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Board Collection

Background imageBoard Collection: School Teacher

School Teacher
People You See. From Teddy Bear (8 February 1964)

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster for Candian Pacific Mont Cruises

Poster for Candian Pacific Mont Cruises - a glamorous lady in a green dress leans back against the rail of the liner, holding a black witches hat by its lengthy bowstrings

Background imageBoard Collection: Empire Marketing Board poster - cocoa pod gathering

Empire Marketing Board poster - cocoa pod gathering

Background imageBoard Collection: Priests playing checkers, Japan

Priests playing checkers, Japan
Priests playing checkers on a board, Japan. circa 1890s

Background imageBoard Collection: Women washing clothes, Japan

Women washing clothes, Japan. circa 1890s

Background imageBoard Collection: Students reading in Balliol College JCR, Oxford

Students reading in Balliol College JCR, Oxford
Students reading newspapers and magazines in the Junior Common Room of Balliol College, Oxford. Date: 1958

Background imageBoard Collection: Advertisement for ceramic tiles

Advertisement for ceramic tiles, with tiling on the floor, walls and ceiling of a smart new kitchen. circa 1960s

Background imageBoard Collection: Illustration by Dolly Tree

Illustration by Dolly Tree, Paris, 1919 1919

Background imageBoard Collection: Two women playing board game, Japan

Two women playing board game, Japan. circa 1890s

Background imageBoard Collection: Floating Jazz Festival trombonist

Floating Jazz Festival trombonist
A trombonist taking part in the Floating Jazz Festival on board a ship from London to Margate. Date: 1957

Background imageBoard Collection: Couple on a two-seater cycle, Belgium

Couple on a two-seater cycle, Belgium
A couple on a four-wheeled two-seater cycle (also known as a velo double) outside the Taverne Emile in a town in Belgium. Date: 1936

Background imageBoard Collection: Two prisoners wearing the Cangue, China

Two prisoners wearing the Cangue, China
Two prisoners wearing the Cangue (a form of punishment), China. circa 1890

Background imageBoard Collection: Book cover, Learning to Spell

Book cover, Learning to Spell, by Irene Martyn. Showing a girl at a desk in front of a blackboard. circa 1940s

Background imageBoard Collection: Flower sellers outside St Pauls Cathedral, London

Flower sellers outside St Pauls Cathedral, London. 1936

Background imageBoard Collection: Marwari men playing board game, India

Marwari men playing board game, India
Four Marwari (or Marwadi) men, originating from Rajasthan, India, seen here playing a board game. circa 1890s

Background imageBoard Collection: Retoucher working on a colour separation positive

Retoucher working on a colour separation positive
A Retoucher working on a colour separation positive at the Lund Humphries Printing Works. Photograph by Heinz Zinram Date: late 1950s

Background imageBoard Collection: Playing draughts

Playing draughts
Illustration depicting a young girl and boy sitting on the floor engaged in a game of draughts. c. 1904

Background imageBoard Collection: Titanic framed montage

Titanic framed montage
A framed montage of Titanic-related images, including the Titanic in dock at Belfast, a wireless operator, Captain Smith, a salon on board the ship, the SS Carpathia which came to rescue survivors

Background imageBoard Collection: The Butchers Shop

The Butchers Shop. A young girl in red dress and bonnet looks at the variety of cuts of meat available at the Butchers Shop. Date: 1902

Background imageBoard Collection: Empire Marketing Board poster - Gibraltar

Empire Marketing Board poster - Gibraltar
Empire Marketing Board poster showing a family on the deck of a ship which is sailing close to the rock of Gibraltar. Date: c.1925

Background imageBoard Collection: Produce from around the Empire

Produce from around the Empire
Unidentified illustration but possibly for an Empire Marketing Board poster, featuring people from around the world, standing under a Union Jack flag and surrounded by a wide range of exotic produce

Background imageBoard Collection: Art deco style ocean liner

Art deco style ocean liner
Passengers climbing stairs to board the SS Bremen, an ocean liner of the Norddeutscher Lloyd fleet, with others waving below. A poster advertising travel on the SS Bremen, SS Europa and SS Columbus

Background imageBoard Collection: A Sudan Cotton Field

A Sudan Cotton Field
Empire Marketing Board poster showing indigeonous workers picking cotton in a field in the Sudan, while their village can be seen some way in the background. c.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Les Filles Jackson et Cie operetta poster

Les Filles Jackson et Cie operetta poster
Poster advertising the operetta " Les Filles Jackson et Cie" composed by J

Background imageBoard Collection: Label design for Wrights Coal Tar Soap

Label design for Wrights Coal Tar Soap, the nursery soap, costing four old pence per tablet. Showing a little girl in academic gown and mortar board, proclaiming Babys (W)rights

Background imageBoard Collection: Drink More Milk poster

Drink More Milk poster
Poster issued by the National Milk Publicity Council showing a pretty, and wholesome looking dairy worker enjoying a glass of fresh milk. Date: c.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Empire Marketing Board Milk poster

Empire Marketing Board Milk poster
Poster issued by the Empire Marketing Board encouraging children to " take more fresh milk - and plenty of it" showing children toasting the king with their baby bottle and mugs aloft

Background imageBoard Collection: Board School carpentry class, Kilburn, London

Board School carpentry class, Kilburn, London
A Board School carpentry class at the Kilburn Lane Higher Grade School, West Kilburn, north west London. Showing boys working at benches, supervised by three male teachers. 1895

Background imageBoard Collection: Farewell! remember me by Florence Hardy

Farewell! remember me by Florence Hardy
Farewell! remember me. A girl embraces her love, saying goodbye. They are standing at the docks infront of the ships. The boy is about to board a ship. Date: circa 1912

Background imageBoard Collection: Cat teaching the ABC

Cat teaching the ABC
Cat in a mortar board, teaching the ABC -- Well? What next?

Background imageBoard Collection: Cat watching mouse entering mouse hole

Cat watching mouse entering mouse hole
A cat watching a mouse entering a mouse hole

Background imageBoard Collection: British gunner with instruction board, Western Front, WW1

British gunner with instruction board, Western Front, WW1
A British gunner under camouflage alongside a big gun, copying instructions from a board, on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916

Background imageBoard Collection: Shall I Draw You? by Muriel Dawson

Shall I Draw You? by Muriel Dawson -- a little boy draws a cat on a blackboard. 1943

Background imageBoard Collection: Empire Marketing Board - Penang, British Malaya

Empire Marketing Board - Penang, British Malaya
Empire Marketing Board Poster design, Penang, British Malaya (now Malaysia), printed for the Empire Marketing Board. Showing a busy scene at the docks. circa 1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Dancing at the Floating Festival of Jazz

Dancing at the Floating Festival of Jazz
A woman smiles as she dances with her friend in front of a jazz band on board a ship hosting the 1957 Floating Festival of Jazz from London to Margate. Date: 1957

Background imageBoard Collection: Three people sitting on running board of car

Three people sitting on running board of car
Three people, a man and two women, sitting on the running board of a rather smart car

Background imageBoard Collection: Three people with a car

Three people with a car
Three people, a man and two women, posing alongside a car with an a badge on the front

Background imageBoard Collection: Two women at a railway station, South London

Two women at a railway station, South London
Two young women at a railway station in South London. An advertisement on the opposite platform is for property, houses of character for 745 freehold

Background imageBoard Collection: Car ferry with coach on board

Car ferry with coach on board
A car ferry with a coach on board

Background imageBoard Collection: People in open-topped car

People in open-topped car
Three people sitting in an open-topped car. A smiling boy stands in front with his arm in a sling

Background imageBoard Collection: Couple in ramshackle sports car

Couple in ramshackle sports car
A couple -- possibly just married -- sitting in a ramshackle sports car, with five people standing on the pavement at the side of them

Background imageBoard Collection: Family group with car and tent

Family group with car and tent
A family group of four, sitting on the running board of a car with a circular tent behind

Background imageBoard Collection: Early car

Early car
An early car with a toolbox incorporated into the running board

Background imageBoard Collection: Woman riding a hobby horse on board ship

Woman riding a hobby horse on board ship
A woman riding a hobby horse on board ship

Background imageBoard Collection: Man sitting on running board of sports car

Man sitting on running board of sports car
A man sitting on the running board of a sports car

Background imageBoard Collection: Group photo, 2nd Rawalpindi Division, India

Group photo, 2nd Rawalpindi Division, India
Group photo, men of the 2nd (Rawalpindi) Division, Murree, India. A board behind them shows who belongs upstairs and who belongs downstairs. 1913

Background imageBoard Collection: Military men on board ship

Military men on board ship
A large number of military men in pith helmets on board ship

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster depicting the Scottish oat harvest

Poster depicting the Scottish oat harvest
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, depicting the Scottish oat harvest. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster depicting Cattle Raising in Australia

Poster depicting Cattle Raising in Australia
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, depicting Cattle Raising in Australia. Date: C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster depicting Malayan pineapples

Poster depicting Malayan pineapples
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, depicting the market garden of the tropics -- Malayan pineapples. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster depicting a cocoa estate in Trinidad

Poster depicting a cocoa estate in Trinidad
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, depicting a cocoa estate in Trinidad. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster depicting an Indian rice field

Poster depicting an Indian rice field
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, depicting an Indian rice field. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster depicting a paddy field in Burma

Poster depicting a paddy field in Burma
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, depicting a paddy field in Burma. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster depicting West African mahogany

Poster depicting West African mahogany
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, depicting West African mahogany in a forest, with small monkeys swinging on long creepers. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Artist painting from Life magazine

Artist painting from Life magazine
An artist paints a portrait from the front cover of Life magazine -- how original! Date: 1950s

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster depicting herring drifters in the North Sea

Poster depicting herring drifters in the North Sea
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, depicting herring drifters in the North Sea. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster depicting the port of Rangoon

Poster depicting the port of Rangoon
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, depicting the port of Rangoon, Burma. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: A dolls tea party

A dolls tea party
A Brother and sister playing at a Dolls Tea Party. Watercolour painting by Raymond Sheppard Date: circa late 1940s

Background imageBoard Collection: Reaping sugar canes in the West Indies

Reaping sugar canes in the West Indies
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, depicting the reaping of sugar cane in the West Indies. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Young girl lying on a cushion alongside her teddy

Young girl lying on a cushion alongside her teddy. Watercolour painting by Raymond Sheppard Date: circa late 1940s

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster depicting Colombo, Ceylon

Poster depicting Colombo, Ceylon
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, depicting dock workers loading and unloading cargo at Colombo, Ceylon (Sri Lanka). C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster depicting sisal in East Africa

Poster depicting sisal in East Africa
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, depicting the harvesting of sisal in East Africa. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster depicting Dairying in Australia

Poster depicting Dairying in Australia
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, depicting Dairying in Australia. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster depicting tea picking in Ceylon

Poster depicting tea picking in Ceylon
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, depicting women picking tea in Ceylon. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster depicting people cutting bananas in Jamaica

Poster depicting people cutting bananas in Jamaica
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, depicting people cutting bananas in Jamaica. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster encouraging people to Buy Singapore Products

Poster encouraging people to Buy Singapore Products, depicting a prowling tiger. Issued by the Empire Marketing Board. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Titanic Letter

Titanic Letter

Background imageBoard Collection: Deaf Cyclist

Deaf Cyclist
This cyclist is wearing a sandwich board reading beware, I am deaf. Date: early 1930s

Background imageBoard Collection: Wash day, Japan

Wash day, Japan
Laundry day in Japan: two women hang up clothes and fabric to dry outdoors Date: Late 19th Century

Background imageBoard Collection: 2nd Class Room Titanic

2nd Class Room Titanic
Colour illustration of a Second Class State Room on board the ill-fated Titanic showing a mother & child in a room with a comfortable bed and desk. Date: 1912

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster for Monte-Carlo Beach, Monaco

Poster for Monte-Carlo Beach, Monaco, printed by Draeger. Paradise Found. circa 1925

Background imageBoard Collection: Silhouette of a chess game

Silhouette of a chess game
Charming silhouette scene depicting two men playing a game of chess. Date: c.1830

Background imageBoard Collection: Titanic Death Form

Titanic Death Form
A certificate or document officially declaring a member of staff on board the Titanic dead, issued in June 1912, two months after the disaster. Date: 1912

Background imageBoard Collection: Steamship off the coast of Africa

Steamship off the coast of Africa
A steamship off the coast of Africa, no doubt engaged in the export and import of goods, in this Empire Marketing Board depiction. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Empire Marketing Board milk poster

Empire Marketing Board milk poster
Poster produced by the Empire Marketing Board encouraging children to drink more milk depicting a small girl and a baby in its pram holding their cup and bottle aloft to the toast the king

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster depicting a teak forest in Burma

Poster depicting a teak forest in Burma

Background imageBoard Collection: The Bonzo Chase board game

The Bonzo Chase board game
Board game showing a version of snakes and ladders where Bonzo, the cheeky, canine creation of George Studdy who became famous after being published in the Sketch

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster of the Suez Canal

Poster of the Suez Canal
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, showing a view of the Suez Canal from on board ship. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster of Niger steamers loading groundnuts

Poster of Niger steamers loading groundnuts
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, showing Niger steamers loading groundnuts. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster with a view of Jaffa

Poster with a view of Jaffa
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, showing a view of Jaffa with camels carrying boxes of oranges. C.1928

Background imageBoard Collection: Advertisement for French Line cruises

Advertisement for French Line cruises from the USA to Europe -- Greet Europe relaxed and refreshed with France-Afloat. Showing people enjoying themselves on board a ship by night. 20th century

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster design for trips to Siena, Italy

Poster design for trips to Siena, Italy
Poster design advertising trips to Siena, Italy, on behalf of the Italian national tourist board and national railways. Showing the town hall, campanile (Torre della Mangia) and Piazza del Campo

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster depicting the Empires copra

Poster depicting the Empires copra
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, showing natives gathering copra, the dried kernel of the coconut. C.1930

Background imageBoard Collection: Poster depicting the sorting of manganese ore

Poster depicting the sorting of manganese ore
Poster for the Empire Marketing Board, depicting the sorting of manganese ore. C.1930

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