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Aged Collection

Background imageAged Collection: Tragic parachute accident of Mr Cocking

Tragic parachute accident of Mr Cocking
The tragic parachute accident of Mr R Cocking. The balloon ascended 5000 feet, the parachute was detached, was found to be damaged, and Mr Cocking fell to his death. He was 61 years old. 24 July 1837

Background imageAged Collection: Polish man and woman

Polish man and woman
A young Polish man and a middle-aged Polish woman. Date: 1959

Background imageAged Collection: Judging border terrier at Crufts Dog Show

Judging border terrier at Crufts Dog Show
A woman in a hat judging a border terrier at Crufts Dog Show. Date: 1963

Background imageAged Collection: Man and woman with cattle, Scotland

Man and woman with cattle, Scotland
A man and a woman with cattle in a remote rural area of Scotland. Date: 1930s

Background imageAged Collection: Woman enjoying a nice cup of tea

Woman enjoying a nice cup of tea
A middle aged woman sitting at a table, enjoying a nice cup of tea. early 20th century

Background imageAged Collection: Sketch of a middle-aged woman

Sketch of a middle-aged woman, looking pensive

Background imageAged Collection: Auxiliary Fire Service man during WW2

Auxiliary Fire Service man during WW2
An Auxiliary Fire Service (AFS) man during WW2, standing outside a telephone kiosk which bears a sign: London Fire Service Station

Background imageAged Collection: Items belonging to Edmond Stone, Steward on Titanic

Items belonging to Edmond Stone, Steward on Titanic
Assorted items belonging to Edmond J Stone, Steward on the ill-fated Titanic cruise ship which sank on 15 April 1912 -- two penknives, a pocket watch, two keys with brass tags

Background imageAged Collection: Two women laughing

Two women laughing. 20th century

Background imageAged Collection: Jovial elderly couple

Jovial elderly couple
A jolly elderly couple sit on a pebble-covered hillside by a hut, having a good old chuckle! circa 1930s

Background imageAged Collection: Postcard from Tom Mudd, RMS Titanic

Postcard from Tom Mudd, RMS Titanic
A handwritten postcard from Tom (Thomas Charles) Mudd to his mother in Halesworth, Suffolk

Background imageAged Collection: Portrait of a middle-aged man

Portrait of a middle-aged man
Head and shoulders portrait of a middle-aged man

Background imageAged Collection: Daventry old peoples home

Daventry old peoples home
At an old peoples home in Daventry, an eldery man and woman holding walking sticks stand in front of a table set for tea. She laughs as he puts his arm around her and says something to her

Background imageAged Collection: Women in Daventry old peoples home

Women in Daventry old peoples home
Three elderly women sit in armchairs chatting at an old peoples home in Daventry. One woman is laughing heartily. Date: 1964

Background imageAged Collection: Methodist Home for the Aged, Muswell Hill

Methodist Home for the Aged, Muswell Hill
Three old women sit in chairs on a patio outside the Methodist Home for the Aged in Muswell Hill, London. One of the women is getting up from her seat. Date: 1966

Background imageAged Collection: Muswell Hill old peoples home

Muswell Hill old peoples home
Two old ladies stop to talk in a corridor at an old peoples home in Muswell Hill, London. One woman holds a pile of leaflets/posters and the other smiles and holds up a flower. Date: 1966

Background imageAged Collection: Men in Daventry old peoples home

Men in Daventry old peoples home
A group of elderly men sit in armchairs in a room watching television in an old peoples home in Daventry, Northhamptonshire. Date: 1964

Background imageAged Collection: Bed-ridden woman at old peoples home

Bed-ridden woman at old peoples home
A woman who has been bed-ridden for twenty years at an old peoples home in Daventry stares at a television from under her sheets. Date: 1964

Background imageAged Collection: Medication time at old peoples home

Medication time at old peoples home
At an old peoples home in Daventry, a nurse with a tray of medicines arrives at a table where old women are having tea, to supply them with the correct pills. Date: 1964

Background imageAged Collection: Middle-aged woman with potted plants

Middle-aged woman with potted plants
A middle-aged woman, smartly dressed, sitting in front of a window surrounded by potted plants including an aspidistra. C.1910

Background imageAged Collection: Middle-aged couple standing in front of greenhouse

Middle-aged couple standing in front of greenhouse
A middle-aged couple standing in front of a greenhouse

Background imageAged Collection: Middle-aged couple on a pebbly beach

Middle-aged couple on a pebbly beach

Background imageAged Collection: Man and woman on the beach, Newquay, Cornwall

Man and woman on the beach, Newquay, Cornwall
A man and a woman sitting in deckchairs on the beach at Newquay, Cornwall, with an oriental-style parasol to shade them from the sun. 1934

Background imageAged Collection: Woman in a garden

Woman in a garden
A woman in hat and scarf, standing in a garden

Background imageAged Collection: Workman standing outside a building

Workman standing outside a building
A middle-aged workman in dirty clothes, standing outside a building with his glasses on his forehead

Background imageAged Collection: Workman with spade

Workman with spade
A middle-aged workman standing in a yard with a large spade

Background imageAged Collection: Workman in overalls with barrel

Workman in overalls with barrel
A middle-aged workman in overalls, standing next to a barrel

Background imageAged Collection: Middle-aged couple in a garden

Middle-aged couple in a garden
A middle-aged, well-dressed couple standing in a garden. He is in plus fours and golfing socks, and is filling his pipe from a pouch

Background imageAged Collection: Air raid warden, WW2

Air raid warden, WW2
A female air raid warden in her tin helmet during the Second World War. circa 1940s

Background imageAged Collection: Two women in a garden

Two women in a garden. A middle-aged woman is sitting down, ready to be photographed by a younger woman who has a camera on a tripod

Background imageAged Collection: Middle-aged woman in a garden

Middle-aged woman in a garden
A middle-aged woman sitting in a garden in front of an ivy-covered wall

Background imageAged Collection: Woman and child in St Stephens Gardens

Woman and child in St Stephens Gardens
A middle aged woman, Mrs Bidgood, and a little girl, inside one of the flats in St Stephens Gardens, near Westbourne Grove, London. Date: 1961

Background imageAged Collection: Two men in Modena, Italy

Two men in Modena, Italy
Two middle aged men while away the time in Modena, northern Italy. One of them is asleep, while the other sits with his head resting on his fist

Background imageAged Collection: Football in Hyde Park

Football in Hyde Park
Two men, one middle aged, one young, playing football in Hyde Park, London, on an autumn day with fallen leaves on the ground. Date: 1962

Background imageAged Collection: Men at the London Docks

Men at the London Docks
Two middle aged men at the London Docks -- the one on the left is holding a small clipboard, while the one on the right is relaxing on a bicycle. Date: 1959

Background imageAged Collection: Women on a street in Rome

Women on a street in Rome
Women sitting and standing on a pavement in a street in Rome. Date: 1956

Background imageAged Collection: Woman with toddler in Southam Street, London

Woman with toddler in Southam Street, London
A middle aged woman with a toddler in Southam Street, North Kensington, London

Background imageAged Collection: Watching a comic sketch at a WI meeting, Essex

Watching a comic sketch at a WI meeting, Essex

Background imageAged Collection: Woman at a bingo hall, Parkhill Estate, Sheffield

Woman at a bingo hall, Parkhill Estate, Sheffield
A middle aged woman sits lost in thought at a bingo hall on the Parkhill Estate, Sheffield. Date: 1963

Background imageAged Collection: Two women playing bingo, Parkhill Estate, Sheffield

Two women playing bingo, Parkhill Estate, Sheffield
Two women playing bingo at a hall on the Parkhill Estate, Sheffield. Date: 1961

Background imageAged Collection: Man at the London Docks

Man at the London Docks
A middle aged man stands in the road at the London Docks in front of a large painted arrow on some corrugated iron. He is possibly directing traffic during road works. Date: 1959

Background imageAged Collection: Listening to the minutes at a WI meeting, Essex

Listening to the minutes at a WI meeting, Essex
A large audience of women listen to the minutes being read at a meeting of the Marks Tey Womens Institute in Colchester, Essex -- it all looks very serious. Date: 1961

Background imageAged Collection: Old lady at a Methodist care home

Old lady at a Methodist care home
A smiling elderly lady in her room at a Methodist home for the aged in Muswell Hill, North London. Date: 1960s

Background imageAged Collection: Broken down Power Boat

Broken down Power Boat
A balding, overweight middle- aged man attempts to mend his power boat engine! Date: 1960s

Background imageAged Collection: Girl Chasing a Balloon

Girl Chasing a Balloon
A girl, aged 2 and a half, running after her balloon in the park. Date: circa 1968

Background imageAged Collection: Old Woman / Home / Mayne

Old Woman / Home / Mayne
An old woman stares into the photographers lens at an Old Peoples Home in Daventry Date: 1964

Background imageAged Collection: Middle Aged Skier

Middle Aged Skier
A middle-aged man skiing. Date: 1960s

Background imageAged Collection: Two ladies sitting out on the terrace

Two ladies sitting out on the terrace
Two rather stern-faced ladies sit outside on an English terrace in large wicker chairs. Photograph by Ralph Ponsonby Watts Date: circa 1912

Background imageAged Collection: Just before closing time in a London pub

Just before closing time in a London pub

Background imageAged Collection: Canine Gravestone

Canine Gravestone
The grave of Memere beloved dog and World War One mascot, born 2 August 1914, died aged 15 years old. Date: 1930s

Background imageAged Collection: Policeman Directs Lady

Policeman Directs Lady
A friendly young policeman points a middle-aged lady in the right direction. Date: 1960s

Background imageAged Collection: St Bernard drinking from a tap

St Bernard drinking from a tap
A St. Bernard puppy, Totila, owned by McKenna, aged ten weeks. Totila drinks water straight from an outdoor tap while his little friend watches. Date: 1976

Background imageAged Collection: Doctor & Nurse 1960S

Doctor & Nurse 1960S
A middle-aged doctor, stethoscope in hand, chats to an attractive young nurse. Date: 1960s

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