Animal montage. From Teddy Bear Annual 1976
Brightly Coloured Birds
The Treasure trove: a trunk bursts open releasing toys, bookThe Treasure trove
Golden bird in the hand. Source unknown
Teddy bears driving home
Timber merchantPeople You See. Timber merchant. From Teddy Bear (11 March 1967)
Baby Elephant and Bird
The JanitorPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (20 March 1965)
Teddy bear flying toy aeroplane
Boy watching an unidentified bird
Girl feeding blue tit
At the garden centrePeople You See. From Teddy Bear (15 October 1966)
Birds on a bird table
Japanese soldier with bird. From Treasure (artwork dated 19/7/66)
The Nightingale, based on the poem by Samuel Coleridge
Birds which weave
Boy with Birds
Tortoise takes a walk in the country
Teddy Bear: Activity around Bear Green duck pondActivity around Bear Green duck pond
Chicken with flu
Boy sewing in a window
Jackdaw. Jackdaw shows a boy and girl teasing one bird with a silver bead while the other perches on a branch overhead, string and bead in its beak
The Tailor Bird
Boy in pursuit of bird
Design for woven textile with peacocks. Pencil and gouache on tracing paper. Silver Studio; Leborgne. 1897
Design for book cover, New Light Through Old WindowsDesign for a book cover, New Light Through Old Windows, by Gregson Gow. Gouache on heavy paper. Blackie & Son Limited - Silver Studio. 1897
Design with milkmaid, animals and birds. Watercolour on detail paper. Silver Studio. 1950
Design for frieze with garden patternDesign for a frieze with a garden pattern, including topiary. Charcoal, coloured pencil, and gouache on copy paper. Silver Studio. circa 1900
Design for cretonne with birds and flowers. Watercolour on copy paper. Silver Studio. 1913
Design for Printed Textile in brown and beige. Watercolour on copy paper. Silver Studio. 1941
Design for textile with flowers, birds and insects. Gouache on drawing paper. Franklin & Franklin; Silver Studio. circa 1935
Design for book cover, The Youngest PrincessDesign for a book cover entitled The Youngest Princess. Watercolour and gouache on copy paper. Silver Studio; Blackie, London. 1897
WW2 Poster -- Careless Talk Costs Livesbut for Heavens sake don t say I told you! Careless Talk Costs Lives. Colour photolithograph poster by Cyril Kenneth Bird (Fougasse)
Nursery Rhymes -- washday, horse and crowNursery Rhymes -- two illustrations. Above -- a man and a woman on wash day. Below -- a crow startles a horse so much that the two riders are thrown off. early 20th century
Vauxhall Royal Balloon ascentVauxhall Royal Balloon, constructed by C Green, containing several people, ascending from the Royal Gardens, Vauxhall, London. 9 September 1836
Lunardi in a balloonLunardis Grand Air Balloon, engraved for the Aerostatic Spy 1 April 1785. Probably depicting his flight from the Artillery Grounds to Ware in Hertfordshire on 15 September 1784. 1785
Chocolate box design, two white swansChocolate box design, with two white swans and geometrical shapes in red, black, brown, green and gold. 20th century
Business card design, woman shooting birds
Nursery Rhymes -- Robin Redbreast
Silhouette Calendar -- September, Farewell to the swallows. Showing a girl and a boy watching the swallows fly away to warmer climes. 20th century
Chocolate box design, three humming birdsChocolate box design, with three humming birds inside an ornate and colourful border. 20th century
Poster, Guernsey Airways, offering frequent services to and from the Channel Islands, with a map showing places and flight durations. circa 1936
Lunardi ascent from Artillery GroundsLunardis ascent from the Artillery Grounds in Moorfields, London. He landed at Ware, Hertfordshire, 20 miles away. 15 September 1784
Nursery Rhyme -- The Carrion Crow. A tailor sits sewing, and is irritated by a carrion crow making a noise in a tree
Chocolate box design, Superfine Chocolates
Royal Vauxhall Balloon ascent
Nursery Rhymes -- two birds, man and chimneyNursery Rhymes -- two illustrations. Above -- a white cockatoo and a black crow. Below -- a man clings to a chimney. early 20th century
Nursery Rhymes -- Golden EggNursery Rhymes -- two scenes from the Goose that laid the Golden Egg, showing Mother Goose and her owl outside her cottage (above), and two men on a country road with the golden egg (below)
Cover design, Nursery Rhymes, showing Mother Goose flying through the air. early 20th century
Nursery Rhymes -- Jack Sprat, man in forestNursery Rhymes -- two illustrations. Above -- Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean. Below -- a man in a forest in a green costume. early 20th century
1st International Aircraft Exhibition Poster, 12-28th October 1935 Milan Sample Fair. Showing a group of eagles watching a plane speeding past. 1935
Nursery Rhymes -- goblin and bats, bird stealing pipeNursery Rhymes -- two illustrations. Above -- a goblin and bats flying about the night sky by moonlight. Below -- a bird steals a plump mans pipe. early 20th century
Chocolate box design, lady by lily pondChocolate box design, showing a lady in a yellow dress standing by a purple and gold lily pond. 20th century
Found by Sergei Solomko -- a young couple in medieval costume look at a birds nest. circa 1915
Anniversary Cake. With Good Luck Emblems Date: 1936
Illustrated page, stork and baby, by Muriel DawsonIllustrated page, showing a stork and baby, with a verse below, by Muriel Dawson. 1920s
Boy in a tree with cat and owl, by Muriel DawsonA little boy sitting in a tree with a black cat and an owl, by Muriel Dawson. 1920s
Little girl eating strawberries by Muriel Dawson. July 1924
Cat and bird by Muriel DawsonA black cat on a pole, and a bird (speckled thrush), by Muriel Dawson 1920s
Cat in a bonnet posting a letter at a letter box
R is for Robin
Pencil sketch, birds and butterfly. 1920s
Little girl and robin by Muriel DawsonA little girl offering some crumbs to a robin on a cold day, by Muriel Dawson. 1920s
Garden scene with children (with hidden objects)
Geese at Bolingey, near Perranporth, CornwallGeese in the village of Bolingey, near Perranporth, Cornwall. A man stands at the side of a cart in the background. Date: 1922
Title page design, The Fairy Book, by Muriel Dawson. 1920s
Laughing boy surrounded by birds. 1920s
Toddler at seaside by Muriel DawsonToddler at the seaside by Muriel Dawson. 1920s
Studies of cow and robin by Muriel DawsonStudies of a cow and a robin by Muriel Dawson. 1920s
Label design for Edouard de la Rongere champagne of Epernay, France. circa late 19th century
Study of a bird, possibly a stork
Chantreys Famous Shot, with which he killed two woodcocks -- apparently the previous day he killed a hare and a rabbit, also with one shot. It is also claimed that he was blind in one eye
Studies of seagulls
Five studies of a cockerel
Duck Shooting on the Norfolk Broads. 1892
Cinderella with birds. early 20th century
Study of a heron in flight
Sing a song of sixpence, a pocket full of rye, Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie... 20th century
Label design for Huile de Venus, a lubricant oil for sexual comfort. Featuring a naked Venus riding on a sea shell, with Cupid, cherubs and doves. circa late 19th century
Duck in flightIllustration of a duck in flight
And all the little singing birds listen to the tune (The Fairy Flute). 1922
Label design for Huile de Venus and Creme de Venus, lubricant oil and cream for sexual comfort. Featuring the goddess Venus receiving a dish from Cupid, in a classical landscape. circa 18th century
Watercolour study of birds
A little cock sparrow sat on a tree, singing so blithe, so happy was he. A little boy came with his bow and arrow, and said I will shoot that little cock sparrow
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