WW2 Poster -- Flies Foul FoodFlies Foul Food. Your health depends on wholesome food - keep it covered from flies! Colour lithograph poster after 2nd Lt Stacey Hopper
WW2 Poster -- Your Release can be delayed with VDYour Release can be delayed with VD! Colour lithograph, British Army anti-venereal disease medical information poster, after 2nd Lieutenant Stacey Hopper
WW2 Poster -- Typhus, How Is It Spread?Information poster on typhus and how it is spread. Colour lithograph, British Army anti-typhus medical information poster, after 2nd Lieutenant Stacey Hopper
WW2 Poster -- Swat ItSwat It! Flies breed in hundreds at a time. Each one you kill means the end of hundreds yet unhatched! Colour lithograph poster after 2nd Lt Stacey Hopper, published 1944
WW2 Poster -- ATS Eyes Of The GunsATS Eyes Of The Guns. Recruitment poster, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Colour photolithograph by Beverley Pick, published by HMSO. Showing women helping with anti-aircraft defence. 1940
WW2 Poster -- Mosquitoes Mean MalariaOf tanks & guns there is no need, said Adolf to Benito, Just wait till they begin to breed, And leave it to Mosquito! Mosquitoes Mean Malaria
WW2 Poster -- Be PreparedA Story and a Warning, .Darkness brings Danger, Be Prepared. Colour photolithograph poster, published by The Times of India Press, Bombay
WW2 Poster -- Tablet dayTablet day! Colour lithograph poster after 2nd Lt Stacey Hopper. Medical related poster for British soldiers on active service in Italy
WW2 Poster -- Women of Britain Come Forward NowWomen of Britain -- These scientific instruments demand nimble fingers and quick brains. Come Forward Now. Recruitment poster, Auxiliary Territorial Service
WW2 Poster -- Flies Foul Food -- Keep Food CoveredFlies Foul Food - Diarrhoea and Dysentery Follow. Keep Food Covered! Colour lithograph poster after 2nd Lt Stacey Hopper
British anti-aircraft guns in action, Western Front, WW1British anti-aircraft guns in action, firing at German planes on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
British soldiers with anti-aircraft gun, Western Front, WW1British soldiers with an anti-aircraft gun camouflaged by bales of hay at harvest time, on the Western Front in France during World War One. circa 1916
Music cover design, Dreyfus, A Reverie, by Ezra ReadMusic cover design for Dreyfus, A Reverie, a piano composition by Ezra Read, published by The London Music Publishing Stores
British gunners snowballing, Western Front, WW1British anti-aircraft gunners snowballing during a rest break on the Western Front during World War One. circa 1916
First Aldermaston marchA group of demonstrators take part in a march from Trafalgar Square in London to the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment at Aldermaston
Disguising a German Shop - Start of WWIPostcard sent within six weeks of the start of WWI, depicting a German Shopkeeper in Britain hastily changing the livery of his store to something perfectly British
Guy Fawkes Festival, Lewes, SussexA man in costume at a Guy Fawkes (Bonfire Night) celebration at Lewes in Sussex takes a break from scaring people to enjoy half a pint of beer in the local pub
Royal Court Theatre group on Aldermaston MarchMembers of the Royal Court Theatre entering a field at Aldermaston with their banners for the first day of the 1959 Aldermaston March
Polish anti-war poster -- NiePolish anti-war poster of a ruined city in the silhouette of a falling bomb, with the single word Nie (No). Date: 1952
Arnold Wesker in anti-Polaris campaignThe playwright Arnold Wesker (born 1932) at the centre of a group of people sitting outside the Ministry of Defence in London
Aldermaston Marchers walking along a road on a sunny day, carrying CND placards and flags. Date: 1959
Victorian SmokersA lady and gentleman enjoy the cosy companionship of a shared cigarette. Quite shocking considering its about 1880. Date: c.1880
Russell Anti-NuclearANTI-NUCLEAR DEMONSTRATION - Bertrand Russell addresses the crowd in Trafalgar Square, London. Date: 1961
World War Two information posterA poster from the Second World War advisting the public to keep quiet to avoid inadvertently passing information to the enemy
Anti-Flu MasksA man and a woman wearing anti-flu masks. These masks cover the nose and mouth and are designed to prevent germs spreading. They may work but they look very curious! Date: 1920s
Anti-Polaris Demo 1961A long line of anti-Polaris demonstrators walk down Whitehall towards Westminster, past the statue of Earl Haig. Date: February 1961
Anti-Capitalism DemoAn anti-capitalism demonstration with police escort in London. Date: May Day 1931
Turnham Grn Nuke DemoCampaigners for nuclear disarmament at Turnham Green on the first day of the Aldermaston March Date: March 1958
Turnham Green Nuke DemoCampaigners for nuclear disarmament at Turnham Green on the last day of the Aldermaston March Date: 1959
Aldermaston March 1958Second day of the Aldermaston March Date: 1958
Aldermaston March Day 2The Aldermaston March at Turnham Green Date: 1958
Ban the Bomb or Human?" Which is to be Banned ? The Bomb or the Human ?" Campaigners for Nuclear Disarmament marching at Aldermaston. Date: 1958
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