Disused tram, Blackpool St Annes & Lytham TramwaysA disused tram of the Blackpool St Annes & Lytham Tramways, damaged and rusting in the open air
Advert for Booths Gin, 1937, London Date: 1937
Advertisement for Viota cake mixes, marketed by Stoddart & Hansford Ltd of Islington Green, London
Balloon event, Charles Green, MacclesfieldCharles Green ballooning poster advertising his 74th ascent, under the patronage of the Mayor and Magistrates, from the Gas Works near Waters Green, Macclesfield
Advertising Bill PosterPeople You See. From Teddy Bear (12 November 1966)
Balloon event, Charles Green, StockportCharles Green ballooning poster advertising his 75th ascent, from Stockport, under the patronage of Henry Hodgkinson, the Mayor, with a second ascent from Castle Yard, a band of music in attendance
Balloon event, Charles Green, LeicesterCharles Green ballooning poster, advertising his 411th ascent in his Royal Victoria Balloon, from the Cricket Ground, Leicester. With special trains laid on from nearby cities. 27 June 1849
Balloon event, Charles Green, ChichesterCharles Green ballooning poster advertising his 25th ascent in the Coronation Balloon under the patronage of the Mayor, from the Gas Works, Chichester. 9 November 1824
Balloon event, Charles Green, StowmarketCharles Green ballooning poster, advertising his 413rd ascent, from the Vicarage Grounds, Stowmarket in his Royal Victoria Balloon
Poster advertising British military uniform, WW1Poster advertising British military uniform, The Studington Military Kit... obtainable only from Studd & Millington Ltd, Military Tailors. Chromolithograph poster, 1914 (c)
WW1 Poster -- Silver BulletsYou have in your pocket Silver Bullets that will stop the Germans. Lend them to your Country by investing in the War Loan today
The Greatest War Pictures ever Published, WW1The Greatest War Pictures ever Published, 1915 (c). Relief half-tone advertising poster for The Globe Fine Art Company. With 21 small reproductions of fine art prints from World War One. 1915
Colour poster - British MilitaryMaking his Mouth Water, 1899
Ovaltine advertising. Two young girls on a toy horse, one with a tin of Ovaltine. Date: circa 1920
Photolithograph - British MilitaryTwo Great Leaders. Colour photolithograph reproducing a poster advertising a brand of stomach tonic (Horehound Beer), alongside a portrait of Lord Roberts, 1902 (c)
WW2 Poster -- Union Jack on sale hereUnion Jack On Sale Here - Daily Except Sunday. Poster advertising the newspaper Union Jack, 1943-1944. 1944
Hillmans Airways Essex Airport PosterPoster, Hillmans Airways, Essex Airport, offering flights from London to Paris (no passports required), Belfast, Liverpool and the Isle of Man, with prices and flight durations. 20th century
Vauxhall Royal Balloon ascentVauxhall Royal Balloon, constructed by C Green, containing several people, ascending from the Royal Gardens, Vauxhall, London. 9 September 1836
Poster advertising the Blue Star Line, the worlds most delightful cruising liner, showing an aerial view of a cruise liner, the Arandora Star
Hautier Progressive Metal ClutchesPoster for Hautier Progressive Metal Clutches circa 1910
Spangles Coronation advertisementLovely advertisement for Spangles fruit sweets - the sweet way to go gay - showing a crowd excitedly watching the Coronation and waving flags. Date: 1953
Poster design, Chicago Worlds Fair 1933, featuring a classical figure with arms raised, holding a model of the city. 1933
Leaflet design, LufthansaLeaflet design, Deutsche Lufthansa, offering Aerobus flights between Cologne and Frankfurt, and steamer trips on the Rhine between Cologne and Dusseldorf. circa 1926
Poster design for Illinois Central travelPoster design for Illinois Central, the road of travel luxury, featuring trips from Chicago and St Louis to the Gulf Coast (Beautiful Mississippi), offering sports all the year round. 20th century
Hercules bicycles Coronation advertisementAdvertisement for Hercules Bicycles, founded in 1910 in Birmingham, showing the street of a typical British town decorated with flags, swags and bunting for the 1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
Poster design for Southern Pacific railway, Golden State Limited, showing people heading for the train with their luggage. 20th century
Ballooning poster, Mr H GreenPoster advertising Mr H Greens second balloon ascent from the Great Northern Pleasure Grounds, Old St Pancras Road, near Kings Cross, London, his 233rd ascent in his Great Northern balloon
Imperial Airways Poster, flights to AustraliaImperial Airways Poster, advertising flights to Australia taking ten and a half days. 1935
Handbill for balloon race, Green brothersHandbill advertising a balloon race between Charles Green and his brother in two balloons, taking place from the Royal Gardens, Vauxhall, London, to celebrate the Queens birthday. 13 August 1835
Mr Grahams balloon ascent, Kew BridgePoster advertising Aerostation. Mr Grahams Sixteenth Ascent from the gardens of the Star & Garter Tavern, Kew Bridge, London. 4 April 1825
Poster advertising The Sporting Girl, or Newmarket, a racing musical comedy, depicting Poppy and her trainer
Poster Advertising Clement Bicycles and Cars circa 1902
Empire Marketing Board poster - cocoa pod gathering
Poster, Empress of Britain World CruisePoster advertising a world cruise on the Canadian Pacifics Empress of Britain cruise liner. 1934
Poster advertising Blue Star Line summer cruises to Norway, northern capitals and the land of the midnight sun. Depicting a typical couple in Scandinavian costume. circa 1930s
Poster design for Quebec Winter Sports, via Canadian Pacific, showing a couple on skis in in a snowy landscape. 20th century
Brochure illustration, W Barratt & Co Ltd, Northampton, showing the Footshape Works where the boots and shoes are made, with addresses of branches below, in London, Bradford, Brighton and Leicester
Poster advertising Prosper Lambert CarsPoster advertising a Prosper-Lambert four-seater automobile. circa 1905
Advertisement for Kinner Airplane and Motor Corporation
Poster, Zeppelin to South AmericaPoster advertising the German Zeppelin Hamburg-American Line, LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin airship service from Friedrichshafen, Germany, to Buenos Aires, Argentina. circa 1934
Poster design for Southern Pacific travel
Cunard Line Transatlantic Steamer Timetable posterTimetable poster advertising the journey times of the Transatlantic steamers of the Cunard Line with 2nd class and Cabin Fares lisited from Liverpool for New York, October 1910. 1910
Advertisement for Judy, featured in Tit-BitsAdvertisement for Judy, a womans thrilling adventures featured in Tit-Bits. Date: March 1953
The Revenge of Frankenstein at a cinemaThe Revenge of Frankenstein (starring Peter Cushing) advertised in sensational form outside a cinema. Date: 1958
Advertising artwork for a magazine, by David WrightAdvertising artwork by David Wright for a magazine, published in London by George Newnes Limited, printed by W Speight & Sons and Gordon & Gotch (Asia) Limited
Man with Dalmatians at Crufts Dog ShowA man with Dalmatians at Crufts Dog Show. Date: 1963
Poster advertising autumn in Germany. A kite flies high above idyllic countryside
Montfort underwear advert by David WrightAdvertisement for Montfort Undies by the pin-up artist David Wright, with the tag line, Because I like nice things. Well, don t we all? Date: c.1947
Advertisement for Liquore al Carciofo, a liqueur made from artichoke leaves, made at the Distillerie Subalpine, Turin, Italy. 20th century
Label design for lemon syrup or juice (Sirop de Citron Fantaisie). 20th century
Treport Mers travel posterFrench railway poster advertising Treport Mers on the Picardy coast, which
Advertisement for a Fair in Padua, ItalyAdvertisement for the 13th Fiera di Padova (a Fair in Padua), Italy, depicting a large red capital letter P on a postage stamp. 1931
Advertisement for Asiatisk The Compagni (Asiatic Tea Company) of Copenhagen, Denmark, showing a Japanese woman in traditional costume, with tea products. 20th century
Advertisement for Ro-Neon lighting, showing neon tubes in yellow and blue. 20th century
Advertisement for Mena House Hotel, Cairo, EgyptAdvertisement for the Mena House Hotel in Cairo, Egypt, with a colourful scene of the pyramids. 20th century
Label design for a chilled fruit juice or syrup (Sirop Glacial), showing a variety of fruit, including raspberries, strawberries, lemon, pomegranate, grapes and cherries. 20th century
Advertisement for two-piece swimsuitAdvertisement for a two-piece swimsuit, made of wool knitted with Lastex, by Brigance for Sinclair. 1960
Advertisement for Frys pure breakfast cocoa, showing a little boy carrying a giant tin of cocoa through the snow with his pet dog. 20th century
Advertisement for Adolf Weber tea, based in Chemnitz, Germany, showing a Japanese woman in traditional costume carrying a tea tray. 20th century
Label design for Sirop de Grenadine Fantaisie (grenadine syrup or juice). 20th century
Advertisement for Grand Hotel, Ngamplang, JavaAdvertisement for the Grand Hotel and golf course at Ngamplang, West Java, Indonesia. circa 1930s
Label design for Superior Bourbon Whiskey
Advertisement for lemon syrup or juiceAdvertisement for Royal Citron lemon syrup or juice, claimed to be the best of all. 20th century
Advertisement for Royal Mail Line cruises to Norway, with a view of mountains, a fjord and pine trees. circa 1930s
Poster for 13th International Motor Exhibition, Olympia, London, showing a classical figure (Mercury) at the wheel of a chariot-like car decorated with wings. November 1919
Advertisement -- Beer is Best -- showing pints of beer next to a shove ha penny pub game. 20th century
Advertisement for Maloja Palace Hotel, Engadine, SwitzerlandAdvertisement for the Maloja Palace Hotel, Engadine, Switzerland, showing a skier flying through the air. circa 1930s
Advertisement for Doyen champagne, showing a bottle superimposed on the profile of a woman, in gold to match the bottle foil. early 20th century
Advertisement for Ellimans Universal Embrocation, for the treatment of stiffness, sprains, aches and bruises. Showing an athletic young woman about to take a swipe at a golf ball. early 20th century
Advertisement for Calber cosmetic products (skin creams, soaps and perfumes), showing a woman diving into a bright blue sea. The company is based in San Sebastian, Spain. early 20th century
Memorial Service poster, Titanic disasterA poster advertising a Memorial Service at Battersea Town Hall, south London, on 28 April 1912, to remember those who lost their lives in the Titanic disaster. Date: April 1912
Advertisement for the Paris International Exhibition (Exposition Internationale), showing a hazy design with skyscrapers and beams of light. 1937
Advertisement for Cintura Calliano (the Calliano Belt), as seen at an exhibition in Turin in 1898. The belt was designed to combat seasickness
Label design for rum, probably White Star Rhum, depicting a Caribbean woman in a headscarf. circa 1930s
Label design for strawberry syrup or juice (Sirop de Fraises). 20th century
Advertisement for DAK motor vehiclesAdvertisement for DAK (Deutscher Automobil Konzern) motor vehicles, featuring a sports car, a saloon car, a farm vehicle and a bus (Dux, Magirus, Presto and Vomag). circa 1920s
Poster advertising Royal Mail Asturias Summer CruisesPoster advertising Royal Mail Summer Cruises on the Asturias cruise liner. 1935
Advertisement for Houbigant perfumes, emphasising the long history of the product from 1775 onwards. Featuring a basket of flowers. 20th century
Poster advertising Royal Mail Line Cruises to Norway. 20th century
Label design for VANA Rum from Martinique, showing a French colonial being served a glass by a native, with a map in the background. circa 20th century
Advertisement for Jordan Line Eight Brougham motor car, showing a stylish car against a painted landscape. 1925
Label design for anisette liqueur, also known as anis -- a drink tasting like licorice, extracted from the aniseed plant. 20th century
Advertisement for Delbeck Champagne, showing a wine waiter bringing a bottle of the best to elegant diners at a restaurant table. circa 1920s
Advertisement for ceramic tiles, with tiling on the floor, walls and ceiling of a smart new kitchen. circa 1960s
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