Nude by David WrightErotic painting by David Wright, best known for his pin ups, showing a nude woman from an unusual angle, with her legs and bottom in the light, and her back in the shadows. Date: c.1948
WW2 Poster -- What are you doing about Education?What are YOU doing about EDUCATION Army Education Poster, by Sgt H F (Fred) Darking (1911-1999), Royal Engineers. 1945
Design for textile with trees and shrubs. Charcoal on detail paper. Silver Studio. 1943
WW2 Poster -- Formation SignsFormation signs, dated 8 May 1945
WW2 Poster -- Join the ATSFill his place in jobs like these Join the ATS. Colour photolithograph recruitment poster, artist unknown, published by HMSO. Showing a cook, a clerk, a typist and a driver. 1940
WW2 Poster -- British tanks in actionBritish tanks hurled Italy out of Abyssinia, and in Libya completely wrecked Axis plans of conquest. Colour photolithograph. Associated with the Royal Armoured Corps. 1942
WW2 Poster -- Flies Foul FoodFlies Foul Food. Your health depends on wholesome food - keep it covered from flies! Colour lithograph poster after 2nd Lt Stacey Hopper
WW2 Poster -- Smash Em UpSmash em up, but theirs not ours. Colour lithograph after Starr. Tank recognition poster, showing the easily recognisable differences between British and German tanks. 1941
WW2 Poster -- Danger, Don t TouchDanger, Don t Touch. Poster signed top left, A. Games, published by HMSO, London
WW2 Poster -- Your Release can be delayed with VDYour Release can be delayed with VD! Colour lithograph, British Army anti-venereal disease medical information poster, after 2nd Lieutenant Stacey Hopper
WW2 Poster -- Army Officer and other badgesDistinctive Badges of Rank of Officers in the Army, showing corresponding ranks in Royal Navy, Army, & Royal Air Force. Colour lithograph published by Gale and Polden Limited, Aldershot
WW2 Poster -- be discreetYou may be a walking RAF - but don t let everyone know it! Be discreet! Colour lithograph by Sgt Norman Tiger Harrison, Royal Corps of Signals, India
WW2 Poster -- Keep mum, shes not so dumb
WW2 Poster -- Quick! Your binocularsQuick! Your binoculars. Supply poster, lithograph. Put your binoculars on Active Service Now! 1940
WW2 Poster -- ENSA Entertainments, Swing VoguePhotolithograph poster inscribed NaFI presents ENSA Entertainments for HM Forces. Its modern, its new, its bright, its Swing Vogue
WW2 Poster -- Typhus, How Is It Spread?Information poster on typhus and how it is spread. Colour lithograph, British Army anti-typhus medical information poster, after 2nd Lieutenant Stacey Hopper
WW2 Poster -- Swat ItSwat It! Flies breed in hundreds at a time. Each one you kill means the end of hundreds yet unhatched! Colour lithograph poster after 2nd Lt Stacey Hopper, published 1944
WW2 Poster -- Your Friends Are Needed NowYour Friends Are Needed Now. Urge Them To Join The ATS. Recruitment poster, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Colour photolithograph by Frank Newbould, published by HMSO
WW2 Poster -- ATS Eyes Of The GunsATS Eyes Of The Guns. Recruitment poster, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Colour photolithograph by Beverley Pick, published by HMSO. Showing women helping with anti-aircraft defence. 1940
WW2 Poster -- You are wanted too! Join the ATSYou Are Wanted Too! Join The ATS. Recruitment poster, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Colour photolithograph by unknown artist, published by HMSO
WW2 Poster -- Let Us Go Forward TogetherLet Us Go Forward Together. Colour photolithograph poster, with a picture of Winston Churchill in coat and hat, with British tanks and bombers behind him. 1939-1945
WW2 Poster -- Mightier YetMightier Yet! Britains Mechanised Army grows stronger every day. Recruitment poster produced by HMSO, printed by Greycaine Limited, showing Vickers Mark 2 medium tanks. 1940
WW2 Poster -- Malaria Strikes the UnprotectedMalaria Strikes the Unprotected, Darkness brings Danger, Be Prepared. Colour photolithograph poster published by the Times of India Press, Bombay, warning against malaria
WW2 Poster -- Buy Savings CertificatesBack them up! Buy Savings Certificates. Photolithograph poster, published by the National Savings Committee. 1940
WW2 Poster -- ATS recruitment posterATS recruitment poster. Every member of the ATS learns a job that will help her to earn her living in the post-war world. Auxiliary Territorial Service
WW2 Poster -- Mosquitoes Mean MalariaOf tanks & guns there is no need, said Adolf to Benito, Just wait till they begin to breed, And leave it to Mosquito! Mosquitoes Mean Malaria
WW2 Poster -- the ATS wants CooksThe ATS wants Cooks. Recruitment poster, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Colour photolithograph, artist unknown, published by HMSO
Design for Printed Textile in brown and beige. Watercolour on copy paper. Silver Studio. 1941
WW2 Poster -- Don t Waver, Help WavellDont Waver, Help Wavell. En---ds War Weapons Week, 17-24 May 1940
WW2 Poster -- Be PreparedA Story and a Warning, .Darkness brings Danger, Be Prepared. Colour photolithograph poster, published by The Times of India Press, Bombay
WW2 Poster -- Tablet dayTablet day! Colour lithograph poster after 2nd Lt Stacey Hopper. Medical related poster for British soldiers on active service in Italy
WW2 Poster -- This Is The YearThis Is The Year! Its Up To Us To Let Em Have It! Colour photolithograph after Clive Upton. 1944
WW2 poster, activities of 52 (Lowland) DivisionScreen-print poster, published circa 1950, showing the activities of the 52nd Lowland Division during the Second World War, with a map of Northern Europe, and unit badges along the top and bottom
WW2 Poster -- ATS Carry The MessagesATS Carry The Messages. Recruitment poster, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Colour photolithograph by Beverley Pick, published by HMSO. 1940
WW2 Poster - Is Your Journey Really Necessary?Is Your Journey Really Necessary? Colour photocopy of a poster, issued by and published for the Railway Executive Committee. Signed lower right, Bert Tyomps
WW2 Poster -- Smash Japanese AggressionSmash Japanese Aggression. Propaganda poster, colour lithograph, showing the Gloucester Regiment in action. 1945
WW2 Poster -- National SavingsThe Most You Can Save Is The Least They Deserve. Coloured photolithograph poster after Elgar. Published by the National Savings Committee and His Majestys Stationery Office
WW2 Poster -- Map of the British ArmyA Map of the British Army with Battle Honours, Military Achievements and Regimental Badges, first published in 1944 by HM Forces Savings Committee
WW2 Poster -- ATS recruitmentEnquire about service in the ATS at... Recruitment poster, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Colour photolithograph, artist unknown, published by HMSO. 1940
WW2 Poster -- Women of Britain Come Forward NowWomen of Britain -- These scientific instruments demand nimble fingers and quick brains. Come Forward Now. Recruitment poster, Auxiliary Territorial Service
WW2 Poster -- ATS At The WheelATS At The Wheel. Recruitment poster, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Colour photolithograph by Beverley Pick, published by HMSO. 1940
WW2 Poster -- Back Them UpBack Them Up! Colour photolithograph printed by Fosh and Cross Ltd, published by HMSO. Showing a British Commando raid on a German-held port in Norway. 1940
WW2 Poster -- Volunteer ATSif you are over 17 and a half or 18, under 19, Volunteer ATS. Recruitment poster, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Colour photolithograph by unknown artist, published by HMSO. 1940
WW2 Poster -- Serve in SilenceServe in Silence. Se Taire C est Servir. Colour photolithograph, with a profile of Britannia against a Union Jack flag. 1940
WW2 Poster -- Auxiliary Territorial ServiceAuxiliary Territorial Service (ATS), the new womens service, recruitment poster. Colour photolithograph, artist unknown, published by HMSO. Showing a woman in uniform blowing a bugle. 1940
WW2 Poster -- Theres a grand job waitingTheres a grand job waiting - you can still volunteer, ATS. Recruitment poster, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Colour photolithograph, artist unknown, published by HMSO. 1940
WW2 Poster -- Camouflage HintsCamouflage Hints. Printed poster designed by Sgt H F (Fred) Darking (1911-1999), Royal Engineers, showing how to use camouflage nets to restrict visibility from the air. 1940s
WW2 Poster -- Union Jack on sale hereUnion Jack On Sale Here - Daily Except Sunday. Poster advertising the newspaper Union Jack, 1943-1944. 1944
WW2 Poster -- 10th Essex in War and PeaceWith The 10th Essex in War and Peace. Colour photolithograph poster with a wartime scene, after Norman Howard, published by the Essex Regiment Museum, 1990
WW2 Poster -- War Supplies For RussiaWar Supplies For Russia. Coloured photolithograph after Blake. A convoy of British and American lorries streams along the Persian route to Russia. 1942
WW2 Poster -- Careless Talk Costs Livesbut for Heavens sake don t say I told you! Careless Talk Costs Lives. Colour photolithograph poster by Cyril Kenneth Bird (Fougasse)
WW2 Poster -- Flies Foul Food -- Keep Food CoveredFlies Foul Food - Diarrhoea and Dysentery Follow. Keep Food Covered! Colour lithograph poster after 2nd Lt Stacey Hopper
Poster for Locarno on the Swiss Riviera. The town is located on the northern tip of Lake Maggiore (Lago Maggiore) in the Swiss canton of Ticino, close to Ascona at the foot of the Alps 1944
Illustration, Jersey in Jail, man and two womenIllustration, Jersey in Jail, showing a thin man whose trousers are too big for him, chatting with two women -- Very few have any superfluous fat of their own. 1940-1945
Nude pin-up by David WrightPin-up by David Wright, almost entirely nude, save for a pair of high heeled shoes and a book she has been reading placed strategically in her lap. Date: c.1945
Evacuation - World War Two - Children Safer in the CountryEvacuation - World War Two - Children are Safer in the Country.... leave them there. Governement advice recommending children stay away from the big cities and targets of the bombers. circa 1942
Armstrong-Whitworth Whitley Mk. V aeroplaneArmstrong-Whitworth Whitley Mk. V Z6625 aeroplane in camouflage colours. 1940s
Illustration, Jersey in Jail, Nazi soldiers in the streetIllustration, Jersey in Jail, showing Nazi soldiers marching down a street -- Sing, all you mis-begotten bounders, sing. 1940-1945
Supermarine Type 365 Spitfire aeroplaneSupermarine Type 365 Spitfire P.R. Mk. XI aeroplane, in blue with black and white stripes. 1940s
Handley Page Harrow K6962 aeroplane in camouflage colours. 1940s
Beauty on Parade, American Weekly pin up by David WrightPin-up by David Wright featuring a red-haired woman in a pale blue negligee gazing at her reflection in a hand mirror. 1947
Play the Game Football book coverFront cover of a book depicting a young boy kicking a football on the front cover. Date: c.1941
Westland Wyvern VP120 aeroplane, in silver. 1940s
Illustration, Jersey in Jail, farmingIllustration, Jersey in Jail, showing people farming -- Within a year, very few were still working on the land. 1940-1945
Boeing B-17 aeroplanes, one in blue, the other in camouflage colours. 1940s
Martin Baker M. B. 5 aeroplaneMartin Baker M.B.5 aeroplane in camouflage colours. 1940s
RAF Poster, Help Britain Finish The Job! WW2RAF Poster, Help Britain Finish The Job! Showing two British Hawker Hurricane fighters flying over a British aircraft carrier at sea during the Second World War
Heather Honey by David Wright showing a semi-naked woman covered by a diaphanous black negligee. Wright produced a series of over 160 illustrations or pin-ups for The Sketch during the 1940 s
Westland Whirlwind aeroplanesWestland Aircraft Ltd, Whirlwind aeroplanes, mostly in camouflage colours. 1940s
Caring for Evacuated Mothers and babiesPublic Information poster issued by the Ministry of Health relating to the caring of evacuated babies during the bombing of Britain
Ministry of Health Poster - EvacuationShes in the Ranks too! Caring for Evacuees is a National Service circa 1942
Illustration, Jersey in Jail, squadrons overheadIllustration, Jersey in Jail, with people excited to see British squadrons flying overhead, giving them hopes of liberation. 1940-1945
Cover design, Lady Arabellas Birthday Party, by Margaret and Mary Baker. Showing a chaotic party with children misbehaving. 1940
Esme in Blue by David WrightBeautiful portrait of the artists wife, Esme by David Wright, better known for his pin ups. She sits with her arms folded and looks over her shoulder while wearing a turban style scarf on her head
Fairey Battle K9182 aeroplane in camouflage paint. 1940s
The Sky Devils Air Circus PosterPoster, The Sky Devils Air Circus, Great 1944 Display, 10 years ahead of its time! Come and win 500. Issued by Air Pageants Ltd. 1944
Save Power at Work - Help your Fuel WatcherWorld War Two public information poster for the Ministry of Food & Power - Save Power at Work. " Hi! Don t leave that machine running idle! And turn off that Blue Pencil Light!" circa 1940s
Cover design, Jersey in Jail 1940-45, by Horace Wyatt, with illustrations by Edmund Blampied. 1940-1945
Bristol Beaufighter Mk. 1F aeroplaneBristol Beaufighter Mk.1F MM856 aeroplane in camouflage colours. 1940s
Supermarine Spitfire and Hawker Tempest aeroplanesSupermarine Spitfire Mk. 1, Supermarine Spitfire Mk.Vb, and Hawker Tempest aeroplanes, all in camouflage paint. 1940s
Westland Wapiti 1 aeroplaneWestland Wapiti 1 of No. 601 (County of London) Squadron, Auxiliary Air Force. 1940s
Pin-up calendar girl by David Wright, 1950A woman with her red hair swept up in a bun, poses elegantly in some diaphanous lingerie as she speaks on a red telephone. Date: 1950
Poster - Ministry of Health Evacuation SchemeMothers - let them go - give them a chance of greater safety and health. Public Information poster issued by the Ministry of Health Evacuation Scheme circa 1942
Illustration, Jersey in Jail, freedomIllustration, Jersey in Jail, showing people celebrating their freedom at the end of the war. 1940-1945
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