ornate book cover design
Cobbetts Advice to Young MenFront cover of Advice to Young Men by William Cobbett, an instruction booklet for the eighteenth century youth. Date: 1887
Illustration by Gladys Peto, Storyland
Cover design, Storyland, by Gladys PetoCover design for Storyland, by Gladys Peto. Gladys Emma Peto (1890-1977) was an English artist, fashion designer, illustrator and writer of childrens books. 1931
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